
воскресенье, 12 января 2025 г.

Secrets of happiness from Jesus Christ as read by Cassiopeia project - THE BEATITUDES - COMMANDMENTS of the Sermon on the Mount  

Секреты счастья от Иисуса Христа в прочтении проекта Кассиопея.

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Secrets of happiness from Jesus Christ  as read by Cassiopeia project - 

THE BEATITUDES - COMMANDMENTS of the Sermon on the Mount   


Secrets of happiness from Jesus Christ - as read by Cassiopeia project-THE BEATITUDES - rus-eng parallel text-mp3-podcast.mp3

00:00 Start of video. Excerpts from the conversation.

“...And the persecution there was serious: only two of the 12 apostles ended their lives by natural causes...”

"...the pure in heart will see God, and he who sees God will see Him everywhere. But he who does not see God in himself will not see Him anywhere, no matter how many books he reads..."

"...They are called "The Beatitudes". The word "beatitude" was translated into Russian, but in the original Greek it means "happiness"..."

"...There is one truth, and it is everywhere. If a person is full of Love, he does not need any commandments..."

00:45 The essence of the content of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount.

Natalia: We spent a lot of time today on excursions and were in one of the temples where the eight commandments for Buddhists are located. And yesterday you and I talked about the Christian commandments that Christ gave. And I was amazed at how you read each commandment, because it opens the heart. I really wanted to talk to you about this.

Irina: Yes, indeed, all Spiritual Teachers, no matter what country they were in, if they were enlightened by the Light of Truth (and the Light of Truth is the Light of true Love) all spoke about the same thing in different languages ​​in different eras, but the words of each of them reached the hearts of their contemporaries. Jesus Christ, Buddha, Prophet Mohammed, and other Spiritual Teachers - they taught people to be conscious, to pay attention not only to the body, but also to the Soul. Because if the purpose of a person's life is beyond earthly life, then all earthly life acquires eternal meaning.

Yesterday we talked about the Sermon on the Mount. And, indeed, all the truths that contactees and esotericists are now talking about were spoken back then – 2,000 years ago. What is the Sermon on the Mount? It is a sermon that Jesus Christ gave while on a mountain near the city of Capernaum. This is the so-called province of Galilee near Lake Tiberias (now Lake Kinneret, or, as it is also called, the Sea of ​​Galilee). And in this sermon, Jesus Christ spoke about eternal truths, following which one can achieve transition, Ascension, enlightenment, holiness, calling the same state by different words. This is a state of endless happiness and meaning that gives a person the strength to fulfill all his dreams. And not just to fulfill his dreams, but to be satisfied with the results that he receives, and to go to the Spiritual world calmly, having passed to the highest Spiritual level, that is, to fulfill the goals and objectives of his incarnation.

As you already understand, I adhere to the concept that our Spirit is immortal. And that it travels in the Universe, moving from one body to another, fulfilling its eternal tasks: raising vibrations, that is, approaching divine qualities.

So, the Sermon on the Mount begins with the nine Beatitudes. They are called the "Beatism". The word "Bliss" was the translation into Russian, and in the original Greek it means "happiness". So they can be called the "Blessings of Happiness". And it talks about the stages of the spiritual path of each person, that is, where he begins the spiritual path, and where it leads him in the material and in the Spiritual world.

04:36 The First Beatitude about the poor in Spirit.

Irina: The First Commandment reads: “Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Tell me, Natasha, when I told you, at first you didn’t understand what I was talking about?

Natalia: Yes, that is true.

Irina: Well, how can the poor in Spirit be blessed? We strive for the riches of the Spirit, we try to enrich ourselves spiritually as much as possible, and then suddenly it says, in the very first Commandment, that blessed are the poor in Spirit. What is this all about?

Here it is said that until a person wishes to find the Spirit in himself, to gain an understanding and a sense of the immortality of his Spirit and its belonging to God, until he wishes to find it in himself, as a beggar wishes to find money, then he is not blessed. That is, his blessedness begins with the fact that he begins the search, as a beggar seeks money. How much time he spends on this, how much energy he spends on this - this is how a person seeking spirituality directs his efforts in the search for the Spirit.

That is, it says here that blessed is he who seeks and asks God for spirituality in the same way as a beggar asks for money. In fact, the meaning is simple. And this Commandment speaks of the beginning of the spiritual path, because all spiritually seeking people, all esotericists, all followers of various religious systems in any case began with the understanding that material goods are not enough for them to be completely happy.

