
среда, 18 сентября 2024 г.

Cassiopeia - Official site in English - epub ebooks - EN-DE-FR-EO

Cassiopeia - Official site in English.epub

Cassiopeia - Offizielle Website auf Englisch - Deutsch.epub

Cassiopeia - Site officiel en anglais - French.epub

Kasiopeo - Oficiala retejo el la angla al Esperanto .epub Official site in English

The Goals and Principles of Cassiopeia Project
Using all the opportunities and resources, convey to humanity the information, knowledge, and principles of the Universe structure, transmitted by the representatives of the Interstellar Union of our galaxy through the contactee Irina Podzorova, so that our civilization significantly increases the collective level of awareness and perception of spiritual vibrations and physical reality.

Spreading the light of knowledge among those who seek and need it.

Real help to people in awakening and establishing communication with their Higher Self in order to know their true nature.

Spiritual and Physical Development of Mankind
Creation (including, if necessary, construction) in the country and abroad of centers of Spiritual growth for the education and training of all comers.

An emphasis on learning and developing people’s ability to communicate, given that about 50% of all of us are open to contact in general. It is important to be able to balance and harmonize these abilities.

Mass Availability
All people working and practicing at the Center for Spiritual Growth will transfer their knowledge to those in need solely on the basis of the Donation principle (voluntary payment according to the heart).

Love as a World-changing Energy
Organization of a dialogue with ANY energy structures exclusively through Love.


Irina Podzorova – liaison with the Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

Cassiopeia Project’s mission is to convey to humanity the unique information, unparalleled knowledge, and principles of the Infinite Universe’s structure, transmitted by representatives of the Interstellar Union of our galaxy through channeler and contactee Irina Podzorova , in order for our civilization to raise collective spiritual vibrations to a level that will allow us, having fulfilled the necessary conditions for this, to join the Interstellar Union as an equally qualified member.

Irina Podzorova lives in Voronezh, Russia. All information is translated from the Russian language.

Архив блога

7 встреч с фантомом Иисуса Христа 7 Encounters with the Phantom of Jesus Christ 7 renkontoj kun la fantomo de Jesuo Kristo Бөтен өркениеттердегі біздің шынайы тарихымыз Информация от внеземных цивилизаций настрой Наша настоящая история Наша настоящая история от инопланетных цивилизаций Наша справжня історія від інопланетних цивілізацій подкасты русско-английский подкаст транскрипты Харь гарагийн соёл иргэншлийн бидний бодит түүх Ár scéal fíor ó shibhialtachtaí eachtrannach AR-DE-EN-EO-ES-FR-HI-IT-PT-RU-ZH Cassiopeia - Official site in English - epub ebook - EN-DE-FR-EO Cassiopeia- What is HIGHER SELF ? - EN - FR - DE- EO- RU - epub - mp3 Câu chuyện có thật của chúng ta từ các nền văn minh ngoài hành tinh Description of the Spiritual World from 1 to 24 Level Hadithi yetu halisi kutoka kwa ustaarabu wa kigeni Historia jonë e vërtetë nga qytetërimet e huaja Information from extraterrestrial civilizations Jesus Christ Kisah nyata kami dari peradaban alien Kisah nyata saka peradaban asing La nostra vera storia dalle civiltà aliene Meie tõeline lugu tulnukate tsivilisatsioonidest Mūsu patiesais stāsts no citplanētiešu civilizācijām Náš skutečný příběh z mimozemských civilizací Nasza prawdziwa historia z obcych cywilizacji Nia reala historio de eksterteraj civilizacioj Nossa história real de civilizações alienígenas Notre véritable histoire de civilisations extraterrestres Nuestra verdadera historia de civilizaciones extraterrestres Ons echte verhaal over buitenaardse beschavingen Our real history from alien civilizations Povestea noastră reală din civilizațiile extraterestre Raunveruleg saga okkar frá framandi siðmenningum realis narratio nostra de civilizationibus peregrinis russian-english podcast Tikra mūsų istorija iš svetimų civilizacijų Todellinen tarinamme muukalaiskulttuureista Tunings Unsere wahre Geschichte aus außerirdischen Zivilisationen Uzaylı uygarlıklardan gerçek hikayemiz Valódi történetünk idegen civilizációkból Vår verkliga historia från främmande civilisationer - Vår virkelige historie fra fremmede sivilisasjoner Vores virkelige historie fra fremmede civilisationer Yadplanetli sivilizasiyalardan bizim əsl hekayəmiz Η πραγματική μας ιστορία από εξωγήινους πολιτισμούς ჩვენი რეალური ისტორია უცხო ცივილიზაციებიდან Մեր իրական պատմությունը օտար քաղաքակրթություններից אירינה פודז'רובה - הסיפור האמיתי שלנו מתרבויות חייזרים ارینا پوڈزورووا - اجنبی تہذیبوں سے ہماری حقیقی کہانی داستان واقعی ما از تمدن های بیگانه كاسيوبيا - إيرينا بودزوروفا - قصتنا الحقيقية من الحضارات الفضائية कैसिओपिया - इरीना पोडज़ोरोवा - विदेशी सभ्यताओं से हमारी वास्तविक कहानी ক্যাসিওপিয়া - ইরিনা পোডজোরোভা - এলিয়েন সভ্যতা থেকে আমাদের আসল গল্প ਕੈਸੀਓਪੀਆ - ਇਰੀਨਾ ਪੋਡਜ਼ੋਰੋਵਾ - ਪਰਦੇਸੀ ਸਭਿਅਤਾਵਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਸਾਡੀ ਅਸਲ ਕਹਾਣੀ அன்னிய நாகரிகங்களிலிருந்து எங்கள் உண்மையான கதை เรื่องจริงของเราจากอารยธรรมต่างดาว 외계 문명에 관한 우리의 실제 이야기 伊琳娜波德佐羅娃 - 我們來自外星文明的真實故事 異星文明から見た私たちの本当の物語