
пятница, 27 сентября 2024 г.

Информация от внеземных цивилизаций - Information from extraterrestrial civilizations - Informoj de eksterteraj civilizacioj - epub 1-35 - Russian-English-Esperanto

Информация от внеземных цивилизаций [Кассиопея 1-35]
Информация, переданная нашими космическими друзьями через Ирину Подзорову, контактёра с внеземными цивилизациями.

Общение с духами
Информация от внеземных цивилизаций
Информация от внеземных цивилизаций - 2
Устройство мироздания и духовный мир
Встречи с фантомами Христа, Богородицы, Кришны и духом пророка Мухаммеда
Тайны вселенной и духовное развитие
Тайны вселенной и духовное развитие-2
Контактеры, Высшее Я, внеземные цивилизации, духовный мир
Межзвёздный союз и сотрудничество цивилизаций
Повышение осознанности и вибраций ноосферы Земли
Как стать творцом своей вселенной
Признаки духовного пробуждения
Энергетические сущности из тонкого мира
Наука образности-
Как научиться чувствовать энергии?
Истинная любовь, осознанность, духовные вибрации
Человек Бог: ключ к истинной вере, просветление -
Психосоматика болезней: подсознание, иммунитет, духовность, позитивное мышление
Космохилинг и Межгалактическая Медицинская Служба
Внеземной разум о сознании землян. Как работает мышление человека? Структура Духа
Цели эзотериков на Земле
Практики от инопланетных цивилизаций
Межзвездный союз
Наука и технологии - Финансы и инвестиции - Физический контакт
Дух, душа и тело
Религия и мировоззрение-1
Религия и мировоззрение-2-Астрал
Родители и дети
Духовные и физические причины событий
Путь развоплощенной Души
Творение материи из энергии пространства
Карма - закон мироздания
Понятие судьбы человека
Заповеди блаженств и кармические узлы
Наша настоящая история от инопланетных цивилизаций
Описание Духовного мира с 1 по 24 Уровень
7 встреч с фантомом Иисуса Христа

Information from extraterrestrial civilizations [Cassiopeia 1-35]
Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial civilizations.

0.Our real history from extraterrestrial civilizations -
00.Encyclopedia of Cassiopeia - information from extraterrestrial civilizations
000.Meetings with the phantom of Jesus Christ

Communication with spirits
Information from extraterrestrial civilizations
Information from extraterrestrial civilizations - 2
The structure of the universe and the spiritual world
Meetings with the phantoms of Christ, the Virgin Mary, Krishna and the spirit of the prophet Muhammad
Secrets of the universe and spiritual development
Secrets of the universe and spiritual development-2
Contactees, Higher Self, extraterrestrial civilizations, spiritual world
Interstellar union and cooperation of civilizations
Increasing awareness and vibrations of the Earth's noosphere
How to become the creator of your universe
Signs of spiritual awakening
Energy entities from the subtle world
The science of imagery -
How to learn to feel energies?
True love, awareness, spiritual vibrations
Man God: the key to true faith, enlightenment -
Psychosomatics of diseases: subconscious, immunity, spirituality, positive thinking
Cosmohealing and Intergalactic Medical Service
Extraterrestrial intelligence about the consciousness of earthlings. How does human thinking work? The Structure of the Spirit
The Goals of Esotericists on Earth
Practices from Alien Civilizations
Interstellar Union
Science and Technology - Finance and Investments - Physical Contact
Spirit, Soul and Body
Religion and Worldview-1
Religion and Worldview-2-Astral
Parents and Children
Spiritual and Physical Causes of Events
The Path of the Disembodied Soul
Creation of Matter from the Energy of Space
Karma - the law of the universe
The concept of human destiny
Beatitudes and Karmic Knots

Informoj de eksterteraj civilizacioj [KASIOPEО 1-35]
Informoj transdonitaj de niaj kosmaj amikoj pere de Irina Podzorova, kontaktitino kun eksterteraj civilizacioj.

0. Nia reala historio el eksterteraj civilizacioj
- 00. Enciklopedio de Kasiopeo - informoj el eksterteraj civilizacioj
000. Renkontiĝoj kun la fantomo de Jesuo Kristo

Komunikado kun spiritoj
Informoj de eksterteraj civilizacioj
Informoj de eksterteraj civilizacioj - 2
La strukturo de la universo kaj la spirita mondo
Renkontiĝoj kun la fantomoj de Kristo, la Dipatrino, Kriŝno kaj la spirito de la profeto Mohamedo
Sekretoj de la universo kaj spirita evoluo
Sekretoj de la universo kaj spirita evoluo-2
Kontaktitoj, Supera Memo, eksterteraj civilizacioj, spirita mondo
Interstela kuniĝo kaj kunlaboro de civilizacioj
Pligrandiganta konscion kaj vibroj de la Tera noosfero
Kiel fariĝi la kreinto de via universo
Signoj de spirita vekiĝo
Energiaj estaĵoj el la subtila mondo
La scienco de bildoj -
Kiel lerni senti energiojn?
Vera amo, konscio, spiritaj vibroj
Homo Dio: la ŝlosilo al vera fido, klerismo -
Psikosomatiko de malsanoj: subkonscio, imuneco, spiriteco, pozitiva pensado
Kosmohealing kaj Intergalactic Medical Service
Ekstertera inteligenteco pri la konscio de teranoj. Kiel funkcias homa pensado? Strukturo de la Spirito
Celoj de esoteristoj sur la Tero
Praktikoj de fremdaj civilizacioj
Interstela Unio
Scienco kaj teknologio - Financo kaj investoj - Fizika kontakto
Spirito, animo kaj korpo
Religio kaj mondkoncepto-1
Religio kaj mondkoncepto-2-Astraj
Gepatroj kaj infanoj
Spiritaj kaj fizikaj kaŭzoj de eventoj
La vojo de la senkorpa Animo
Kreado de materio el la energio de la spaco
Karmo - la leĝo de la universo
La koncepto de homa destino
La Beatecoj kaj Karmaj Nodoj

среда, 18 сентября 2024 г.

Cassiopeia - Official site in English - epub ebooks - EN-DE-FR-EO

Cassiopeia - Official site in English.epub

Cassiopeia - Offizielle Website auf Englisch - Deutsch.epub

Cassiopeia - Site officiel en anglais - French.epub

Kasiopeo - Oficiala retejo el la angla al Esperanto .epub Official site in English

The Goals and Principles of Cassiopeia Project
Using all the opportunities and resources, convey to humanity the information, knowledge, and principles of the Universe structure, transmitted by the representatives of the Interstellar Union of our galaxy through the contactee Irina Podzorova, so that our civilization significantly increases the collective level of awareness and perception of spiritual vibrations and physical reality.

Spreading the light of knowledge among those who seek and need it.

Real help to people in awakening and establishing communication with their Higher Self in order to know their true nature.

Spiritual and Physical Development of Mankind
Creation (including, if necessary, construction) in the country and abroad of centers of Spiritual growth for the education and training of all comers.

An emphasis on learning and developing people’s ability to communicate, given that about 50% of all of us are open to contact in general. It is important to be able to balance and harmonize these abilities.

Mass Availability
All people working and practicing at the Center for Spiritual Growth will transfer their knowledge to those in need solely on the basis of the Donation principle (voluntary payment according to the heart).

Love as a World-changing Energy
Organization of a dialogue with ANY energy structures exclusively through Love.


Irina Podzorova – liaison with the Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

Cassiopeia Project’s mission is to convey to humanity the unique information, unparalleled knowledge, and principles of the Infinite Universe’s structure, transmitted by representatives of the Interstellar Union of our galaxy through channeler and contactee Irina Podzorova , in order for our civilization to raise collective spiritual vibrations to a level that will allow us, having fulfilled the necessary conditions for this, to join the Interstellar Union as an equally qualified member.

Irina Podzorova lives in Voronezh, Russia. All information is translated from the Russian language.

Cassiopeia- What is HIGHER SELF ? - EN - FR - DE- EO- RU - epub - mp3 Official site in English

Cassiopee - Qu'est-ce que le SOI SUPERIEUR _.epub Cassiopeia - le SOI SUPERIEUR.mp3 Cassiopeia – Was ist das HOHERE SELBST.mp3 Cassiopeia – Was ist das HOHERE SELBST_.epub Cassiopeia- What is HIGHER SELF.epub Cassiopeia- What is HIGHER SELF.mp3 Kasiopeo- Kio estas SUPERA MEMO.epub Kasiopeo. Kio estas SUPERA MEMO.mp3 Кассиопея — Что такое ВЫСШЕЕ Я.mp3 Кассиопея-Что такое высшее я .epub

вторник, 17 сентября 2024 г.

CASSIOPEIA - Irina Podzorova - Our real history from alien civilizations - Google translated into ENglish - epub-mp3



CASSIOPEIA - Irina Podzorova - Our real history from alien civilizations -

Information transmitted by our space friends through Irina Podzorova, a contactee with extraterrestrial civilizations.












About 5 million years ago, our planet was discovered by representatives of the planet Tumesout, an ancient humanoid civilization from the constellation Orion (all extraterrestrial names in the article reflect pronunciation in the languages ​​of aliens). In appearance, they are very similar to earthlings, but they are 5-8 meters tall. The distance from the planet Tumesout to the Sun is 1360 light years, but the ships of highly developed alien races cover such distances almost instantly, using so-called gravitational engines based on quantum particles of gravitons, the speed of which is many times greater than the speed of photons (particles that carry light). The physical laws known to us are not violated, since instead of moving at superluminal speed, another process takes place, a detailed description of which is beyond the scope of this article.