Natalia: We set out on this path.

Irina: They understood that they lacked something, like a beggar, again, understands that he lacks money. They understood that the entire material world is not able to satisfy their spiritual hunger. And they began to search: they began to spend their time, their energy to search for information, to pray to God, to study their Soul, to look for that spark there, from which a flame will later ignite.

And further: "Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." Why is it theirs? Because it is said here about what the end of their search will be if they go to the end. And what is the Kingdom of Heaven? These are the very highest regions of the Spiritual world, where the highest Angels, Archangels exist, where there is only Light, Love, Good. Everyone understands each other and penetrates into each other's thoughts and feelings, and becomes for each other like open books.

07:47 The Second Commandment is the beatitude for those who mourn.

Irina: The Second Commandment sounds a little scary to some, because it reads: "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Tell me, how can those who mourn be blessed, that is, happy? It doesn't sound very good.

Natalia: Well, yes.

Irina: Now let us remember that we are talking about the second stage of the spiritual path, which came after the search for spirituality. Man found something, he found the source of Light in himself. He began to review his entire life, all his actions from the position of the Spirit, from the position as if he had taken the side of God and began to look at himself through His eyes, that is, to analyze himself with the help of thoughts coming from the divine plane of reality. When he begins to look at himself through the eyes of God, he notices that he did not always act as his conscience told him, as Love showed him.

We have a certain Ray of Love, which is called "conscience", which always shows us how to act in order to come to the Highest Spiritual reality and become enlightened, holy. In any religion there are commandments that prescribe a certain behavior and forbid the opposite, so that a person does not leave the Highest Spiritual world in the lower, that is, does not become the opposite of God, does not become negative, etc.

And then a person begins to consider himself from the position of Love. And asks himself: "Have I always acted as Love told me to?" Naturally, those situations begin to appear before his spiritual gaze when he behaved completely differently than Love prescribes.

Natalia: And then he cries.

Irina: Tell me: a simple Commandment? The second stage can follow immediately after the first, or maybe years will pass between them. It depends on the specific person, how much he will work on himself, on changing himself. Or he will go into fanaticism and will work on changing others. This also happens. After all, it is easier to change others.

Natalia: Of course. That is, these are the steps of ascent in the Spirit. Each Commandment is the next step. Right?

Irina: Yes. "Blessed are those who mourn." Despite the fact that he cries, he begins to understand how much pain he brought to his loved ones, how he loved himself, did not love his loved ones, did not love God, and he begins to feel regret.

Where does regret come from? Regret is not a feeling of guilt, that I am guilty and nothing can be fixed. Regret, although it reproaches itself for some bad deeds, is full of hope for changes, for the correction of the situation and, of course, for the Love of God, which accepts even the worst sinner.

And so further: "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Why do they cry? Because through tears their internal psychological, energetic blocks come out. That is, through tears the process of purification of the Soul occurs. It is cleansed, renewed. Like the body after bathing in water, so the Soul, washed by tears, is renewed and comforted.

Natalia: I see.

11:52 The Third Beatitude is about the meek in Spirit.

Irina: The Third Commandment: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." This is in Russian. If you look at the Greek original, there will be a word that translates as "affectionate, gentle, good-natured, tender." They are blessed. That is, when a person has purified himself, his Spiritual heart has become softer, it is lenient to everyone, does not condemn anyone. He begins to speak kindly to everyone, begins to do good to everyone.

It is clear that he is happy in himself. And suddenly, this Commandment says: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." It would seem that all our material experience says the opposite. Because many people have experienced for themselves that the more good you do for people, the more such tenderness you show, the less inheritance you may have left, for obvious reasons.

Natalia: Because the strong and daring take more for themselves.

Irina: They see that a person is kind, gentle, soft, and they start to take advantage of his kindness. Many have gone through this experience. Such a difficult experience - both for the one who is being used and for the one who is using. This may be a karmic knot. There is a need for forgiveness, and awareness, taking responsibility... There is a lot that needs to be done.

And here it says: "They shall inherit the earth." And what is the earth? It is not a piece of land where a person will live. The word "earth" in the Gospel usually refers to the image of the material world. What does "inherit" mean? Inherit means receive an inheritance. And who receives an inheritance? Which heir from the testator? The heirs are usually children. This was the case in Ancient Israel, in Ancient Greece. In Ancient Rome, there was also a law on inheritance at the time these Commandments were written.

