
понедельник, 16 сентября 2024 г.

Cassiopeia - 7 Encounters with the Phantom of Jesus Christ - AR-DE-EN-EO-ES-FR-HI-IT-PT-RU-ZH- Кассиопея - 7 встреч с фантомом Иисуса Христа - Kasiopeo - 7 renkontoj kun la fantomo de Jesuo Kristo

AR ذات الكرسي - 7 لقاءات مع شبح يسوع المسيح.epub
DE Cassiopeia – 7 Begegnungen mit dem Phantom von Jesus Christus.epub
EN Cassiopeia - 7 Encounters with the Phantom of Jesus Christ.epub
Cassiopeia - 7 Encounters with the Phantom of Jesus Christ. 1-7.mp3
EO Kasiopeo - 7 renkontoj kun la fantomo de Jesuo Kristo.epub
Kasiopeo - 7 renkontoj kun la fantomo de Jesuo Kristo 1-7.mp3
ES Casiopea - 7 encuentros con el fantasma de Jesucristo.epub
FR Cassiopée - 7 rencontres avec le fantôme de Jésus-Christ.epub
HI कैसिओपिया - 7 यीशु मसीह के प्रेत के साथ मुठभेड़.epub
IT Cassiopea - 7 incontri con il fantasma di Gesù Cristo.epub
PT Cassiopeia – 7 encontros com o fantasma de Jesus Cristo.epub
RU Кассиопея - 7 встреч с фантомом Иисуса Христа.epub
ZH 卡西奥佩娅 - 与耶稣基督幽灵的 7 次遭遇.epub

Vladimir: Dear friends, hello! My name is Vladimir Goldstein, I am in the suburbs of Chicago. Today we have a very special conference, which we have all been waiting for. Believe me, one of the reasons why the Cassiopeia project exists is precisely our conversation today, because at this conference there will be a phantom of that very personality that we know under the name of Jesus Christ. Together with us is Maria Sokalskaya from Germany. Hello, Maria!

Maria: Hello!

Vladimir : Well, and, of course, probably there is no need to introduce, but I will introduce, with us is our dear respected contactee Irina Podzorova. Irina, please introduce, now you, who are present today at this very important, I will say absolutely sincerely, priceless for us conference.

Irina: Hello, dear friends! My name is Irina Podzorova, I am a contactee with extraterrestrial civilizations. Today is a long-awaited day for us, we have been coordinating this meeting on the planet Burkhad for a long time. The leader is present here, the head of the Christian religious egregor on Earth and not only, the First-born son of God, our elder Brother, us - I mean all the Spirits who are here. He is here in a phantom form, that is, in an energy copy, which is endowed with his thoughts, his feelings and is connected with his physical body, which is on another planet.

This is Jesus Christ, who is now physically alive, it is very easy for him to create his copies, his phantoms and send them to other planets. We will talk about this, of course, in a little more detail later.

Besides him, here is his student Mirakh Count from the planet Burkhad, who is known in the Christian religious egregor as Archangel Gabriel, and, of course, the curator of our project MidgasKaus from the planet Esler, a biologist, psychologist, specialist in extraterrestrial life forms, who is now talking with interest with the phantom of Jesus.

Hello, dear friends!

06:32 What is the correct name for Jesus Christ? The Firstborn Son of the Absolute Light. Logos.

Vladimir : Dear friends, I have the first question of those which, as I have already said, were agreed upon, in fact, with Jesus Christ himself: respected Jesus, please tell me, how do they address you now on Burkhad and in the Interstellar Union? What is the correct way to call you?

Irina : On Burkhad and in the Interstellar Union, I am called a verbal construct that can be translated into Russian as the Primordial Son of the Absolute Light. Not even a son, but the Primordial impulse of thought of the Absolute Light. I spoke at great length, but this is an approximate translation of the expression from the Picran language "Khaltsi Barahi". This is translated as the mental impulse of the Absolute, a very accurate translation into Greek is "logos", that is, a word, a teaching, a thought. And not just a thought, as an excitation of the mind, but a thought, as a calm state of the Divine Mind. For earthlings - Jesus, Yeshua, Christ or Lord, and you can call me My Brother. The name is only a small part of a very holistic image of a person. I am known in other worlds under other names, in many worlds I am God.

08:26 Number of simultaneous Jesus phantoms. Phantom life force charge percentages. Purpose of using the phantom.

Maria : Please tell me how many phantoms you can identify at the same time, and what is the difference between contact with your phantom or with you in the astral body?