Our discoverers arrived on Earth in a ship that looked like a giant pyramid. Millions of years later, they arrived in ships of a similar shape. Because of this, some of the pyramids on the planet were then built by earthlings in the hope that, by repeating the shape of the alien ships, they too would be able to fly to the stars in similar structures. The most famous pyramids were created under the guidance and with the participation of the Tumesoutians, primarily for the exchange of energy between the Earth and space. It was the Tumesoutians, due to their phenomenal height for earthlings, who entered our legends, myths and sacred writings as fairy-tale giants; it was they who became the prototypes of the giant statues on Easter Island and other famous sculptures of giants.

Having studied the planet, the Tumesout scientists discovered that there was no intelligent life on Earth (as we later called it); however, there was a unique diversity of flora and fauna, which markedly distinguished our planet from other planets in the Galaxy where organic forms of matter could exist. At that time, the Earth's orbit was closer to the Sun than it is now, so there was no winter on the planet at all: there was a single continent and very favorable conditions for the rapid development of organic life. The Moon was a separate planet in the Solar System, that is, it was not a satellite of the Earth, so its direct influence on the planet was absent.

Tumesout biologists decided to create a hybrid intelligent being on the planet by combining their genetic material and the genetic material of terrestrial animals suitable for these purposes. Having thoroughly studied the animal world of our planet, the geneticists of our ancestors selected representatives of the order of primates similar to modern chimpanzees for experiments. (At first, the aliens wanted to wait for the results of the natural evolution of primates and their transformation into an intelligent race; however, for a very long time this did not happen). At the same time, the discovery of the planet was reported to the community of civilizations of our Galaxy, which is called (in our translation) the Interstellar Galactic Union. Now it includes 116 of the 727 intelligent civilizations of our Galaxy, which we call the Milky Way. Soon, representatives of two more very ancient civilizations arrived on the planet - a humanoid from the planet Burkhad (the constellation Cygnus, 670 light years from the Sun) and a reptilian from the planet Selbet (the constellation Canes Venatici, 730 light years from the Sun). At the same time, the planet Burkhad was and is the official capital of the Interstellar Union. Nevertheless, over the next million years or so, experiments to create a new intelligent being on Earth were conducted only using genetic material from the Tumesoutians and terrestrial primates. (Here it is necessary to keep in mind that the life expectancy in developed alien worlds is orders of magnitude greater than ours: for example, the Burkhadians live 10-15 thousand years, and this is far from the limit).

But despite all the efforts and a long period of genetic experiments, it was not possible to create an intelligent being, since the DNA of primates did not combine with the DNA of the inhabitants of Tumesout. Therefore, approximately 4 million years ago, scientists from Burkhad and Selbet actively joined the experiment. The genes of the inhabitants of Burkhad and the reptilians of Selbet were added to the DNA of the future hybrid in a certain combination. It was after a significant proportion of the genes of Burkhad had been added to this genetic code that, approximately 3 million years ago, it was finally possible to breed the planned genetic hybrid. Thus, its DNA contained a combination of genes of four creatures - three extraterrestrial races and terrestrial primates. Subsequently, this hybrid developed into a human. At the same time, the main achievement of the alien scientists was precisely that they managed to breed a creature with a physiology and energy that was suitable for the embodiment of an intelligent soul from the spiritual world - which, in fact, is the criterion for declaring any creature intelligent. That is, as a result, the arrival of intelligent souls into the bodies of the created hybrids began to occur – in the same mode that exists in us now (during the process of conception and pregnancy). You can read in detail about the structure of the spiritual world – our original “home” – in a special article by Irina Podzorova on this topic.

And now about the proportions in which the genes of our ancestors entered into the DNA of the originally created earthly people:

Terrestrial primates - 45%

Gods - 35%

Tumesoutki - 15%

Selbetovtsy - 5%

That's how it is... So now, dear readers, we know who we really are from a genetic point of view. We have a total of 55% alien genes and 45% genes from the ancestors of modern monkeys. This means that both traditional scientists who insist on our origin from monkeys and esotericists who believe in our alien roots are partly right. As often happens, the truth is somewhere in the middle... But there is still a little more "alien blood" in us. However, 5% of it are specific reptilian genes, which, in particular, gave our race a certain toughness (and sometimes cruelty), will, courage, determination and other qualities that are sometimes called fighting qualities. So, our genetic age is now also known - 3 million years. Outwardly, we then resembled modern people of the European race, but with a height of about 4 meters, since the genes of the tall Tumesoutians turned out to be dominant over the genes of the other participants in the hybridization. The life expectancy of the first people was approximately the same as described in the Old Testament (which came from the Torah, transmitted to Moses - more on this below).

However, let us continue and answer the last question in this chapter – WHY did they do it? The aliens’ goal was to create a race of their conscious assistants – intelligent, humanistic beings who had absorbed the best from several civilizations and were ready to further develop to the level of joining the Interstellar Union as not even an assistant, but an equal participant and partner in the study of the Universe and the world as a whole. The entry of our civilization into the Interstellar Union is their goal now; for this purpose they maintain all contacts with us. More details about this will be given at the end of the article.



First of all, let us say here that purely “technically” the first people were obtained using a process that is today called in vitro fertilization. The embryo of a new creature, bred “in a test tube” and whose DNA contained genes in the above proportions, was implanted into a female primate, who then gave birth to a baby in the usual way. That is, she became a “surrogate mother”. As has already been said, the nervous and energy system of the embryo attracted an intelligent soul from the spiritual world for incarnation - this finally happened, as with us, during pregnancy. The aliens created 9 pairs of primordial people - the first men and women. That is, a total of 18 individuals (not 2). However, first, it was the male individuals (or individuals) that were born, and then their genetic material was taken from them and the entire process was repeated, but with a change in the chromosome set to obtain representatives of the female sex. This is the explanation of that very biblical “Adam’s rib” and the creation of the first woman.

The names Adam and Eve (as well as Lilith, who, according to legend, was the very first woman even before Eve) are most likely both a conventional designation of the entire "team" of the very first people, and names of specific entities adapted for us, possibly born the very first in this "team". But please keep in mind that starting with the word "names" in the previous sentence - this is my personal assumption, because such information has not yet been directly transmitted to Irina. It can also be assumed with a high degree of probability that Lilith, who, according to the same legends, God later destroyed and created Eve, was, for some reason, not viable or did not attract a rational soul from a sufficiently high (in the opinion of our creators) plane of the Spiritual world for incarnation.

Well, what about the "apple"?

All the action of creating a new race took place on a huge alien base, located in the place where the waters of the Mediterranean Sea now splash, but at that time it was the central part of a single earthly continent. The base was isolated from the outside world, the aliens themselves lived there (representatives of the three races of our creators), they flew there on ships, there were a large number of plants brought by them (including for their own purposes), breeds of animals and, so to speak, scientific complexes that ensured the implementation of all these studies and experiments. As you have already guessed, this was the same "Paradise". Its size, together with the cosmodrome and the giant semi-artificial forest (garden) surrounding it, was as much as 480 square kilometers.

This is how it is said in verses 15-17 of the second chapter of the book of Genesis (the title of this chapter in the Torah is Be-reshith, which means “In the beginning”):

"Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."

Here it is said that the representatives of the planet Tumesout (Yahweh in Hebrew - was translated into Russian as "Lord"), some of those who came from heaven (Elohim in the original text means not the singular, but the plural, but in the Russian translation it became the word "God"), settled the created people (in Hebrew, Adam can mean either an individual person or all representatives of our species) in the "Garden of Eden" - this, as we have already said, is the name of a large alien base where man was created. At the same time, we will once again remind you that the climatic conditions at that time allowed plants to bloom and bear fruit all year round.

Well, we have come to the main point of this chapter. The notorious "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" is a Tumesout plant, which in their language is called "Khorol". It was necessary to activate the mental and intuitive activity of the inhabitants of this planet. Local scientists bred it by genetic engineering specifically for this purpose, and the Tumesout people constantly carried its seeds with them on ships in order to always have access to fresh fruits. Due to the peculiarities of metabolism in the bodies of earthlings, the fruits of the Khorol were deadly poisonous for them (that is, for us), so those aliens whose duties included caring for the born hybrids and raising them, told them many times about the danger of eating these fruits. No one could even imagine that the already grown earthlings, who had idolized their creators since childhood, could disobey them. And how could one not worship them, when they were of gigantic stature (if we are talking specifically about the Tumesoutians), flew on "saucers" and other devices and showed other technical "miracles" that would shock us even today! What could have made our first ancestors violate the strict prohibition of the Gods-creators that they revered so much?

Here's the thing. Among these very Gods, despite their non-humanoid appearance, were the Selbetians on equal terms. As talented astro-geneticists and xeno-biologists, they also took an active part in the creation of hybrids, not to mention the fact that a percentage of their genome was introduced into the DNA of people. It was the representatives of the Selbetians at the base who persuaded the first people to "taste the forbidden fruit"! The Bible in verses 1-6 of the third chapter of the book of Genesis speaks of what happened like this:

"Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And the serpent said to the woman, Has God really said, 'You shall not eat from every tree of the garden?'