What does it mean "inherit the earth"? Who does the earth belong to, the entire material world? Naturally, to the Creator. And why do they inherit the earth? Because these people, who have gone through the previous stages, already feel like children of God. And if a child, then he is an heir.

And what does this mean in a practical sense? In a practical sense, this means that such a person feels the entire material world as a gift from God, as his inheritance. After all, the inheritance itself is not earned by a person - it is a gift from his parents. That is, he begins to perceive all material energies, his body, everything around him, his finances, all these trees, grass, sea, sun, all the elements, etc. as gifts from God. Gifts from his Father, which God gave him for joy, and therefore, he begins to be content with them.

That is, he begins to thank God and, naturally, becomes a conscious heir. And that means he manages his inheritance so that it multiplies, that it is purified. That is, he did not simply come into this material world to use it and leave, leaving some dirt to his descendants. He begins to be a very thrifty and economical manager of this inheritance, at the same time, thanking God for it.

It is clear, what stage of the spiritual path? Caring for the material world. How does a person behave who feels like an heir to everything around him? He will not consider some territory, for example, as intended for causing some harm there. He will treat all of nature as his beautiful garden: look after every plant, every animal. He will love them, he will take care of them, he will remember their purpose – this biosphere.

Is everything clear here?

Natalia: Yes.

Irina: You see: Jesus always spoke in a language that was understandable to the people.

Natalia: And then?

17:00 The Fourth Beatitudes about those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.

Irina: The next Commandment is: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." "Alkat'" is a word that came to us from Church Slavonic, and it means "to starve." To hunger is hunger.

That is, here Jesus is talking about our basic needs - such as food and water. When a person experiences hunger and thirst, his thoughts constantly return to this topic. Simply those who are thirsty and hungry cannot be blessed, that is, happy in the spiritual sense, because all people experience this. So, here it is talking about something else.

And here we see the word "truth". If we analyze its original, which was written in Greek, we will see the word "righteousness". And what is righteousness? Righteousness is precisely life according to the Commandments. It is life according to the Commandments not out of fear of punishment from God, but out of love for Him.

Natalia: That is, they can’t live without it, they hunger and thirst for it.

Irina: That is, the next Beatitude already speaks of the stage when a person strives to keep the Commandments and avoids breaking them, just as a person strives to eat and drink, and avoids hunger and thirst. And can you imagine such a person? He constantly lives by this. We constantly eat, drink water. So this person constantly keeps the Commandments.

And then there is a promise, or a promise: "For they shall be filled." What shall they be filled with? Righteousness, that is, they shall become righteous. Constantly fulfilling the Commandments, they shall raise their vibrations to the level of righteousness, that is, righteous people. And righteousness, as is known, is the constant fulfillment of the Commandments. And this is already half the way to holiness, that is, to absolute enlightenment, when it will not even occur to a person to break anything. His heart is full of Love. And as it was written by one contactee with Jesus already in the 19th century: "There is one Truth, and it is everywhere. If a person is full of Love, he does not need any commandments."

What do you feel?

Natalia: Love.

Irina: Do you understand what I’m talking about here?

Natalia: Yes, and then?

19:50 The Fifth Beatitude about the merciful.

Irina: The next Commandment is: "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." The word "mercy" or "charity" has another name.

Natalia: Mercy is closer to me.

Irina: Merciful is merciful. Pardon – do you know what that is? Pardon was usually granted by the tsar. When a criminal was being led to execution, he could be pardoned. Why could they pardon? Also because of compassion.

Here we are talking about direct action, the cancellation of the action of a person's own karma. Here a righteous person ascends to the next level, when his karma of past reincarnations, this life, begins to be zeroed out. That is, the negative turns into positive, and they unite, annihilate and disappear. And a person becomes completely clean from all the consequences of his actions.

Do you know how this is possible? To be merciful to everyone. And this means to have mercy even on those who are evil. That is, to treat them with compassion. Why? The word “mercy” in Greek sounds like “eleion” (“oil”). The same word in Greek means “olive oil”. Olive oil used to be used to lubricate wounds, dissolving and infusing various herbs in it. Wounds were often treated with olive oil in the Mediterranean region of the Roman Empire.

Accordingly, if a sinner begins to sin, does not follow the righteous path... After all, a righteous person who has already reached this level can live next to completely different people - with a completely different consciousness, with their own blocks. He has already worked through his blocks, and therefore the behavior of others seems terrible to him. Does this happen? Especially if his gaze is directed outward, and not into the heart. He begins to watch: how did this one allow himself to do what I have not allowed myself to do for a long time?! Do you understand what this is about?

