
вторник, 17 сентября 2024 г.

Cassiopeia - Description of the Spiritual World from 1 to 24 Level - DE-EN-EO-ES-FR-IT-PT-RU - Кассиопея - Описание Духовного мира с 1 по 24 Уровень - Kasiopeo - Priskribo de la Spirita Mondo de 1 gis 24 Niveloj

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Cassiopee - Description du monde spirituel de 1 a 24 niveaux.mp3

Cassiopeia - Description of the Spiritual World from 1 to 24 Level.mp3

Cassiopeia – Beschreibung der spirituellen Welt von 1 bis 24 Ebenen.mp3

DE Cassiopeia – Beschreibung der spirituellen Welt von 1 bis 24 Ebenen.epub

EN Cassiopeia - Description of the Spiritual World from 1 to 24 Level.epub

EO Kasiopeo - Priskribo de la Spirita Mondo de 1 gis 24 Niveloj.epub

ES Casiopea - Descripcion del Mundo Espiritual del 1 al 24 Niveles.epub

FR Cassiopee - Description du monde spirituel de 1 a 24 niveaux.epub

IT Cassiopea - Descrizione del Mondo Spirituale da 1 a 24 Livelli.epub

Kasiopeo - Priskribo de la Spirita Mondo de 1 gis 24 Niveloj.mp3

PT Cassiopeia - Descricao do Mundo Espiritual de 1 a 24 niveis.epub

RU RU Кассиопея - Описание Духовного мира с 1 по 24 Уровень.epub

RU Кассиопея - Описание Духовного мира с 1 по 24 Уровень.mp3

Cassiopeia - Description of the Spiritual World from 1 to 24 Level

Description of spirit levels

After the final separation of the spirit from the material body, it first enters the astral world, which is a kind of antechamber or "waiting room" for disembodied spirits. Usually, it is met there by Guide Angels, who, together with its own Guardian Angel, explain to it what has happened and escort it to its eternal home - the world of disembodied spirits. It is located a little further than the astral world from the manifested matter in terms of its vibration level, being the next dimension of the spiritual world.

The world of non-embodied spirits is divided into 24 levels, a detailed description of which will be given below. It is there that all spirits await their turn to incarnate, and their life is no less bright, rich and interesting than life in bodies in the material world.

Why do we come here again and again? To manifest the accumulated experience, to radiate our energy, to show feelings, to share thoughts, and to gain new experience that allows us to become closer to That Source of Life, the Power of which we so clearly feel in the spiritual world, where we are no longer distracted by the needs of material bodies.

The world of non-embodied spirits consists of twenty-four levels. Spirits living above are perceived by us from here as living on the twenty-fourth, because further on for us there is simply Light, not divided into separate spiritual entities.


1 Bhutas are the lowest vibrational of spirits. They have closed their Light with greed, lust and envy so much that they have completely forgotten about the existence of God, suppressed their rational mind, closed their hearts to all good and rejoice only in one thing - when other entities experience pain and mental anguish. Then they feel that they are not the only ones who feel so bad and for a time they calm down from chronic dissatisfaction with everything and from their more or less constant persecution mania.

2 Rakshasas are spirits that are so filled with the energies of anger, hatred and vindictiveness that they direct all their activity towards violence against others, believing that this is the best way to protect and promote their ideas. They forget about the freedom of choice given by God to others and recognize the right to it only for themselves. They easily go to any form of conflict, sincerely believing that a good goal in their understanding justifies any means.

3 Asuras are spirits who, due to their pride and arrogance, do not see the needs of other people. All their activity is aimed at satisfying their various desires, the fulfillment of which replaces the joy of being in God's Love. In the heat of their passions, they do not pay attention to the manifestation of Light in themselves, through intuition and the voice of conscience.

4 Demons are spirits that are so absorbed in the pleasures they receive through the material body that they forget about the law of conservation of energies. They want to endlessly enjoy various material energies and become very irritated when an obstacle appears on their path, even if these are living people. They often do not observe God's law about waiting their turn for incarnation and inhabit the bodies of incarnated spirits that match their vibrations.

5 Demons are spirits who have become so disillusioned with life in the material world that they have come to a complete denial of its value and to accuse God of creating it and maintaining it with His Energy. The degree and reasons for this denial are different for everyone, but what remains common is a visible asceticism and religiosity, combined with a sharp condemnation of dissenters and a certain disgust towards any form of matter or material activity.

6 Archons are spirits with similar beliefs and actions to demons, but differ from them in their special character structure, slightly higher vibrations and sense of inspiration and sincerity with which they perform evil deeds. Due to well-developed strategic thinking and flashes of intuition that sometimes become available at this level, they become leaders among other evil spirits, like the well-known from the biblical descriptions Lucifer, who now lives on the sixth level.