And the woman said to the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

And the serpent said to the woman, Ye shall not surely die: for God knoweth that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her; and he ate.

The serpent here is the representative of the planet Selbet, because it belonged to the reptilian race, that is, it was very similar in biological properties to terrestrial reptiles. The words "he was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made" is an explanation given to Moses of how the snake, known to him from his life experience, can talk, and the peculiarities of the meaning of the phrase "created the beasts of the field" (Hebrew "asa hay sadah") indicate that this is not about the creation of all the earthly fauna, but about the preparation of animals for a specific purpose in one area of ​​the Earth, in a separate country or region. Pay attention to the words: "... you will be like gods, knowing good and evil." That is, by eating the Tumesout plant, designed to enhance the special qualities of the "gods" (in reality - energy, metabolism, and most importantly - intuition, foresight, etc.), you will become like them.

Now – why did the Selbet man (essentially one of our creators) act this way? Why was a direct attempt made to kill the people who had been created with such difficulty? The fact is that from the very beginning the Selbet reptilians expressed dissatisfaction with the too small representation of their genes in the genotype of the hybrid being created. They, together with the scientists of Burkhad and Tumesout, had been working on this task for a very long time and hoped for a proportional distribution of genes. But the Burkhadians and Tumesoutians, as more ancient and more powerful civilizations, made a common decision to reduce the reptilian genes to a minimum, since they considered some reptilian traits dangerous for the hybrid being created.

Then Selbet asked to allow them to experiment on creating an intelligent being based on earthly reptiles, of which there were many species at that time. But this was also refused - our humanoid creators were convinced that two young and such different civilizations would not get along on one planet in peace and harmony and would fight among themselves.

As a result of all this, a group of Selbet scientists, without informing the government of their planet, made an unauthorized decision to stage, so to speak, an accident. That is, to secretly persuade the first earthlings to taste the poisonous fruit, and then present the consequences of this as disobedience to the creators. They probably counted on the fact that such death of our ancestors would allow the reptilians to put forward a convincing argument: the hybrids rudely disobeyed the creators and behaved so inadequately because their gene proportions were erroneous. Therefore, in future experiments (which will have to be started over again), the percentage of reptilian genes should be significantly increased.

But that's not all... As we have already said, the rational basis of every rational living being is the soul, which is incarnated in this body, coming from the spiritual world. So - in the body of one of the Selbet scientists, in the body of a reptilian who took an active part in the "seduction" of the first people, the soul of that entity that we know by the name Lucifer was incarnated. This is what is meant when the Scriptures say that "the Devil took the form of a serpent." Lucifer (which means "Light-Bearer") was indeed one of the very first higher beings created by that almighty rational force that we call God. However, using the law of free will, which applies to everyone, he decided to separate from the divine source. Now we will not delve into the reasons and consequences of this choice - this is the topic of a separate article. For now, it is important for us that this separation began precisely in one of the previous lives on the planet Selbet in the body of a reptilian - when the temptations of material incarnation (power and others) turned out to be “more convincing” for this spiritual personality than the original light.

So, let us repeat once again: in the "Garden of Eden" (on the aliens' earthly base) there was an attempt to kill the recently created people by some of their creators. As is known, people succumbed to persuasion and tasted a fruit (or fruits) that was poisonous to them. According to the information transmitted to us, not all of the first 18 people managed to do this, but only a few, and probably it was two of them that we know as Adam and Eve. Perhaps these were the very ones who were once created first. In addition to the purely physical, material understanding of this whole situation, it also had a deep spiritual meaning. It turned out that Adam and Eve really "knew good and evil."

Firstly, they had obviously never encountered deception or negativity in any form before, that is, they had only dealt with “good”. Now, having decided to become “like Gods” (having eaten a plant intended for “Gods”), they fell into a trap skillfully set by Lucifer, who had departed from divinity, in the body of a Selbet reptilian. Secondly (and this is the main thing), by their decision they made essentially the same choice as Lucifer himself (who had incited them to do so) – they chose not to follow the Light (the will of God, if you like), but the selfish desire to be the same as God himself, while separating themselves from him. In Christianity, this is usually called pride. Apparently, this was the spiritual plan of the incarnate Lucifer, who found such important allies for himself.

Well, what happened next was what we would call today a rescue operation. The Old Testament says that Adam, having sinned, hid from God and did not answer His call. In fact, having tasted the fruit that was poisonous to them, those who ate it found themselves in a state that we would now call a death coma - the poisoning did not lead to instant death, several hours had to pass. Representatives of Tumesout and Burkhad found our poisoned ancestors in time and managed to cure them (or resuscitate them). When they came to, they, of course, told all the details of what had happened. The truth was revealed. The forces were unequal, so the Selbet criminals were isolated and everything was reported to their planet. The Selbet authorities took the potential murderers, after which they were cruelly punished. As we have learned, they were separated from their families forever and sent to a special planet for criminals, located on the outskirts of the Galaxy in the constellation Aries. There they spent the rest of their lives in hard labor, deprivation and without hope of release. As you may recall, one of these Selbetians was an incarnate Lucifer. One can only imagine how this affected him - especially considering that such concepts as remorse or simply a feeling of guilt hardly applied to him...

There is something else... In the context of this whole story, it would be logical to assume that some very high bright souls were embodied in the bodies of one or many of our main (humanoid) creators - since Lucifer himself was among the Selbetians. This turned out to be the case, but we will talk about this in the penultimate chapter of our article.

But what happened to the people next?

In principle, everything that followed is also described in the Bible, although, of course, again in terms suitable for Moses and his contemporaries. The Burkhadians and Tumesoutians decided to evict people beyond the base into the earthly world. It was decided that since they had once violated the ban and disobeyed, then anything could happen next, including an attack on their creators using the technologies available in, so to speak, "Paradise." This "eviction" was the biblical "expulsion from Paradise." The representatives of Burkhad and Tumesout, although they remained Gods for our distant ancestors, no longer inspired the same love, trust and understanding. People were given the opportunity to live and develop independently. However, despite this, our creators, of course, did not leave people completely without their care. They passed on to them information about the correct social structure, about moral values, about God, about the spiritual world and much more. All this became the content of different chapters of the Old Testament, including the messages of the prophets, who were these contactees - conscious or unconscious. However, the biblical prophets already lived in the era of loss of knowledge, which came after the cataclysms on the planet, which we will talk about in the next section.


Over the next 2 million years or so, human civilization on Earth was actively developing with the support of our creators, who in many cases acted openly. It was during this vast historical – or rather, prehistoric – period that the legendary terrestrial supercivilizations emerged and reached perfection, fragmentary information about which has reached us (primarily Lemuria and Atlantis, which represented a late stage in the development of Lemuria). This was the era of the flourishing of earthly humanity, which was accompanied by grandiose achievements in all spheres, cyclopean structures on the planet (we know some of them as the “Wonders of the World”), as well as an understanding of all the bright spiritual truths. This era is called Satya Yuga in ancient Indian literature – the Age of Light. The Vedic texts that have come down to us from the ancient Hindus also speak of flying ships called vimanas (they even provide diagrams of them), of medicine, which we are far from, of the structure of the atom, the structure of space, and of many other things that were later completely forgotten or rediscovered. About 200 thousand years ago, colonies of earthlings, using alien technology, appeared on Venus and Mars, which at that time were suitable for protein life, being in different orbits relative to the Sun and having atmospheres comparable to the Earth's. A more detailed description of this long and very eventful era is, to put it mildly, a very large array of information, which will certainly require completely different forms of presentation than this article. Therefore, here we will immediately move on to the event that is the title of this section.

If you look at the materials on the Internet, you will find information that, based on completely scientific data, there is a hypothesis about some extraordinary catastrophe on the planet that occurred approximately 12 thousand years ago. This, in particular, is confirmed by the mass burials of various species of animals found, dating back to exactly the specified period. What happened then, according to the information we received from aliens?

At that time, on the reptilian planet Selbet, already known to you, an extremist (as we would say) group came to power. Its representatives began to pursue a policy of aggressive denial of the values ​​of the Interstellar Union, which their civilization still included. Apparently, the old story with people created contrary to the genetic wishes of Selbet scientists also did not give them peace. In the end, Selbet unleashed a war, which first took place in another part of the Galaxy, far from the Solar System. In our system, everything was still calm for a long time: people and aliens cooperated, communicated and, so to speak, carried out various joint projects. The main base of the aliens in the Solar System was located on the planet that we know today under the name Phaeton; it was located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter at a distance of approximately 2.8 astronomical units from the Sun. Another, more correct (original) name for this planet is Nibiru, and we know it by the name Phaeton, since this name was taken from Greek mythology, where it was used to name a mythical character who disobeyed the gods. There were also bases on other planets, including the Moon, which was in a separate planetary orbit, further from the Sun than the Earth's. The center of Earth civilization and at the same time the central base of the Interstellar Union on Earth was a megalopolis (let's call it that), located on a huge mountain in the place where the notorious Bermuda Triangle is now located. There was dry land there then. 12 thousand years ago, the population of Earth and its colonies reached approximately 55 million people.