Natalia: And envy.

Irina: It’s not even that I envy.

Natalia: Condemn.

Irina: He begins to take the place of God. And instead of God, punish this person at least with condemnation. Because condemnation is negative energy directed against a specific person.

But we must distinguish condemnation from criticism. For example, if you say that you are a liar, then this is condemnation. But if you say that this person is lying for the simple reason that I have certain arguments - this is criticism of certain actions. That is, you need to distinguish between these. And turning a blind eye to some destructive actions of others is also not worth it. But we simply do this without condemnation, with an understanding of why the person did this, and, naturally, with a willingness to forgive, with forgiveness for what he does. We forgive because he acts as his Soul tells him at this stage of development. He hears his Higher Self, his conscience, or rejects it. And this is natural for his level of development.

We ourselves, at one time or another – either in this life or in previous ones – could have been like that or even worse. That is, we went through such tough lessons. No one knows all their incarnations – who they were there and to what levels they descended. Accordingly, when we begin to judge and say that this particular person is bad, and we are better than them, we begin to descend to their level, or even lower, because we take on the function of God.

It happens when a very emotional person in a fit of emotion will say something judgmental to another, but then immediately change his thoughts and forgive him - that's one thing. And it happens that a person holds a grudge in his heart for a long time, no longer in emotions, and accordingly - this is a decrease in vibrations. That is, we understand that there are different situations here.

This Commandment speaks about the merciful. That is, when we see the shortcomings, the sins of others, we clearly see that he is wrong, that he behaves in a way that hurts us very much, we ask: "Why does he behave like this?" And because his Soul is sick, it is all covered with wounds from past sins. I like the words of the Apostle Peter, which are also in the Bible, where he compares the sinner with such a very vivid image. He says: "The sinner is like a dog that licks a saw, getting drunk from the taste of its own blood." How do you like this comparison?

Natalia: A very vivid image.

Irina: Well, is it immediately clear what is being said here? That is, he does not notice how he hurts himself. Why does he get drunk from the taste of his own blood? Because a dog, of course, loves blood, and therefore it even drinks it and does not notice that it is hurting itself. In the same way, a sinner hurts his body, but intoxicated by this temporary joy or his excitement from sin, he does not notice the pain that is present in him. And when he begins to notice it, he does not want to heal his wounds, because he does not know how, or does not know how, or is already accustomed to doing so.

And he begins to hurt others. And if we are unkind to him, then when we see this person, we begin, for example, to say or write offensive words to him – words that hurt him even more. That is, we take the “sword of our lips” (there is such an expression) and begin to chop with it: “You are like this, why did you come here?! What are you doing here? I don’t need you at all! Who are you?!” That is, we begin to humiliate him, trying to make him understand his place and, accordingly, stop behaving the way we don’t want. So that everything around us is good, everyone is kind. And we begin to force people to be the way we want, even if not everyone is ready. But this is not mercy. We begin to hurt him, to inflict an even greater wound.

And what does a merciful person do? Here we see a wounded person, he screams in pain, and if we are merciful, now we take an ointment, and in ancient times they took olive oil and smeared the wounds, calmed them down. And what can you smear spiritual wounds with? Naturally, only with Love. That is, we begin to tell him that everything is fine, we will now understand what he wants. We will try to do everything to make him feel good. That is, we tell him that we are safe for him, and will do everything to help him.

So we start to lubricate these wounds. How do you think he will feel?

Natalia: He will calm down and maybe believe that there is justice, if he doesn’t believe in it.

Irina: A very common situation, especially among esotericists who are on the Internet. A person comes to some esoteric chat and says that everyone there is a charlatan, or "who are you listening to, charlatans, idiots, stupid, fools" - and there may be other such words. They start to say in response: "What are you doing here? Go away!" They prove it to him with their behavior: when he sees this, he is convinced that he was right, and leaves with an even greater wound. Right?

Natalia: So. And should he be taken into foster care? What should be done?

Irina: No. It is necessary to ask: “Here you are. You call these people this way. For what reason, first of all, do you think so? Secondly, for what reason did you decide to say this here? Maybe someone offended you? Do you need help?”

Natalia: I understand what you're saying. True. In reality, sometimes in life it's not that easy to do.