These leaders form specific societies from demons, based on strict obedience and respect for leaders, with rather harsh punishments for disobedience and apostasy. These societies in many ways resemble military brigades, totalitarian sects and bandit groups in the world of disembodied spirits.


7 Elementals are spirits that seek to incarnate in plasmoid worlds responsible for certain natural elements. They emerged from the demon world and devoted their energy to controlling nature and creating animal souls. Their own power still attracts them to such an extent that they can ignore the needs of their family, act against society as a whole, and not wish to sincerely turn to God. But they have already moved away from demonic egoism and now, creating and controlling animal souls, they learn to selflessly love someone other than themselves.

8 Djinns - these spirits are very similar to elementals, but unlike them, they have a broader outlook, a greater focus on the outside, greater organizational skills and friendliness.

They also strive to incarnate in the subtle worlds, but unlike the elementals, they often do this not in plasmoids that control the elements, but in their immediate leaders, who look after certain places in the material world: fields, forests, bodies of water, houses, etc. They also take part in the creation of animal souls and help the elementals control the natural elements.


9 Students are spirits who learn to direct their attention and energy to other personalities around them. They incarnate in order to learn the moral laws of the society they are born in through their own, often bitter, experience. They are often skeptics who do not believe anything or anyone except their own eyes and ears, and they usually believe that their senses cannot be deceived.

Life debunks this delusion of theirs, sometimes quite harshly, and it is very important at this level not to become embittered by the blows of fate and not to fall even lower, which happens with complete acceptance of everything that happens as the will of God.

10 Warriors are spirits whose main goal is to restore justice as they understand it. Their concern for the suffering of others and their own allows them to achieve fairly high vibrations, but the implementation of their plans is often associated with condemnation of dissenters and the use of violent methods of influence.

Unlike the rakshasas, warriors do not fight for their own ideas, not for the egoistic advancement of their power, but for ideas that they sincerely and ardently consider socially useful. They are rebels and revolutionaries, burning with the dream of social well-being, but losing sight of the law of similarity, according to which negativity, even manifested for good purposes, can only give rise to another negativity.

11 Consumers are spirits who have experienced all the charm of the material world in receiving various sensual pleasures and spend their energy on work for the sake of money that can give them things that are pleasant for them.

Unlike demons, they will not transgress moral standards, much less the laws of the society where they live, but their hearts are occupied with the desire for material goods, and their minds with thoughts of how to acquire them and what to spend them on for greater enjoyment. Occupied with such concerns from morning to evening, they often have neither the time nor the desire to think about their spiritual development, much less make any efforts in this direction.

12 Builders are spirits whose main goal is to create comfortable living conditions for themselves and their loved ones in the material world. They are ready to work hard for this, both physically and mentally, but often consider matter, if not the only reality, then the most important condition for peace of mind and harmony, which they call happiness.

Spiritual searches are often incomprehensible and boring to them, although they most often do not condemn all this in other people, but they are closer to the joy of a job well done than from music or a book read, and even more so from prayer or meditation.

13 Aesthetes are spirits who begin to understand that the level of happiness does not depend on material well-being. Many of them still doubt this, but feeling a surge of Light in their souls from works of art, they can be moved to tears or fall into an ecstatic state that is completely incomprehensible to consumer spirits who watch, read and listen to the same thing, but do not experience such a variety and depth of emotions. For aesthetes, the pleasure of literature, music, painting and other manifestations of creativity of other people exceeds the pleasure of pleasures received through the body.

14 Researchers are spirits who find joy in learning the laws of the material world in all its diversity. They can learn about nature or society, or themselves, they can see God behind all this, but they also want to learn about Him and sort out His laws and energies. They are not always able to verify harmony with algebra, so such spirits often cannot understand the difference between faith and knowledge, but still their innate logic and analytics help them feel that the world is much more complex than it seems to them.

15 Inventors are spirits for whom the highest happiness lies in creativity, in creating something that has not yet existed. It does not matter what it is: new recipes for pies, perpetual motion machines or programs of political parties. The main thing for them is to make other spirits happy with the truth that has been revealed to them and in the usefulness of which they firmly believe for everyone and at all times. Inventors passionately carry their Light to everyone they meet and are very upset when they are not understood. True, with experience, wisdom comes to them that it is impossible to prove a truth to a person for the comprehension of which he is not ready, and when readiness comes, the need for proof disappears for him.

16 Seekers are spirits whose task is to find the way to the world of good spirits, to the world of angels, where the Light shines much brighter than in the world of average spirits. Seekers see reflections of this Light everywhere and anywhere. The main thing for them is not to fall into dogmatism and not to limit their thinking. They have already outgrown such an experience and now see a good beginning in all religions and spiritual teachings. A characteristic feature of Seekers is dissatisfaction with their spiritual development, a constant desire for perfection.

Many of them already feel that all the books on spiritual development, all the religious scriptures will be of no use if they do not see and recognize the Light in themselves. But their hearts often tremble before the great mystery of existence, while dimly realizing that darkness is unrecognized Light, and evil is misdirected good.