Our planet still had essentially a paradise climate: summer temperatures all year round, and there was practically no snow or ice anywhere. Such a life did not in any way imply the presence of any serious military structures capable of repelling external aggression. Apparently, this is what the Selbetites, who had become aggressive, were counting on when their military fleet unexpectedly invaded the Solar System. Traveling on gravity engines, which were already in place back then, makes it possible to almost instantly find yourself at a given point in space without any preliminary physical signs of the ship's movement to this point for an outside observer. The Selbet fleet naturally struck its first blow at Phaeton - in order to immediately destroy the main center of possible resistance. It was a question of the massive use of geophysical and space weapons at the same time, nothing similar to which we (fortunately) have in sight.

Apparently, nuclear weapons are simply "resting" in comparison. Based on what we were told, this weapon is based on the same gravity and causes fast-moving irreversible cataclysms on a relatively small planet of such power that they very quickly lead to the planet's disintegration into fragments. This is exactly what happened to Phaeton. Now in the area of ​​this destroyed planet, the existence of which was suspected by a number of terrestrial astronomers, there is a well-known asteroid belt of different sizes. These are its remains. Everyone who was on Phaeton died. Immediately after this terrible blow, representatives of the Interstellar Union, who were on ships in space and at other bases, quickly calculated the entire situation with the attack on Phaeton and realized what was happening. It became clear that Selbet's next targets would be Earth (as the cradle of humanity), as well as Mars, Venus and the Moon. It should be borne in mind that we are not talking about some long period of time here - everything happened in minutes and even seconds of earthly time.

Naturally, an urgent call for military assistance was immediately sent to the MS from the Solar System. For communication, the aliens do not use slow radio waves, but completely different means (the so-called gluon communication), which really do deliver information almost instantly. However, in order to send us military ships capable of stopping the aggressors, a certain amount of time was still needed. Therefore, the unarmed ships of Burkhad and Tumesout, which were in space near us, essentially sacrificing themselves, tried to disrupt Selbet's plans or at least buy time until the appearance of the combat fleet of the Interstellar Union. I will make a special reservation at this point: I understand perfectly well that many of those reading this chapter have already drawn an analogy with "Star Wars" and are ready to treat everything exclusively as science fiction. Please understand that, firstly, it is impossible to invent anything out of thin air, including star wars and any other “fiction”, “fairy tales”, “myths” and “legends”, and secondly, please consider all the information in this article as a whole – without tearing fragments out of the overall whole context.

Let's continue. In parallel with the confrontation in space, our creators did everything possible to save earthlings - both on our planet and on Mars and Venus. Almost all colonists from Venus were evacuated to lunar bases and alien ships before the Selbet weapons were used on it. Unfortunately, almost everyone died on Mars. Since they could only destroy a small planet in the manner described above, other types of weapons were used on Mars, Venus and Earth. Thus, on Mars, the Selbet weapons caused the collapse of the atmosphere; in fact, cities and bases on the surface were swept away from the planet along with the atmospheric shell. However, their traces can still be found in the area of ​​one of the polar caps of Mars.

However, Selbet's original plan to destroy everyone on all planets at once was thwarted, as far as we could tell, for two reasons: the Selbetians did not expect that unarmed ships would resist them, taking the blow themselves, and they also underestimated the capabilities of Burkhad and Tumesout. In the Solar System, about 1 Earth hour after the strike on Phaeton, the first military ship called for help appeared, and this gave a chance to save some people - although this ship itself was soon destroyed by Selbet's superior forces. However, Selbet still managed to deliver a massive blow to Earth. This was a geophysical weapon, which was a bomb launched from space. They looked like huge white balls that fell on the planet, connected with the Earth's core and caused a number of global cataclysms - from unprecedented floods to massive volcanic eruptions.

The power of this weapon was such that it caused a split in the single earthly continent: tectonic plates diverged, Africa and South America were formed from the single continent, as well as other parts of the land, many islands, and so on. Other types of alien weapons were also used, which caused a fiery rain effect on the surface and other phenomena capable of destroying all life. One of the first terrible blows was deliberately delivered to the aforementioned capital of the earthly civilization on the site of the current Bermuda Triangle. As a result, not only a deep depression was formed there, which then filled with sea water, but also a serious interdimensional portal to plasmoid worlds, which is the cause of the mass anomalous phenomena observed in this area. This portal arose, in particular, due to the fact that a very large number of earthlings and aliens from different civilizations died here at the same time.

I hope that behind the dry lines of the article you realize the scale and tragedy of this entire planetary catastrophe... But everything was even more serious. The Selbet people, using the gravitational field of their ships, shifted the Earth's orbit, and it began to move away from the Sun. The climate on the planet began to change dramatically, what we now call winter appeared, snow began to fall... And most importantly, the Earth's orbit approached the orbit of the Moon, as already mentioned, a separate planet at that time. This was the calculation - to collide the Earth with the Moon, completely destroying both planets. At some point, the Moon found itself at a distance from the Earth 4 times smaller than it is now. Naturally, giant tidal waves arose (before this, there were no tides at all), as well as other disturbances in the atmosphere, and in general, that same Great Flood or a whole series of floods occurred. The Burkhadians and Tumesoutians tried to save as many earthlings as possible on their ships, taking them to extraterrestrial bases and other planets. The same thing happened with samples of the earth's flora and fauna. Representatives of the earthlings themselves helped save people and the planet's gene pool by organizing emergency evacuation of the population and animals on alien ships. This was reflected in the story of Noah and his ark. Noah was obviously one of such earthlings, and at the same time, he is a collective image of all such rescuers.

At the same time, the Burkhad and Tumesout spaceships, opposing Selbet, managed to create a gravitational field with their combined efforts, which stopped the approach of the Earth and the Moon. They were able to set the Earth on a new – current – ​​orbit, and the Earth captured the Moon with its gravity, “making” it a satellite. After additional adjustments, our space situation became the current one. It is the artificial approach of the Earth and the Moon with the subsequent “capture” of the Moon by our celestial body and subsequent artificial adjustments of the orbits that explains why the Moon is always turned to us with one side. According to the information transmitted, after the use of weapons from space, there were also cases of armed Selbetites landing on the surface of the Earth with the purpose of, so to speak, cleansing. These were not mass operations, but open combat clashes between Selbet and our other creators also took place on the surface. We do not know the details yet.

Thus, a global war took place in the Solar System and directly on Earth, which essentially changed the appearance of our part of the Solar System, not to mention Earth. This was the "War of the Gods", which has come down to us in various ancient legends and fairy tales. Ultimately, the forces of the Interstellar Union, at the cost of great losses, managed to cope with Selbet, which was aggressive at that time. The civilization of this planet was isolated and excluded from the Interstellar Union, as it later turned out, for 250 Earth years. From the moment of the first strike on Phaeton until the complete cessation of hostilities, approximately 130 years passed. However, the most active phase of the war with strikes on planets from space lasted only a few Earth days. On Earth and other planets, it was possible to save approximately 10 thousand earthlings out of the aforementioned 55 million.

People died both directly from the use of terrible weapons, and from the cataclysms caused by them, and from the consequences of a sharp change in climate, for which they were completely unprepared. Together with earthlings, about 20 thousand aliens friendly to us died on the planet and in the solar system. Selbet's losses amounted to about 5 thousand - since the Selbet people were on well-protected military ships and did not become victims of a surprise attack. Ancient civilizations with all their achievements were literally wiped off the face of the Earth, among which was the legendary Atlantis, the approximate date of whose destruction coincides exactly with the time given by Plato in his famous dialogues.

After several decades, after the catastrophic processes on Earth had calmed down somewhat, the surviving earthlings were returned to the planet. Some of our ancestors were taken to the distant planet Disaru, the location of which is also known. There now exists a highly developed civilization that has entered the Interstellar Union. Outwardly, its representatives are practically no different from us.

Several hundred years later, the situation on Selbet changed. The extremists lost power, and the reptilian civilization was accepted back into the Interstellar Union at their request. The Selbetians admitted that their war against other civilizations was a mistake. Currently, the Selbet reptilians are active participants in many studies conducted by the Interstellar Union. They officially treat earthlings with respect and friendliness, including Irina Podzorova's astral contact with a Selbet reptilian scientist. Among ordinary Selbetians, as we understand, the attitude can be ambiguous, but in any case, there has been no aggression towards Earth from Selbet for a long time. They currently do not have their own bases on our planet (unlike several other civilizations). The military actions with Selbet in our part of space received a special name in the Galaxy: in the Interstellar Union, these events are called "Selbet's War with the Burkhad Colonies in the Solar System."

As for Earth, here, several hundred years after the war, a group of people attempted to reach their creators on the Moon by building a spaceship using nuclear fuel, the secrets of which had been known since pre-war times and passed down from generation to generation. The ship they built was imperfect, dangerous for earthlings and for the ecology of the planet, so our elder star brothers decided to intervene and explain to people that the time for flights into the sky had not yet come, and there was still much unexplored on their native Earth. This is precisely what the myth of the Tower of Babel, passed on to Moses, tells about.

The aliens claimed that people should first populate the Earth, learn to build cities, start making perfect ships themselves, and most importantly, live in peace and harmony with each other, and only then would they acquire the right to explore the Universe in spaceships in cooperation with their creators. People agreed with the fairness of these proposals and asked those whom they considered Gods to help them in the development of the greatly changed planet and in the arrangement of life on it. The leading psychologists and physiologists of the Interstellar Union decided to create several different races of earthlings from the previously united race, with the goal, on the one hand, of adapting them to the climate that had become different in different parts of the globe, and on the other, of starting the fight against xenophobia as the main obstacle to joining the Interstellar Union for many young races. Thus, by means of small artificial genetic mutations, four main races were created from the previously united race of earthlings, from the mixing of which, in turn, the peoples of our time gradually emerged.