Irina: It happens, okay, on a website, or in a chat, or on YouTube it's easy to do: turn it off and don't read. But if it's your friend or your relative, with whom you have to constantly communicate - the situation is much more complicated.

But here it is necessary to understand that this relative or acquaintance of yours is given to us as a spiritual teacher. With his words he touches us on those unprocessed blocks that we still have. If they are all processed, then any offensive word of his will not cause us pain.

Is it clear who the merciful are? They pardon everyone to the maximum and anoint them with the oil of their Love, and they will be pardoned. They will be pardoned by God. This means that they will be given mercy and transferred to the next level, that is, an increase in their Spiritual level.

Is this Commandment clear?

Natalia: I see. And what next?

30:50 The Sixth Beatitude for the Pure in Heart.

Irina: The next Commandment is: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

Natalia: Now that's closer. Everything is clear.

Irina: What do you feel?

Natalia: Pure in heart is when there is no longer any deceit in the heart, that is, complete acceptance and absolute Love.

Irina: What is being talked about here? What heart?

Natalia: About the spiritual.

Irina: About the spiritual, yes. And what should it be pure from?

Natalia: From everything that all previous Commandments were cleansed of.

Irina: Here we see that at this stage a person begins to cleanse his heart from the last negative blocks, feelings and desires incompatible with Love. And in a pure heart there is nothing but Divine Love, as well as other positive feelings associated with it: faith, hope, happiness, etc.

And why is he blessed? Because it says there: "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." So, to see God, to see God is bliss. And why is it bliss? Because when a person sees God with spiritual eyes, he will see a huge Spiritual being and will see himself in His composition, in His energy, and will know his unity with Him. And since God is absolutely happy, then he will also become absolutely happy.

And what is absolute unconditional happiness? It is not a temporary joy that depends on what makes us happy in life at the moment, and when it passes, sadness sets in. It is happiness, a state of consciousness that never retreats while a person is at this level. That is, a person is happy, is in complete acceptance and is filled with positive emotions. Because positive feelings give birth to positive emotions.

Natalia: And you had such an experience?

Irina: Yes, of course. I had such an experience when I felt myself a part of God and saw Him in my heart.

And why does it say there that this person is happy? Because the one who saw God in his heart... If it is clean, he begins to see God there, because he has cleaned it. Just as a window is cleaned and one begins to see the sun, so one cleans the glass of one's heart and begins to see God in oneself. And, naturally, if a person saw God in his heart, then he begins to see Him everywhere. Because he has already known the Divine energies, and has known that there is nothing else besides them.

Natalia: Did this happen to you when you were 12? I know.

Irina: Yes. It happened to me when I was 12. And quite suddenly, that is, I did not expect it. It was a contact with my Higher Self, as it turned out later. And I felt expansion, Light and Infinity, Eternity, that I am an eternal Spirit, and that I am always in the face of God - a loving being who endlessly sends me various energies in the form of material objects. And the people around are also His children, who are going through their own experiences and are His particles, just like me.

Natalia: Does this experience seem just as vivid to you now?

Irina: I am speaking in words now, but there it was all feelings. That is, there were simply no such words, there were feelings.

Natalia: Is this experience being erased? How do you remember it?

Irina: I even remembered the day that happened. It was October 12, 1998.

Natalia: Can you reproduce this feeling in yourself, or has it always been with you from that moment?

Irina: No. It is not always like this with me. I am in a normal state of consciousness. But if I start thinking about it and concentrate on this thought, then I remember this feeling, and it comes again.

For example, I am now thinking about those who are listening to me. I am telling you that you are divine beings. All objects around you are certain material substances that are given to you so that you can be happy. And if you are unhappy and suffer, it is only because you have made such a choice: not to see this Light and not to thank God for it. Because the Light is dissolved in every breath, in every sip of water, in all space. And every person close to you is, in fact, a Spiritual being. He is much more mysterious and unknown than an alien.

Natalia: It's true. That's why it's more interesting for me to talk to you about this, and not about aliens. Because we are people, we are here.

Irina: Although they are also divine entities. In essence, we are no different from them in our spiritual nature. We simply live in a world that has not yet entered the stage of development when a completely socially just society is built. We are only on the way to this. Because we have many people who are unconscious for various reasons: because of a past full of destruction, and because of a large number of people fixated on material existence, etc.

Natalia: Let's talk about the Commandments then.

Irina: So the pure in heart will see God, and he who sees God will see Him everywhere. But he who does not see God in himself will not see Him anywhere, no matter how many books he reads. So, is it clear what the Commandment is about?