17 Angels of nature are spirits whose service in the spiritual world consists of teaching subtle-material plasmoid civilizations the correct, in the Light of God, management of natural elements, the birth of animal souls and the assembly of their energies into one whole. They also often incarnate in the worlds of plasmoids to guide them on the true path and often incarnate in the worlds of humanoids to more fully feel natural energies and learn to work with them.

18 Guardian Angels are spirits whose main mission in the spiritual world is to care for incarnate spirits from various levels. The Light of Love, which they are aware of, allows them to tolerate, forgive and protect even the most ungrateful and evil spirits.

The Guardian can sincerely and lovingly care for the demon, rejoicing at the slightest sprouts of goodness in his soul and, what is more important, he is able to understand and forgive if the demon suddenly tramples these sprouts and throws them to his benefactor. Every incarnate spirit who wished to have one during incarnation has a Guardian Angel. One incarnate spirit can have several Guardian Angels, and a Guardian Angel, especially an experienced one, can also have several wards.

The task of the Angels is to protect their wards from evil spirits, drive away bad thoughts and instill good and bright images that help them go to God.

19 Angels-prophets are spirits whose main task is to convey the Word of God, His laws to the minds and hearts of all spirits. The word "prophet" here means a messenger of God's will, not a clairvoyant. It is necessary to remember that the future is multi-variant, so it is impossible to accurately predict what will happen next. Any, even the most negative forecast, is a reason for reflection and attempts to transfer events into a more constructive direction.

The task of the Prophets is to teach incarnate and non-incarnate spirits that true spiritual selfless Love which shines in them with infinite Light and spreads to all who fall within their field.

20 Healing angels are spirits whose work in the spiritual world is to heal other spirits, incarnate and non-incarnate. The word "healing" is understood by them in the broadest sense of the word, as the restoration of the integrity of the body, energy, consciousness, etc.

Healers do not tolerate any disorder or chaos, it causes them almost physical pain and a desire to bring everything into line with the understanding of the world order that they have achieved at the moment. And spirits from this level are also very good at feeling other people's pain, both physical and mental.

21 Guide Angels are spirits whose task in the spiritual world is to meet spirits who have left their material bodies forever and to accompany them through the astral to the world of non-embodied spirits, to the level they reached during life in the body. Also, the task of the Guides is to accompany spirits whose turn for incarnation has come, to the material world and help in connecting with the future body.

Guides very often walk through the astral plane, meet with different spiritual entities at different levels of spiritual and intellectual development, therefore they have flexible thinking, consciousness, capable of adapting to different circumstances, are able to quickly navigate the surrounding environment and find a common language with a wide variety of intelligent beings.

22 Angels-consultants are spirits whose main task is to help other spirits in selecting the best conditions for incarnation for spiritual development. They have well-developed symbolic thinking, knowledge of all the subtleties of karmic psychology, the laws of existence in material worlds of different densities and have access to Divine knowledge about each spirit that turns to them for help in selecting an incarnation.

They must take into account many factors that contribute to the development of specific spirits in the Light of Love in themselves and correlate them with astrological and numerological data in the material world, adequate to the description of the spirit that is incarnated and its tasks, for its recognition by individuals prepared for this.

23 Arhats are spirits who, while living in the spiritual world, help high-vibration egregors to form and develop in the material world. They understand the importance of the right ideology for the development of social and family relations that contribute to the spiritual growth of all those who are embodied in this family and in this society. For them, any law written on paper or other material medium will not make sense if it is not reflected in the minds and hearts of intelligent beings. Arhats are creators of reality, inspirers and ideologists of political, religious and informal folk communities, whose goal is to carry the Light of God in a form that is close and understandable to them at a given stage of their development.

24 Devas are spirits who have fully realized their potential and united their energy with the Divine. There is nothing in them except Love and the potential to degrade when their vibrations are lowered. This possibility is embedded in all intelligent spirits without exception, as a necessary condition of freedom and personal responsibility, in which we can spiritually grow and improve, learning the unconditional Love of our Heavenly Father, so that He can in the future completely calmly give us His abilities to create and change the material worlds.

This possibility is realized on the 24th level of the material world, reaching which the spirits see before them an endless stage of ever greater merging with the Divine Light. The spirits that incarnate into the material world from this level consciously go for misunderstanding and rejection of others so that everyone can discover the Light shining in their souls. Devas have almost no other feelings except Love, which gives birth to faith, hope, patience, mercy and many other manifestations.

Every spirit living on a lower level cannot visit a spirit living on a higher level until it reaches it in its consciousness, but a spirit living on a higher level can, if it wishes, come to a spirit on a lower level if it lowers its vibrations.

This is what the Hierarchy of the world of disembodied spirits looks like from the point of view of researchers of the spiritual world of the interstellar union.

January, 2020

Архив блога

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