Irina : I can allocate about ten million phantoms with a certain autonomy of existence. I can do more, but for that I will need to remove energy and autonomous existence from about a quarter of them.

What's the difference between phantoms? A phantom has a charge of my Soul of about ten to fifteen percent, right now Irina has about 17% of the total charge of her astral body.

The astral body has a charge from all my subtle bodies and the physical body, about, maybe, 30%. The percentage of the charge of the vital force of my phantoms can change depending on the purpose of use and purpose. Now the purpose of use is the transmission of information and observation of the reaction of the contactee to energy contact.

09:50 The power of the energy flow of the astral and physical bodies of Jesus. The consequences of the discrepancy of energy vibrations.

Vladimir : Thank you! Jesus, please tell me, if you were present now completely, not as a phantom, but in your astral body, would the contactee be able to withstand, from your point of view, this flow of energy?

Irina : I would be able to endure it, but I would remain in a conscious state of consciousness for no more than two or three seconds.

Vladimir : What would have happened?

Irina : She would lose awareness. If out of body, maybe for a minute, because the physical body would not be tuned to contact with the astral body, so awareness would be lost earlier. In fact, this is a fairly high, good result. Some explain it as a dream. When exiting the Astral, if it is the astral body, then all she would remember is dissolving in the Light.

Vladimir : I see. Next question.

Irina : Mismatch of energy vibrations. Even if I tried to fill it with energy, it would only speed up its dissolution.

11:23 Where is Jesus' physical body now?

Vladimir : I see, thank you very much! Please tell me: where exactly are you now in your physical body?

Irina : I am on the planet Bhayaki in the constellation Virgo, one of the colonies of the planet Saama, where I am a deity. Physically I am there and communicate with representatives of local priestly traditions, traditional cults and pass on to them new knowledge about the Interstellar Union and the Spiritual World.

12:17 The exact date of birth of Jesus Christ.

Maria : Thank you! Please tell us, can you tell us the exact date of your birth according to the modern calendar?

Irina : Mirakh Count told me that people were interested, and he told me about it. I was born, you can subtract four years from the first year BC, from the first year of the new era conditionally, and then it will be autumn of the fifth year BC. To disentangle this contradiction, I will say that I was born 749 years after the foundation of Rome. It was autumn, approximately translated into your calendar, taking into account leap years, the shift of the earth's axis, it will be September 22, 749 after the foundation of Rome.

Vladimir : September 22, 749 after the founding of Rome. Thank you very much!

14:10 Description of the Creator of all that exists.

Vladimir : Dear Jesus, please tell me how you could describe for us in words, perhaps not so realistically, but nevertheless, our Creator, the Creator of all that exists, who is the Creator for you, and how in general could you describe Him?

Irina : If I were to describe it in very simple words, it is my own thought about the Existent, changed in the Absolute. Everything that you can think about Him, you can think about some of His qualities. Any word that you can call God, you call one of His energies, but even I do not know them all. It is not that I do not know, but I cannot grasp them with my mind, although my experience and my energy vibrations can simultaneously hold many things in different galaxies and solve various problems of both the Spiritual and the material worlds. But even I cannot grasp even a tenth of His energies.

When you look at an object, you see a small particle of His energies. When you look at a mountain, it is a small particle of His energy, at the Sun, it is a larger particle of His energy. But on the scale of the Divine Mind, this difference is insignificant. When you look at your body, it is also a particle of your energy, and when you concentrate on your thought, it is a particle of Himself. The Creator of all that exists is you, elevated to the Absolute.

You have an understanding of "raising to a power". If all qualities are multiplied, turned into Light and raised to an absolute power - this will be the Creator of all that exists.

Maria : Thank you! Very good explanation.

17:01 Universe.

Maria: Yeshua, please tell me, can we say that your understanding of the universe corresponds to the concepts of the Interstellar Union?

Irina : About what?

Maria : About the structure of the universe. What our curators in the Cassiopeia project convey to us.

Irina : I know these terms. It is not a matter of conformity with my understanding of the universe. I know the universe as a continuous flow of Divine energy, including my own energy and the energy of spiritual entities that consistently create worlds at different levels of density, including the physical, dense-material world. But the terms that the representatives of the Interstellar Union use, I, of course, know and affirm, and I confirm that they can adequately describe reality.

18:16 Modern Christianity, its correspondence to the religious egregor conceived by Jesus Christ. The main task of Christianity.