37:26 The Seventh Beatitude is about peacemakers.

Irina: The next Commandment is: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Do you understand what this means?

Natalia: About those who do everything to ensure peace.

Irina: Yes. This is the one who reconciles the warring parties, who does not take sides, but tries to consider any dispute as objectively as possible. This is already the level of Spiritual Teachers. Of course, after the purity of the heart, as we see, right?

This is already the level of Spiritual Teachers, to whom people come to resolve various disputes: both family and even interstate. Because there was such a thing that Saints, enlightened people in Ancient Rus' reconciled warring princes, that is, ancient politicians. They called them to see each other as brothers, not enemies.

Why does it say there that such people will be called "sons of God"? Because they will create peace, as God gives peace to the nations. That is, He calls for peace, and they begin to repeat after Him.

"Called the sons of God." They do not simply feel themselves "sons of God," they begin to resemble God. Naming is the acquisition of a name. The son must be like the Father. Isn't that so? For if the son is not like the Father, he renounces part of his energy. And here the son begins to resemble the Father more and more, he begins to recognize Him in himself, himself in Him, and to communicate consciously with Him.

39:22 The Eighth Beatitudes about those who were persecuted for righteousness' sake.

Irina: The next Commandment: "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Here is the same commandment as before: "Blessed are the poor in Spirit." Also "theirs is the kingdom of heaven," just as "blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake."

It happens that the peacemaker lives and begins to be the Light. And this Light begins to be seen far away. And it happens that the people around him are still in the darkness compared to him – in the darkness of their delusions, vices and blocks. That is, their Light is not as bright, they are at lower levels of spiritual development (Light and darkness, of course, are images for levels). And they begin to understand that they also want to be such a conductor of Light as this person, but they do not have the strength or desire to go through the entire spiritual path, starting with “blessed are the poor in Spirit” and so on, which I talked about.

After all, this path is quite difficult for many. And then they look at this person, and he begins to irritate them. Because the very presence of this person begins to awaken their own conscience, and they want to reject it. And then for this truth, for this righteousness (there is also the word "righteousness"), that is, for observing these Commandments, a person begins to simply be persecuted: his rights are infringed, he is expelled, he is not communicated with.

This can be expressed in different forms at different times. At the time when Christ lived, it was expressed harshly, because the laws were different then. They could not only banish, but also kill, as they killed Christ himself. And, by the way, they killed Him precisely for the truth. He did not commit a single sinful act or crime against the law, He did not commit the crime for which such an execution was prescribed. And this means that He was not only banished for the truth, but also killed for it. And He still did not renounce it.

Why are they blessed? Because if a person does not submit to such circumstances and does not renounce God, his spiritual path, but without condemning these people, the stages of which he has already passed, understanding and accepting their side (even agreeing to leave), then he preserves the presence of God in himself. Because he has completely trusted Him, he loves these people completely. And the one who has completely trusted and who fully shows Love, there is no fear in him. Because, as John the Theologian said, "perfect Love casts out fear."

Natalia: Beautiful!

Irina: That is, he loves completely, trusts completely, and he has no fear that these people will be able to do something to him and somehow deprive him of this happiness. Yes, they can deprive him of his body, they can deprive him of his incarnation, but no one can deprive him of his Soul. No one can deprive his Soul of contact with God either. You can only kill, execute, lock in a dungeon, etc. You can do something with the body, but with the Soul it is impossible.

43:02 The Ninth Beatitude about those who were cast out and mocked for Jesus Christ.

Irina: Well, and the last thing: “Blessed are you (He is already addressing those present here) when they persecute you, and revile you, and say all kinds of evil against you for My sake. Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Here again the theme is continued. That is, not simply driven out for the truth, but we are already saying: “…to persecute, revile, insult, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.” What does it mean to “speak evil falsely”? Essentially, it is to slander.

Natalia: Slander God?

Irina: To slander these people, if “they will slander you.”

Natalia: There it is "for Me", that is, to slander for Christ, it turns out. These are His words, aren't they?

Irina: Look. "They will slander you because of Me." For Me - that means for those ideas, for that faith, for that Love that Christ showed to them. Why did he say that? He saw the future perfectly. When he was in that time, he saw all the futures, including those that assumed persecution of his disciples. And the persecution there was serious: only two of the 12 apostles died a natural death.