After all the events described on Earth, but somewhat later, our era began, the history of which has partially reached us in a more or less distorted form. It was already a completely different era on, in fact, another planet - the planet that we know now. We, humans, on a subconscious level no longer trusted aliens as before, having absorbed all the horror of what had happened. Fear gradually became one of our main feelings, which in many ways eclipsed love. Not only specific fear, but fear as a general concept and a general motivation for actions. All this was one of the reasons why open contacts with aliens gradually ceased, giving way to their communication with individual contactees, suitable to them in their vibrations - vibrations, first of all, not containing fear.


Most likely, you have already understood that religions came to us from our creators - alien civilizations of the Interstellar Union of our Galaxy, who were for us those very Gods without any quotation marks, who created us from their genes (in the image and likeness ...), and then, so to speak, supervised us for millions of years. Judaism (Torah, on the basis of the historical part of which the biblical Old Testament was then created), Christianity (the Gospel or New Testament), Islam (the Koran) and Buddhism (this is more a philosophy than a religion) were transmitted to specific representatives of humanity at different times, taking into account the specifics of this given time, the characteristics of this people with its traditions and beliefs at that time, as well as the specific situation on the planet as a whole.

Therefore, all spiritual teachings, although somewhat different from each other, essentially, in their origins speak of the same truths in different words. In addition, each subsequent teaching (for example, in the chain Judaism-Christianity-Islam) is like an update of the previous one, not denying, but transforming past truths taking into account the new stage of development of society and new socio-cultural conditions when transmitting the updated teaching. All the enmity between their followers is caused not by the difference in basic postulates, but (intentionally or not) by the distortions introduced, fragments that were torn out of the linguistic or historical context - as a rule, in order to serve certain, not very spiritual goals of different groups of representatives of these movements.

SO WHAT IS GOD, ACCORDING TO ALIENS? They consider God to be our common Creator of all that exists, the Creator who created all souls from himself, and then all worlds, including the spiritual and later the material. We will now try to describe all this very, very briefly and in the most understandable words.

All souls were created at once and forever. It really was at a certain moment, but time itself did not exist then, so we can assume that in time (which appeared later) you and I have always been – just like God himself. That is, despite this specific, but timeless moment of creation, each of us has always been and always will be. This is precisely the real “always in both directions” – without any reservations. At the same time, the soul cannot be destroyed or dispersed under any circumstances – otherwise the same could be done with God, since each rational soul is his full-fledged manifestation, which is connected with him into a single whole. The Creator (the Absolute, God, the Supreme Mind, etc.) develops (if such a term is appropriate here at all) cyclically. In Hinduism, these cycles are figuratively called the Day of Brahma and the Night of Brahma, hinting at the manifested and unmanifested state of everything that exists. At the end of the manifested state (also called Kalpa in the Indian Vedas), everything that exists in all worlds returns to the unmanifested form - there is nothing, but this "nothing" exists in its potential and can manifest again. At the end of the unmanifested part of the cycle (also called Pralaya), an impulse arises, which then leads to the manifestation of everything that exists. Speaking figuratively and again in the most simplified way, this can be considered the first "thought" of the awakened Supreme Being (Absolute, God, Logos, etc.). Our eternal rational souls, however, do not disappear completely when everything dissolves - they also remain in a state merged with the Absolute, in order to then manifest and take their places exactly at the level where they finished developing in the previous manifested cycle. All this is described in more detail in the works of Helena Blavatsky, as well as directly in the Vedas.

According to the Interstellar Union, the global manifest cycle of the Universe (Maha-Kalpa) lasts approximately 125 billion years (let us recall that according to scientific data, the Earth is about 6 billion years old). But there are also sub-cycles, which are parts of the global cycle; after each of them, only a partial dissolution of the Universe occurs. The duration of the global unmanifest cycle (Maha-Pralaya) cannot be estimated in time, because the scale for estimation itself disappears - the concept of time no longer exists. That is, it can be either a second or billions of years. These cycles replace each other eternally; they have neither beginning nor end - although our limited mortal mind (namely the mind, not the soul) is not able to comprehend this, logic does not work here.

Now that we have, albeit at the most simplified level, figured out the cycles of the Universe, let us return to our topics. However, here I would like to immediately warn you all: now there will be information that will certainly conflict with the dogmatic stereotypes of many believers. So, the special status of the soul known to us under the name of Jesus Christ is connected with the fact that this soul was born by God (the Absolute, the Supreme, the Creator, God the Father, Logos...) the very first, that is, before all other souls. It was, as it were, the very first mental impulse of the Creator. It is possible that we are talking here not only about the beginning of the current cycle of the manifested Universe, but also about some timeless beginning beyond all cycles. This is all that can be said here in words - that is, from the level of logic. Only then, at one moment, were all other souls created, including ours. However, this first soul is unique - since it was the first creative impulse of the Most High, which, due to such primacy, has a special, so to speak, original status of closeness to the Creator. We can say that this is a greater degree of affinity with the Creator than all other souls. An important remark: this does not mean that other spiritual movements not connected with Jesus are somehow worse than Christianity.

Each of them has its own founder with its own very high goals, who also came from the highest divine (spiritual) level - see the link to the article about the levels above. But the soul of Jesus was still the very first of the created souls. At the same time, one of the very strong (if one can say so) souls, who were at one of the highest levels of development available to us (above which for us "from here" everything merges into divine infinity), was the notorious son of the same one God Lucifer, who in time immemorial in our manifested cycle made the choice known to us to separate from the Creator.

Now, attention. At that very paradise-base where the first people were created and where Lucifer, incarnated in the reptilian scientist Selbet, was, there was also Jesus! HOWEVER, Jesus, as it turned out, was there (unlike Lucifer) not in a physical, but in an astral body. That is, as if he was invisibly present at all the events, possibly (but this is only an assumption so far) - and personifying that very Holy Spirit, which is spoken of in the Bible. But that's not all. At the paradise-base lived many scientists from the planets of our creators. So, one of these scientists, representing Burkhad, was that incarnate spirit whom (or which) we now know under the name of Mary - the Virgin Mary, the physical mother of Jesus Christ from the Gospel. This scientist (Mary in the physical body of a Burkhad) took an active part in the creation of the first people based on genetic experiments. And next to him (or her) in the astral body was constantly Jesus. It was precisely this, in many ways (according to the representatives of the Interstellar Union), that could have become the reason for all of his further actions on Earth, as well as that sacrifice of the highest level for the sake of people (we are not talking about crucifixion here), which will be discussed below.

After the "expulsion" of people from the territory of the paradise base, Jesus decided to incarnate at a certain moment in a human body, since this path was the best for helping people in their spiritual development. However, the level of energies (vibrations) of this highest spiritual personality was so powerful that none of the peoples, none of the emerging cultures of rapidly developing humanity could provide the energetic (let's call them that) conditions necessary for such an incarnation. Therefore, being on the spiritual plane between physical lives, Jesus developed a grandiose plan. Here it is necessary to keep in mind that on his spiritual level, in essence, a complete merger with the Almighty occurs, when the soul does not separate itself from God in all its manifestations. Thus, this plan can safely be considered divine. This plan included forming on Earth a special nationality with a culture, religious beliefs, knowledge (and therefore, collective energy), capable of realizing its physical incarnation. This was the Jewish people.

All subsequent "miracles" described in the Old Testament (i.e. the Torah) occurred with his direct participation or under his leadership. It was he, embodied in the omnipotent representative of the civilization (and the planet) Tumesout Yahweh, who appeared to Moses, for whom, taking into account the perception system of this contactee, the effect of the famous "burning bush" was created. That is, he was that very "God Yahweh". It was he who then led the Jews out of Egypt, choosing Moses as his contactee. All the so-called "Egyptian plagues", the division of the Red Sea and the rest of the Old Testament miracles were produced on the basis of alien technologies for controlling the elements, flora and fauna of the planet. If we take into account that the age of the civilizations that created us is an order of magnitude greater than ours (tens of millions of years), then this is quite understandable, although no less surprising than the capabilities of the weapons described in this article above. The Egyptian priests could not resist these technologies, because their "patrons" were the so-called plasmoid civilizations ("spirits of nature"), which were on lower vibrational levels than Yahweh (Jesus). In this context, it becomes clear who, why and how transmitted the tablets with the commandments to Moses, who was selected by vibrations (an alien ship, surrounded by a cloud of plasma, really hovered over Mount Sinai, as some esotericists assume); what the manna from heaven was (a balanced nutritional mixture of artificial origin, which was sprayed from ships over the Jewish camp at night); what the Ark of the Covenant was (a generator of high-frequency radiation, serving for various purposes and made by the Jews according to the technology precisely transmitted to Moses), and so on.

Let us make it clear right away: all this is not an attempt to explain “divine miracles” by technogenic means. For us (not to mention the peoples of antiquity), these miracles are in fact just that – divine, because they were truly revealed by our “creator gods” for our salvation and development. There really was divine will in this from the highest levels, and it is quite possible that spiritual light-bearing beings – angels – who partially or completely materialized their subtle bodies really took part in all this.