Maria : Thank you! Please tell me what you think about modern Christianity? Does this religion fulfill the tasks that you set when you created it?

Irina : About modern Christianity in general?

Maria : Yes. About modern Christianity as a whole, in all its denominations.

Irina : This religious egregor, religious society, including the spiritual community, is my part. I sincerely and tenderly love every representative of the Christian denomination as well as every person on Earth, but the tasks that I set for this religion when I created it on Earth are currently being fulfilled only partially.

The main task is not being fulfilled - the unification of those people who are devoted to my image and the image of my Mother, and the image of my Father, and the Holy Spirit, unification under the banner of peace, love, peacemaking, grace, joy. The main goal of my coming to Earth is the creation of a religion, my sacrifice.

Now many leaders of Christian denominations have put personal ambitions and political goals above love for me. Many people! And this brings dissonance into the Christian religious egregor, since the beliefs of these leaders are spread by my flock, the flock lowers its vibrations, condemning and getting angry at its neighbors, and then partakes of my secrets, transferring these emotions to me in an energetic sense. For me, this is a very low-vibrational state, since from the moment of birth in the Spiritual world from the Father I could not imagine life without Love.

Vladimir : I see. Thank you!

21:44 New prayer. Canons. On the possibility of changing the modern Christian denomination. Looking inside yourself through the eyes of Jesus. The instinct of self-preservation. Apostle Paul.

Vladimir : Tell me, please, in the context of the previous question, what would you advise to change in the canons of the modern Christian denomination, maybe it makes sense to give us some new prayer? We have a new time, a quantum transition. Is it necessary to change anything?

Irina : It is not possible to change the canons at the present moment due to the inertia of the Christian religious egregor, due to the thought and emotional processes of the earthlings themselves, who unconsciously, through inclusion, program their egregors to resist external forces and the instinct of self-preservation embedded in a certain way in your culture.

He says that we, being creatures whose instinct for self-preservation prevails in all areas of life, also charge our egregors. This is neither good nor bad, it is the reality that we all deal with. And this has its pros and cons on Earth.

When I came here, I understood perfectly well that the Christian religious egregor would be exactly like this. Of course, there were many versions of the future, but I had no illusions about earthlings. I understood perfectly well their aspirations, thoughts and feelings.

As for changes in the canons for the believers themselves, I would like to call on all believers to look within themselves, within their hearts.

The meaning of Christianity that I put into religion is not even worshiping me, not reading prayers to the saints who loved me, but becoming like me. Becoming like me is a process in which prayer is only a small link.

What is assimilation? Apostle Paul, my first disciple among the pagans, the first teacher of pagan peoples on Earth and the one who transmits my knowledge, worldview, carrying the energy of my society of ordinary people of non-Jewish origin, said that you, people, should have feelings like those of close people, and my feeling is love. And my love is absolute for everyone. For me, there are no personal enemies, enemies of my church, for me the word "enemy" does not exist at all.

The enemy is my beloved son, because I do not separate myself from the Father for a single moment in the essence of my Spirit. My separation is only for self-awareness, and in energy I am not separated from him. Therefore, any sinner, any enemy of God, an enemy of love, is my son, a son of love, who has become hardened, fallen into low vibrations, and who can be healed only by love, not pain, anger, not condemnation, but only by the example of your love.

That is why I call upon every Christian, especially before confession and communion, to look inside themselves, to look at themselves through my eyes. Just put my image in front of you, which will remind you of my eyes, of my energy, look at yourself, close your eyes, imagine that you are standing in front of me, and not just in front of me, but in front of Absolute Love. Ask: “Have I been like you for the last day, two, week or month?” – how long, this is a very individual question. And, of course, this needs to be done regularly.

The whole point is that sometimes your desire to change and become holy, to shine with unconditional Love, can very quickly disappear because you behave according to your habits. But you do not need to condemn these evil habits, fears, this condemnation only strengthens, as it distracts you from fighting them.

And if you develop in yourself only love and the qualities that go with it, opposite to passions, and when you outgrow them, they will fall away by themselves, like unnecessary husks. So I wish each of you once a day in prayer or in a state of meditation or self-analysis to remember that I exist, and to address me not just with words of prayer.

I will now give a new prayer: " My Lord is Light, and I am Light, we are one."  Although these will be very correct words, there is a real risk that they will also be repeated by rote, like a mantra, without changing yourself, so just look into yourself and ask: "Christ, am I like you, am I the same love?" And when your neighbors irritate you, ask me through yourself: "Christ, how would you answer? Haven't you been humiliated on Earth? How did you answer?" Here will already be the path of love.