The Christian church, the Christian religion began as a small sect, as a movement within Judaism. And this sect was not recognized by anyone - neither by the state, nor by other religions that existed at that time. And it was constantly persecuted, because Christians were ordered to worship only Christ, but not other gods. After all, there was monotheism - faith in one God. And the very idea of ​​polytheism was unacceptable to them: otherwise, the egregor would collapse due to the fact that you recognize other gods. And for the Roman Empire, it was essential that they not even worship all the gods, the entire pantheon, but that they recognize the emperor as God and also pray to him, sacrifice to his statue, etc.

Christians could not do this. The Emperor was an ordinary man for them, and they refused such idolatry – to set up a man as God. And for this they were persecuted. But in essence, they were persecuted for Christ, for the truth. This is what we have just talked about. And accordingly, they were given such a Commandment: “Rejoice and be glad!” That is, He consoled them in advance: “Do not be sad, do not be discouraged, do not get angry in response, do not be afraid, etc., but rejoice and be glad that you are persecuted, for great is your reward in Heaven.”

That is, He told them: “Even if you are poor here, destitute, you are persecuted, and you are nobody in this world… Why is there a reward in heaven? Because with your Love, by not responding to evil with evil, you acquire the highest Spiritual level. And this reward is the amount of Light and Divine energies that the Spirit will acquire when it leaves incarnation. That is, this is the fulfillment of its tasks.”

And then He adds: "For so they persecuted the prophets who were before you." Who is He talking about? About many prophets, mainly, of course, Jewish, because in Judaism before Christ there were ancient prophets who spoke with the kings of Israel, conveying to them the truth from God: they conveyed, as a contact with God, the words of God that the kings did not like. The prophets were expelled, even executed, etc. But they still did not deviate from these words.

For example, the prophet Jeremiah, the prophet Ezekiel, who warned the ancient Israeli kings to turn away from sins, to begin to follow the commandments, to reduce corruption, etc. There were many sins, that is, violations of the commandments given by Moses. "Otherwise," they warned, "if you sin, God will allow and send another nation against your people, and you will be conquered and deprived of freedom, and you will be in captivity." They told the kings this because this is the law of national karma. If the egregor of a nation begins to lower its vibrations, another nation can attack it.

Accordingly, these prophets warned their kings, and for this they were recognized as traitors, because they recognized that another nation would defeat them. And for this betrayal they were either expelled from the city, or executed. That is, there were different circumstances: they were deprived of their property, put in prison, beaten.

Natalia: This has always been the case.

Irina: But despite this, what they spoke about came true anyway – 70 years of Babylonian captivity. In the end, the Babylonian army of the Chaldeans attacked Israel. They conquered all of Israel, destroyed Jerusalem, took many people into captivity, and imposed a tribute on the rest. It was like this: they destroyed all of Jerusalem, burned the Temple of Jerusalem. And accordingly, these words that the prophets spoke came true. But then it was too late.

Because 70 years of captivity had already passed. And then, nevertheless, those people who were in captivity of the Babylonian king, who captured their state, managed to become officials in this state and began to ask the Babylonian king now about returning and rebuilding their city. And he, seeing their good behavior, allowed it. Because what can they not allow, if they behave correctly, do not threaten to attack or something else? They said: "We would rather pay tribute, but rebuild our city."

We were just talking about the Beatitudes. I just told you all about them. Any questions?

Natalia: I wanted to clarify: you received some understanding, some awareness of the fullness of this Sermon on the Mount there, when you were in Israel? Am I right? Did you have some kind of contact there?

Irina: In general, the Ray of Christ Consciousness is built into my Spiritual channel. He built it into me before my first contact with His Phantom, because He said that otherwise it would not be possible to transmit words from His Phantom. I gave my consent, and then I went into the Astral. And He tuned the Ray of Christ Consciousness to me through the Astral. And now it turns on for me when I need to explain some words from the Bible or from another spiritual book. If I ask Him, it turns on and begins to speak even in words that I cannot find.

Natalia: This is amazing, of course. And were you incarnated during the time of Christ? Did you have such lives?

Irina: Come on, let's not talk about it. I don't want to talk about it.

Natalia: Okay. Then thank you from the bottom of my heart for this conversation, because it seems to me to be useful to many! At least for me it was very useful.

Irina: Thank you.

Natalia: And for your clear images and such detailed comments – this is great! Thank you!

We sat, risking our lives, under a coconut tree. But, thank God, nothing fell.

Irina: Yes. Bye everyone!

Natalia: And the sun set here. The sunset was amazing. Very cool!