Let's add one more detail, despite the fact that it may additionally shock the supporters of orthodox Christianity. The wife of the Tumesout Yahweh was Mary, the future Mother of God, incarnated in the body of a woman from the planet Tumesout. For some time she even stayed on Earth, but then flew to Tumesout. Forgive me, I do not want to offend anyone's beliefs, but I am writing what was conveyed to us, and in the truth of which I am confident for many reasons.

Thus, the entire history of the Jewish people, starting with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, was the history of the creation of an ethnic egregor, called upon at a certain moment to ensure the physical embodiment on Earth of the highest spiritual entity - the "first Son" of the Almighty, whom we know under the name of Yeshua or Jesus. It is not surprising, dear readers, that the above is rejected by both adherents of Christianity and convinced materialists - although for completely different reasons. The former defend the dogmas to which they are accustomed, so they declare the information they receive to be heresy; the latter are, in principle, not satisfied with explanations of our history linked to spirituality and spiritual personalities - no matter how convincing they may be. So for atheists this is a "fiction" aimed (on the contrary!) at promoting "dying Christianity". A smiley face should be put here. My personal conclusion: the truth always does not suit radicals from opposite sides, but for diametrically opposite reasons. This is one of the “litmus tests” of truth – especially Truth.


Having prepared the cultural and energetic egregor of the Jewish people, he was born to a woman we know as the Virgin Mary or the Mother of God – at about the time indicated in the Gospel. The conception was indeed “immaculate”, but it was not a dove that participated in it; the dove is an image. Mary, with her consent, was taken onto Burkhad’s ship. There, what today we would call an artificial insemination procedure took place, based on genetic material taken from a representative of Burkhad, whose soul came from a very high spiritual level. After the birth of Jesus, events took place that were generally correctly described later by his disciples – the future apostles. Jesus really did, as many are convinced, travel to various countries (including India, as well as the territory of today’s Russia), studying with sages there, and perhaps even teaching them; however, he did this not with caravans, but on the alien ship of his Burkhad physical father – that is, the movement was very fast. Unlike you and me, having incarnated, he remembered almost everything about himself, without losing contact with our Heavenly Father.

The meaning of his entire life was to bring a new teaching - or rather, an update of the knowledge given by him (during his incarnation as the inhabitant of Tumesout Yahweh) to Moses on Mount Sinai. This update was necessary because the goals of the previously transmitted spiritual teaching had already been fulfilled - a Jewish people had been created in the midst of an enemy environment, who knew the highest truths inaccessible to others, and who therefore had the opportunity to bring the Messiah they had been waiting for. A Messiah who would bring higher truths than the ideology of "an eye for an eye", which was really necessary at first to create a separate, energetically distinct from other national egregore.

Here, it seems, is the right time to digress from the earthly life of Jesus and answer in more detail the logical question: why is there so much, it would seem, cruelty, punishment, death, and so on in the Old Testament? God constantly forbids, frightens, and punishes. But where is the love, fully revealed in the New Testament (Gospel)? The fact is that, as you remember, the entire history of the Jewish people, associated with the transmission of the Torah, took place after the terrible war with Selbet, which left, among other things, a genetic imprint on all people. Obviously, after this brutal war, which destroyed most of humanity, the Selbet genes were activated in our ancestors, carrying within themselves both the struggle for survival at any cost, and mistrust of our creators who allowed the “War of the Gods,” and the already mentioned fear, and disobedience to these very gods or God. In addition (and this is important!), before the war, during the Age of Light (in Sanskrit, Satya Yuga), our genetic code lacked genes responsible for the production of enzymes in the body that are necessary for digesting protein products of animal origin - meat, fish, etc. This was due, on the one hand, to the fact that the key "suppliers" of our genes - representatives of Burkhad and terrestrial primates - also did not have such enzymes.

On the other hand, on the flourishing "paradise" planet of that time we had no need for animal protein. That is why before the war 12 thousand years ago we really were complete vegetarians, as the Indian Vedas claim! However, after the Earth found itself in an orbit farther from the Sun (which led to the appearance of the cold season, as well as a change in the energy of the planet as a whole), plant food was not enough for human survival. Therefore, the creator civilizations changed our gene code, adding 5% of the genes of the Tumesoutians, who also consumed animal proteins. Accordingly, the proportion of genes of the highly spiritual representatives of Burkhad was forced to be reduced. But thanks to this, we developed digestive enzymes that made us omnivores! At the same time, due to this change in the gene code, as well as energy and climate changes on the planet, human height decreased from 3-4 meters (before the war) to 1.5-2 meters (shortly after this 130-year war).

The Vedic knowledge of vegetarianism, transmitted before the war to the rishis (ancient Indian sages - contactees with plasmoid civilizations), could not take into account the situation after the war - simply because this war happened much later. Such an explanation gives a clear understanding of the entire situation around the disputes between vegetarians and meat eaters - the truth is again "in the middle". In addition, the souls of animals, according to the information we have received, have fundamental differences from intelligent souls - you and me. They are not immortal, although they can reincarnate - also into animals and for a limited number of lives. But the main thing is different: the souls of animals were created and are created by those very plasmoids! That is, intelligent subtle-material entities, whose civilizations passed on the Vedic knowledge. They have their own specific views on the material world and physical embodiment in it, which they consider only an erroneous separation from God. (In contrast to the civilizations of the Interstellar Union, which regard incarnations in physical bodies as the most important part of understanding the Universe, but most importantly – as a unique opportunity for the development of the soul).

Plasmoids consider the animal souls they created to be their "children" and, naturally, have tried and continue to try to convince earthly contactees not to touch animals, not to eat them, and so on. In many cases, this is entirely justified, but, as we now understand, it has a specific reason, not always connected with the inevitable "lowering of spiritual vibrations due to eating meat." As for, for example, the prohibition in both the Torah and the Koran on eating pork, here everything is even more pragmatic - pigs are carriers of a severe parasitic disease, trichinosis, caused by small roundworms called trichinella. They can only be destroyed by heat treatment (cooking) the meat for many hours. Neither the ancient Jews nor, much later, the Arabs could have done this in their living conditions. That is why pork was strictly prohibited to prevent infection. Too frequent consumption of coarse meat products, however, can really cause harm on many different levels – that is why Christianity and Islam have a system of cleansing fasts, “tied” to the specifics of a given people and culture. In addition, as is known, Judaism and Islam also have systems of rituals that cleanse the food itself (especially meat) from various kinds of negativity (respectively – kashrut and halal).

As far as I understand, it was precisely in order to rebuild the new spiritual teaching of the time of Moses from the "pagan" traditions coming from plasmoids and connected with the worship of animals (it was not for nothing that the Jews made the notorious Golden Calf and worshiped it in the absence of Moses, causing his anger and forcing him to break the tablets), that the entire system of animal sacrifices to the god Yahweh was introduced. At the same time, the killing of living beings connected with the consumption of meat food really does coarsen the consciousness. This is another reason explaining the significantly more rigid approach in the spiritual instructions transmitted to people at that time - as well as the very harsh consequences of disobedience. And the last thing. It was after the war, due to the lowering of people's spiritual vibrations, that the microorganisms that were previously "responsible" for the utilization of dead biomass (decomposition into constituent elements) mutated, giving rise to colonies of modern pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Well, all the additional tools for implementing this principle of “like attracts like” were, of course, found in the Universe.

If we sum it all up, it becomes clearer why in the “post-flood” times (after the war and cataclysms) such a very severe teaching was needed, conveying high truths in such a form, not always pleasant to us now. In a different, more “humanistic” way, it was simply impossible to form in those times the egregor of the Jewish people, called upon later to accept the incarnate Jesus. It was a spiritual teaching, relevant in precisely this form in the post-war era of loss of knowledge, loss of light - Kali Yuga, the beginning of which is dated by the Bhagavad Gita to the time of Krishna's arrival (approximately 5 thousand years ago). According to the information of the Interstellar Union, Krishna was the incarnation on Earth of a soul that is the coordinator of our Galaxy, a soul that is on a very high spiritual level, and therefore truly perceived (by us and by ourselves) as the “Supreme Personality of God,” as the Bhagavad Gita says. Well, later, 3 thousand years after that, in the time of Jesus, much of what was necessary before had lost its relevance and required, at a minimum, updating.

Now let us talk about the antagonism of the Jewish sages, and indeed of the majority of the “chosen by God” (that is, in essence, by Jesus!) Jewish people towards Jesus himself. Along with great opportunities, as always happens, this people had (and has) a great responsibility before humanity, which is implied, first of all, by any chosenness. As we know, the Jews ultimately could not believe in the divinity of Jesus, despite his wisdom from his earliest years, which the Jewish sages, those same scribes and Pharisees, so called in the New Testament for their dogmatic adherence to the outdated norms of the old teaching, were not able to deny. Jesus did not hide from them the path of his soul and the peculiarities of his mission, directly saying that he was that very “God Yahweh”; moreover, the Jews had a complete understanding of reincarnation, which in Judaism is called the term “gilgul”. But the Jews, for the most part, did not believe that the Mission (Moshiach) was before them, because they expected something completely different from their Savior - not a call to love even in response to evil, but an uprising, an exit through his power and miracles from Roman slavery, followed by a complete restoration of the destroyed Jerusalem Temple.