Be sure to accompany these questions with prayer, which should come from the heart and return to the heart, because prayer is the path to spiritual perfection, since continuous prayer is a continuous flow with me. When a person's mind is constantly occupied with thoughts about God, he will gradually get used to it, and it will be difficult for him to descend to low vibrations, not only to do, but even to think about something low-vibrational, a departure from God.

Архив блога

7 встреч с фантомом Иисуса Христа 7 Encounters with the Phantom of Jesus Christ 7 renkontoj kun la fantomo de Jesuo Kristo Бөтен өркениеттердегі біздің шынайы тарихымыз Информация от внеземных цивилизаций настрой Наша настоящая история Наша настоящая история от инопланетных цивилизаций Наша справжня історія від інопланетних цивілізацій подкасты русско-английский подкаст транскрипты Харь гарагийн соёл иргэншлийн бидний бодит түүх Ár scéal fíor ó shibhialtachtaí eachtrannach AR-DE-EN-EO-ES-FR-HI-IT-PT-RU-ZH Cassiopeia - Official site in English - epub ebook - EN-DE-FR-EO Cassiopeia- What is HIGHER SELF ? - EN - FR - DE- EO- RU - epub - mp3 Câu chuyện có thật của chúng ta từ các nền văn minh ngoài hành tinh Description of the Spiritual World from 1 to 24 Level Hadithi yetu halisi kutoka kwa ustaarabu wa kigeni Historia jonë e vërtetë nga qytetërimet e huaja Information from extraterrestrial civilizations Jesus Christ Kisah nyata kami dari peradaban alien Kisah nyata saka peradaban asing La nostra vera storia dalle civiltà aliene Meie tõeline lugu tulnukate tsivilisatsioonidest Mūsu patiesais stāsts no citplanētiešu civilizācijām Náš skutečný příběh z mimozemských civilizací Nasza prawdziwa historia z obcych cywilizacji Nia reala historio de eksterteraj civilizacioj Nossa história real de civilizações alienígenas Notre véritable histoire de civilisations extraterrestres Nuestra verdadera historia de civilizaciones extraterrestres Ons echte verhaal over buitenaardse beschavingen Our real history from alien civilizations Povestea noastră reală din civilizațiile extraterestre Raunveruleg saga okkar frá framandi siðmenningum realis narratio nostra de civilizationibus peregrinis russian-english podcast Tikra mūsų istorija iš svetimų civilizacijų Todellinen tarinamme muukalaiskulttuureista Tunings Unsere wahre Geschichte aus außerirdischen Zivilisationen Uzaylı uygarlıklardan gerçek hikayemiz Valódi történetünk idegen civilizációkból Vår verkliga historia från främmande civilisationer - Vår virkelige historie fra fremmede sivilisasjoner Vores virkelige historie fra fremmede civilisationer Yadplanetli sivilizasiyalardan bizim əsl hekayəmiz Η πραγματική μας ιστορία από εξωγήινους πολιτισμούς ჩვენი რეალური ისტორია უცხო ცივილიზაციებიდან Մեր իրական պատմությունը օտար քաղաքակրթություններից אירינה פודז'רובה - הסיפור האמיתי שלנו מתרבויות חייזרים ارینا پوڈزورووا - اجنبی تہذیبوں سے ہماری حقیقی کہانی داستان واقعی ما از تمدن های بیگانه كاسيوبيا - إيرينا بودزوروفا - قصتنا الحقيقية من الحضارات الفضائية कैसिओपिया - इरीना पोडज़ोरोवा - विदेशी सभ्यताओं से हमारी वास्तविक कहानी ক্যাসিওপিয়া - ইরিনা পোডজোরোভা - এলিয়েন সভ্যতা থেকে আমাদের আসল গল্প ਕੈਸੀਓਪੀਆ - ਇਰੀਨਾ ਪੋਡਜ਼ੋਰੋਵਾ - ਪਰਦੇਸੀ ਸਭਿਅਤਾਵਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਸਾਡੀ ਅਸਲ ਕਹਾਣੀ அன்னிய நாகரிகங்களிலிருந்து எங்கள் உண்மையான கதை เรื่องจริงของเราจากอารยธรรมต่างดาว 외계 문명에 관한 우리의 실제 이야기 伊琳娜波德佐羅娃 - 我們來自外星文明的真實故事 異星文明から見た私たちの本当の物語