August 3, 2023 (broadcast on the channel "This moment" from July 3, 2023)

Conference participants:

Irina Podzorova is a contactee with extraterrestrial civilizations;

Natalia Belyauskene – correspondent, owner of the YouTube channel “This Moment”:     / @etotmoment ;

The Phantom of Jesus Christ is the head of the Christian religious egregor on Earth, the Firstborn Son of God.

7 встреч с фантомом Иисуса Христа 7 Encounters with the Phantom of Jesus Christ 7 renkontoj kun la fantomo de Jesuo Kristo Бөтен өркениеттердегі біздің шынайы тарихымыз Информация от внеземных цивилизаций настрой Наша настоящая история Наша настоящая история от инопланетных цивилизаций Наша справжня історія від інопланетних цивілізацій подкасты русско-английский подкаст транскрипты Харь гарагийн соёл иргэншлийн бидний бодит түүх Яхве Ár scéal fíor ó shibhialtachtaí eachtrannach AR-DE-EN-EO-ES-FR-HI-IT-PT-RU-ZH Beatitudes Cassiopeia - Official site in English - epub ebook - EN-DE-FR-EO Cassiopeia- What is HIGHER SELF ? - EN - FR - DE- EO- RU - epub - mp3 Câu chuyện có thật của chúng ta từ các nền văn minh ngoài hành tinh Description of the Spiritual World from 1 to 24 Level Hadithi yetu halisi kutoka kwa ustaarabu wa kigeni Historia jonë e vërtetë nga qytetërimet e huaja Information from extraterrestrial civilizations Jesus Christ Kisah nyata kami dari peradaban alien Kisah nyata saka peradaban asing La nostra vera storia dalle civiltà aliene Meie tõeline lugu tulnukate tsivilisatsioonidest Mūsu patiesais stāsts no citplanētiešu civilizācijām Náš skutečný příběh z mimozemských civilizací Nasza prawdziwa historia z obcych cywilizacji Nia reala historio de eksterteraj civilizacioj Nossa história real de civilizações alienígenas Notre véritable histoire de civilisations extraterrestres Nuestra verdadera historia de civilizaciones extraterrestres Ons echte verhaal over buitenaardse beschavingen Our real history from alien civilizations Pilate Povestea noastră reală din civilizațiile extraterestre Raunveruleg saga okkar frá framandi siðmenningum realis narratio nostra de civilizationibus peregrinis russian-english podcast Tikra mūsų istorija iš svetimų civilizacijų Todellinen tarinamme muukalaiskulttuureista Tunings Unsere wahre Geschichte aus außerirdischen Zivilisationen Uzaylı uygarlıklardan gerçek hikayemiz Valódi történetünk idegen civilizációkból Vår verkliga historia från främmande civilisationer - Vår virkelige historie fra fremmede sivilisasjoner Vores virkelige historie fra fremmede civilisationer Yadplanetli sivilizasiyalardan bizim əsl hekayəmiz Η πραγματική μας ιστορία από εξωγήινους πολιτισμούς ჩვენი რეალური ისტორია უცხო ცივილიზაციებიდან Մեր իրական պատմությունը օտար քաղաքակրթություններից אירינה פודז'רובה - הסיפור האמיתי שלנו מתרבויות חייזרים ارینا پوڈزورووا - اجنبی تہذیبوں سے ہماری حقیقی کہانی داستان واقعی ما از تمدن های بیگانه كاسيوبيا - إيرينا بودزوروفا - قصتنا الحقيقية من الحضارات الفضائية कैसिओपिया - इरीना पोडज़ोरोवा - विदेशी सभ्यताओं से हमारी वास्तविक कहानी ক্যাসিওপিয়া - ইরিনা পোডজোরোভা - এলিয়েন সভ্যতা থেকে আমাদের আসল গল্প ਕੈਸੀਓਪੀਆ - ਇਰੀਨਾ ਪੋਡਜ਼ੋਰੋਵਾ - ਪਰਦੇਸੀ ਸਭਿਅਤਾਵਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਸਾਡੀ ਅਸਲ ਕਹਾਣੀ அன்னிய நாகரிகங்களிலிருந்து எங்கள் உண்மையான கதை เรื่องจริงของเราจากอารยธรรมต่างดาว 외계 문명에 관한 우리의 실제 이야기 伊琳娜波德佐羅娃 - 我們來自外星文明的真實故事 異星文明から見た私たちの本当の物語