It was precisely with these expectations, as it turned out, that Judas Iscariot’s betrayal was connected. Judas did offer to give away the Teacher’s location to the Romans and received his 30 pieces of silver for it. However, he had a very clear motive, and he did not want Jesus to die. Judas also sincerely hoped that the Teacher, who had repeatedly performed miracles before his eyes, would restore justice and sweep away the hated pagan Roman ego. But this did not happen for too long. Then Judas decided to take extreme measures. He was convinced that under the threat of terrible torture and death, his beloved Teacher would finally be forced to show everyone his power – instead of preaching about “turning one cheek instead of the other.” When this did not happen, Judas was still unable to understand that the Teacher and his teachings were an inseparable whole, and therefore Jesus could not violate any of the commandments he proclaimed. Unlike the Teacher, Judas violated this teaching – but not by betraying Jesus, but by the fact that instead of sincere, deep repentance for what he had done and the same request to God for forgiveness, he found the strength in himself only to return the money and commit suicide, sending his soul (primarily by this, and not by betraying Jesus!) to the lower levels of the spiritual world.

Of course, both Jesus himself and his, so to speak, “support group” from Burkhad could have easily prevented the terrible suffering and death on the cross if they wanted to. But no one could go against the divine plan, in the “development” of which he himself took part (if one can say so). The full meaning of this martyrdom is beyond the scope of this article, so here we will only say that it was the Burkhadians who put the guards to sleep and took Jesus’ body to their ship at night, and then the most important thing in this whole story happened – and not only in this one.

During the time between his physical death and coming to the future apostles, Jesus, being in the spiritual world, made the very choice that is his supreme sacrifice. More precisely, it was outside of time, because everything happened in the spiritual world, where there is no time. Possessing, in essence, divine abilities, Jesus completely erased the information about physical death as such from the DNA of his body. This is what led to the body not only being restored on the material level, but also being able to once again become a receptacle for his soul - that is, a real resurrection from the dead occurred. However, this process is absolutely irreversible, Jesus can never again die in this body physically - "his own death", if we mean old age or illness. Precisely never, if by never we mean the manifested part of the cycle of development of the Universe, which, as we know, takes many tens of billions of years. By doing so, Jesus deprived himself of the opportunity to permanently reside in the spiritual world, as well as the opportunity to physically incarnate in the infinite number of manifested worlds of the Universe, where the conditions, to put it mildly, are much more pleasant than in our physical reality. In essence, he consciously tied himself to our material world.


It turns out that only by being in our physical world in a material body can we maintain such a level of connection with our spiritual egregor (Christianity), at which, through the rite of communion, Jesus can connect with everyone who truly believes in him. And not just connect energetically, but take on and dissolve all the negativity of this believer, that is, everything that we call sins. In this way, Jesus cleanses our world, leading it to the Light. This has nothing to do with the “propaganda of Christianity” and “religiosity” in the abstract sense, being a completely clear energy technique. But this works - once again - only if the believer sincerely, and not formally, accepts the teachings of Jesus and his very personality. Through each person who receives communion, Jesus in this unique way elevates humanity, preparing it for the planned event, which will be discussed in the last section of the article. At the same time, connecting with the negative energy of everyone who undergoes the sacrament, Jesus experiences (to put it mildly) spiritual and energetic discomfort, which can be understood from our level of perception as suffering. This is what is meant when Christianity says that we continue to crucify Jesus with our sins. As we were told through Irina, his spiritual Guides, who are on levels of the spiritual world beyond us, tried to dissuade him from this exceptional sacrifice, unique for the Universe. Jesus' Guides told him: they have already crucified and killed you, and now they will crucify and kill you with their sins constantly... But Jesus still made his sacrificial choice for us. We were also told that many in the Galaxy do not understand why he did this in relation to our planet. One of the explanations is that he stood at the origins of our creation, for him we are like his children. The second explanation, obviously deeper, is that he has his own special plan for humanity. We will also talk about this plan at the end of the article.

Jesus is currently in a physical body on the planet Burkhad, the capital of the Interstellar Union, that is, the homeland of his physical father. We can hardly imagine the level of vibrations and capabilities of his body. A special artificial island of approximately 20 square kilometers, surrounded by a huge reservoir, was created for Jesus. There, Jesus receives selected disciples from different parts of the Universe, being in constant communication with our Creator and in constant energetic contact with the spiritual egregor he created on Earth, supporting and guiding it. Such voluntary isolation is caused by the fact that even the highest vibrations of the inhabitants of Burkhad contrast too much with the spiritual level of Jesus, and, being among them, he would experience constant severe discomfort, feeling, and therefore dissolving (or burning - as you prefer) all the negative manifestations of their vibrations.

In order to leave the physical body, Jesus would now have to either be killed by someone or take his own life - the latter would lead to a fall to the levels of very low vibrations of the spiritual world. But if someone in the Universe even dared to try to kill him (which is hardly imaginable), then this could only happen with his consent and with complete inaction - given his divine capabilities. So this would also be suicide, which Jesus, of course, would never do.

Now a few words about the temptation of Jesus in the desert by Lucifer. To the corresponding question we were told that this temptation took place in the astral world. If Jesus had bowed down to Lucifer, tempted by the power over the world that he offered him in exchange for abandoning his plan, then this would have been worship of the idea of ​​departure from divinity, the idea of ​​separation from the Supreme Creator, which Lucifer himself had realized. Then Jesus would have become the same as Lucifer, and, as the firstborn son of God, would most likely have received power over Lucifer himself - that is, in essence, would have taken his place. But Jesus, to this entire tempting kingdom over the material world, preferred first physical suffering and death, and then the eternal sacrifice for all of us, which was discussed above.


We have already found out about the sources of Hinduism and Judaism. Now about Islam and Buddhism. The Prophet Muhammad was a physical contactee of the planet Tumesout (like Moses). The teaching that was transmitted to him was aimed at forming a single spiritual and national egregor from disunited Arab tribes that were actively at odds with each other. Anyone who finds the time and desire to look at least at Wikipedia (not to mention the Koran itself) will easily see that this knowledge is based on the same biblical truths, little different, in essence, from those transmitted earlier, but adapted and updated to take into account the new time (several centuries after the birth of Jesus), as well as the specific geographical and historical situation around the Arab world of that time. At the same time, Muslims worship the Kaaba - a sacred building with a sacred stone inside, which, as they believe, was recreated after the flood by the same forefather of the Jewish people, the prophet Abraham (Ibrahim). At the same time, Islam fully recognizes the existence of the Virgin Mary (Miriam) as the mother of Jesus and Jesus himself as one of the great prophets (Issa). At the same time, Muhammad introduced, so to speak, certain “creative changes” (let’s call them that) into the transmitted teaching, some of which were then, as always happens, used by religious fanatics from Islam to achieve their own goals. Here we will not develop this topic further.

Prophet Muhammad really did make a night journey (Miraj) to Jerusalem, as described in the verses (ayat) of the Quran's Surah Al-Najm. In Jerusalem, he really met Abraham (Ibrahim), Moses (Musa) and Jesus (Issa). It was an astral journey - without moving the physical body, and everything happened in the astral world. At present, Muhammad is incarnate and has already left the incarnation in which he recently resided on one of the planets outside our Galaxy, and is in the Spiritual World, still maintaining the spiritual egregor he created on Earth. As creators of spiritual egregors, Jesus and Muhammad are in contact with each other on a spiritual level.

Gautama Buddha was the incarnation of a spiritual personality (soul) from one of the highest (of those accessible to our understanding) spiritual levels. Buddhism conveyed and conveys a certain view of divinity, more characteristic of plasmoid civilizations inclined to an impersonal perception of the Creator (which is also part of the Truth). Now Buddha is in the spiritual world, from where he also maintains his egregor.


The main goal of our creators is to raise the consciousness of people to a level that will allow our civilization to enter the Interstellar Union. For this, a number of conditions must be met, including:

the cessation of all military conflicts on the planet, the absence of any military actions for at least five Earth years;

a complete rejection of the death penalty for crimes, which only harms all participants in this situation on a spiritual level and is, in essence, simply revenge with a lack of understanding that the entire society as a whole is responsible for what was done;

refusal of abortions – first of all, because they do not take into account the plans of souls coming to incarnation from various spiritual levels and who have been waiting for their turn to incarnate for a long time;

respect and careful attitude towards our Planet and everything connected with it, gradual restoration of all disharmony in this area, which we have already allowed;

full respect for the opinions of all people, freedom of speech and opinion;

the expression of the will of a clear majority of the planet's able-bodied population (at least 70%), expressed in a universal suffrage.

These conditions are the main ones.

We are expected in the Interstellar Union - as full partners and assistants, so that later together we can explore our amazing, infinitely diverse Universe, in which we live together with our alien friends and creators. The Universe, consisting of the physical (material), astral and spiritual worlds, through the experience of being in which intelligent souls develop to the highest divine levels. This applies to both the souls of earthlings and the souls of aliens - especially since both we and they can incarnate on different planets of the physical world, as well as in the bodies of subtle-material plasmoids. In this sense, there is absolutely no difference between us. That is, in the next life, any of us can incarnate on one of the planets distant from Earth and vice versa.

Highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations (Tumesout, Burkhad and Selbet) created earthly people as hybrids, designed to combine the best features of the representatives of these planets. Now our ancient parents, who gave us the basic spiritual teachings, are ready to accept us, so to speak, into the "bosom of the star family". After that, we will be able to receive all the knowledge, technologies, experience in treating diseases and rejuvenation, and much more that they have accumulated. Joining the Interstellar Union (which, let me remind you, currently includes 116 civilizations of our Galaxy, out of a total of 727) presupposes full-fledged mass contact with us and the possibility of freely visiting all these planets. However, all this cannot be revealed to us as long as the spiritual level of our civilization is so low that it could very quickly reduce the use of most of this knowledge to military or other aggressive goals aimed at destruction, not creation.

Vivid evidence of our approach are the multiple aggressive actions of the military of various countries, which led to accidents of unprotected (usually tourist) alien ships, as well as to the death or capture of pilots or innocent passengers. We know the exact dates of such events, all the details, and we also know the approximate locations of secret bases where shot down or fallen alien ships were secretly delivered. According to the information passed on to us, the governments of the leading countries are well aware of the existence of the Interstellar Union. Moreover, secret agreements were concluded between specific political leaders and representatives of the Interstellar Union in the last century, stipulating the non-use of nuclear weapons on the planet, since this would have yielded nothing - the "aliens" firmly stated that in order to save humanity they would destroy launched combat missiles with nuclear charges. We were told that such cases have already taken place.

At the same time, our creators do everything possible not to deprive us of freedom of choice, freedom of development on the path that we ourselves choose. This, as well as the physical safety of contactees, who will immediately fall "under the hood" of our "humane" special services, are the main reasons why we are not given the publicly available material evidence of contacts that many people desire. Even if such evidence were available at the official level, they would try to disavow it with all their might. If they were massive, then this would lead, with our level of collective consciousness, not to reconciliation within society at all, but to its disunity due to attempts to use "contact with aliens" for their own selfish purposes, including, again, military ones. Well, their opposition to such use would lead to mutual violence - that is, the implementation of our favorite blockbusters, where (quite deliberately) aliens are often presented to us as an aggressive hostile force. In other words, they will not "force us to be happy" by means of imposed mass contact. Instead, throughout our history they act through individual contactees, who, to the best of their ability and capabilities, convey to us knowledge from the Interstellar Union. Among these contactees (who were quite conscious) were well-known personalities, such as the entire Roerich family, Helena Blavatsky, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Wolf Messing, Vanga and many others.

The entry of the Earth into the Interstellar Union, as it turned out, is also the goal of Jesus himself - as we remember, he is in a physical body on the planet Burkhad, the capital of the Interstellar Union. When this happens (after fulfilling the above conditions, essentially reflecting the meaning of several commandments of the New Testament), Jesus will come (fly) to Earth in a physical body. This will be the very Second Coming - as a celebration of our achievements. And then, according to Jesus's plan, the key moment should happen: he is convinced that earthlings themselves will offer him to become the ruler of the planet. Then the Era of Love and Light will come again, similar to the one that was before the war 12 thousand years ago, but on a different turn of the spiral of development. Thus, the entire "puzzle" of information is put together, explaining in a single knowledge both spiritual and religious truths, and historical aspects, and a completely material picture of the alien support of human civilization by our creators from the Interstellar Union of the Galaxy.

And the last thing in this article. We also managed to find out that, in addition to the Interstellar Union, there are other communities of civilizations in the Galaxy. Their participants do not always agree with the ideas of the Interstellar Union, but there is no open confrontation between these communities of civilizations. One of the most famous communities of this kind is known to us as the Galactic Federation, which is “based” in the Pleiades constellation. It includes 17 physical civilizations and about 700 subtle-material (plasmoid) civilizations. At the same time, 3 of the 17 material civilizations are also members of the Interstellar Union, which does not contradict the rules of both communities. Earth contactees often call the Galactic Federation the “Federation of Light”, since it contains many high-vibration plasmoid worlds. A number of participants in the Galactic Federation are more determined to change the situation on Earth. They are ready to intervene and help us “bring order” to society and the planet. However, they cannot and will not do this without the permission of the Interstellar Union, which includes the civilizations that directly created our ancestors.

The Interstellar Union currently ensures the security of our civilization - first of all, from attempts of unauthorized influence on us by individual representatives of different planets who violate the laws of the Interstellar Union (in fact, these are criminals or, if you like, pirates). For this purpose, a special division of the Galactic Security Service operates, which deals with our planet. In addition, due to the presence on Earth and under the surface of the Moon of many bases (including military ones) of several civilizations of the Interstellar Union, a system has been created that is capable of preventing or repelling an attack on our planet from space - as was the case with Selbet.

So, dear friends, everything depends only on you and me. Including specifically on YOU – dear reader.

Thank you for reading this post!

The above information was transmitted to all of us through the contactee Irina Podzorova (Voronezh), mainly by these specific representatives of the civilizations of the Interstellar Union:

MidgasKaus (humanoid) - biologist, psychologist, specialist in alien life forms. Planet Esler, constellation Bootes, 36 light years from the Sun;

Raom-Tiyan (humanoid) – specialist in the history of interaction with young space civilizations. Planet Burkhad, constellation Cygnus, 670 light years from the Sun;

Te Per Hredours (reptilian) – biologist, ecologist, transformer of reptilian genetic information into cells of humanoid races. Planet Selbet, constellation Canes Venatici, 730 light years from the Sun.

The author expresses personal gratitude for the invaluable knowledge passed on to us to MidgasKaus, Raom-Tiyan, Te Per Hredours, as well as Kirkhiton (planet Daraal), Saint-Germain (planet Disaru), Mirakh-Kaunt (planet Burkhad), Li-Shioni (planet Shimor), Oal-Maraumsu (planet Futissa, not part of the Interstellar Union) and other aliens - outside this list.



Man is a combination of biological and spiritual nature. His physical body contains genetic information from four different races, absolutely different from each other. Most of all, representatives of the earthly civilization have genetic information from the primates of their native planet. This made it possible to stabilize the genetic information of three races that came from space and decided to participate in the Great Sacrament of creating a being in which an intelligent spirit from the eternal and common home for all - the world of non-embodied spirits - can incarnate. Forty-five percent of the genetic information of earthly primates allows intelligent earthlings to easily adapt to the natural world of your planet, but due to the peculiarity of the evolution of these animals, the human brain is designed in such a way that the intelligent spirit that manifests through it easily forms habits - up to automatic reflexes, sometimes replacing genuine spiritual thinking.

At the same time, stable connections between neurons are formed in the cerebral cortex of an earthly person according to the network type. The energy involved in these connections of nerve cells is always aimed at their preservation, which is carried out by activating the instinct of self-preservation when faced with a situation that contradicts the usual course of events or the formed worldview. This is a useful Divine mechanism that helps the spirit to adapt to earthly reality very quickly and productively. But with disharmonious upbringing and living in a society of low-vibration people, this feature contributes to the preservation of negative experience of interaction with people and includes the instinct of self-preservation when trying to go to Light, Faith, Kindness and Love.

The emotion of fear is precisely the earthly form of avoiding danger - real or imaginary. It arises when the instinct of self-preservation is activated. The genetic information of the inhabitants of Tumesout mainly affects the digestive and locomotor systems. It was the genes of the Tumesoutians that made you omnivorous, since after the Burkhad-Selbet War, the Earth became different, and the conditions on it required a large amount of animal protein food for the preservation and development of intelligent life than it had been before. Also, the genes of the Tumesoutians helped you become upright flexible creatures, practically devoid of hair.

The information embedded in your DNA from the Burkhad representatives affects your immunity, as well as your hormonal and nervous systems. It is thanks to the genes of the Burkhad representatives that your lymphocytes have the ability to remember for a long time the proteins of microorganisms that are dangerous to the body. This is the basis for preventive vaccination and treatment of infectious diseases by introducing serums from the blood plasma of people who have successfully recovered from this disease. In addition, the genes of the Burkhadians allow the human brain to quickly remember diverse information and store it for a long time in neural connections by secreting special proteins. The least amount of genes in the bodies of representatives of the earthly race are those of the Selbet planet - cold-blooded egg-laying reptilians. Despite the small percentage of these genes, they are very important for you. They are the ones that code the formation of synapses in the brain that are capable of responding to an increase in the level of stress hormones (for example, adrenaline) with a surge of energy activity in the frontal and parietal regions of the brain, through which the consciousness of the intelligent spirit, as well as its will and thinking, is manifested.

Due to this, in situations of discomfort and danger, instead of the usual activation of brain receptors for aminobutyric acid derivatives in primates, which leads to fear, depression and flight, there is an increase in the activity of the dopamine-serotonin system with the subsequent release of endorphins of various natures, restoring the biochemical balance of neurons. This allows people in stressful situations to adequately perceive the world around them, think productively, act effectively and according to the circumstances.

Each earthly person contains a genetic complex that allows him to live and develop on this planet as a harmonious biological, social and spiritual being, and the energy components of human DNA contain the potential of all the creators of your race. The DNA of primates contains the energy of the earthly plasmoids that created the souls of these animals, and the DNA of the three galactic races contains the energy of their planets and star systems.

Thus, the paths for contacts with humanoids, plasmoids and the spiritual world are open to intelligent spirits incarnated in earthlings. These opportunities should be used by you for the good - if you are interested in developing Divine qualities in yourself, without which true love, wisdom and happiness in the Light of the One God, the Creator of the Universe and our common Father are unthinkable.

MidgasKaus, biologist, psychologist and specialist in alien life forms. Planet Esler.

Lee Shioni, a specialist in the study of the astral world and energetic astral interactions. Planet Shimor.

Dusbe Pahr, xenogeneticist, specialist in genetic modifications of intelligent anthropomorphic races. Planet Tikht.

Архив блога

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