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воскресенье, 29 декабря 2024 г.

Cassiopeia project_The Spirit of Pontius Pilate about Jesus-fragments-rus-eng parallel text-mp3 podcast.mp3 - mp3-RU-EN-FR-DE-EO

 Cassiopeia project_The Spirit of Pontius Pilate about Jesus-fragments-rus-eng parallel text-mp3 podcast.mp3

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Cassiopeia project - The Spirit of Pontius Pilate about Jesus-fragments-mp3-RU-EN-FR-DE-EO

The Spirit of Pontius Pilate: And He answered, looking calmly into my eyes: "You have this power not because you are God here, but because our Heavenly Father has placed you in this place, and you are simply fulfilling your duties. So fulfill them to the end as you are supposed to. More responsibility is on those who brought me to you, and not on you. Do not blame yourself."

Yeshua spoke seemingly simple words, but there was such power in them... I looked at Him attentively, looked into His eyes - and from those eyes such warmth and at the same time power flowed into my heart. I realized that I was really sitting before God.

I understood this not with my mind, but with my heart. My mind resisted, and I said to myself, “Have you also succumbed to the spell of this sorcerer?” But my heart knew it was true. I sensed with some sixth sense that if this man, dressed in rags, beaten, dirty, with his hands tied, were to move one finger, everyone around would simply fall dead at His feet. I felt that my life was in His power, and not His in mine. I could not explain it to myself, but that is exactly how I felt. And I said, “I need a break. Sit here and guard him (shows how he speaks to the secretary). And I need a break.”

I went out into the fresh air and tried to come to my senses. I prayed to the gods, I prayed to Jupiter, my god who helped me climb the career ladder, asked him to protect me from the charms of this man. Despite the fact that my mind resisted all these feelings, such calm and at the same time confidence came to me, and in my head there was a thought: "Do not torment yourself, my son, do what you must."

And from this overexertion my head began to hurt very badly, I drank some water, then (shows) asked to bring me some herbal tea. At that moment Jesus looked at me and smiled, and I thought: “I wish this trial would end already. I already agree to everything that He was sentenced to. I just want to be alone.”

I looked up and met Jesus' gaze - He smiled and gestured towards me with His hand. I suddenly felt a stream of air enter my head, and the pain immediately disappeared. Then my wife's minister came in and said (he shows how he called him aside) that my wife was telling me the following: "The one who was brought to you for trial today, you must release. Because I saw him in a dream - he is a righteous and innocent man." I was so surprised: how did she even know about this trial?! At the same time I thought: "Such coincidences cannot be!"

And then I went back to Jesus and asked Him (after He said He was the king from heaven): “What are you preaching?” He said: “I am preaching the Truth.” I asked: “What is the Truth?” He looked at me and said: “You know yourself. The Truth is in you now. What you feel now is the Truth.” ...

the thought flashed through my mind: "If this is God, then He knew everything in advance. And if He knew everything in advance, then I can't resist, I'm just an extra playing a role, and that's all."

I then thought: "If this is what the gods want, who am I to resist them?" And I was also perplexed: "When they released Barabbas, they had to understand that he could go and kill again, he could kill any of them, any of their wives, any of their children?" After all, removing the guilt did not mean his correction. And I decided: "Since they are risking even their lives, because no one knows who this man's anger and thirst for profit will turn on, well, let it be according to the will of the people."

I demonstratively ordered water to be poured on my hands in front of the whole crowd, washed them and dried them with a towel to show that it was not my decision. After all, I gave the right to make a decision to the people. And I said: “I am not guilty of the death of this righteous man.” Why did I say “righteous man”? Because I felt from Him the warmth that I spoke of. I also added: “I did not make this decision. I am not responsible for the death of this man. Think about it.”

And then the whole crowd roared in one voice: “Let his blood be on us and on our children!”

After this incident, I stayed in Judea for about seven years. I know the story of the resurrection, I know that the soldiers nailed the signs to the cross. I ordered them to do this myself, so that it would be clear that it was the king who was crucified, so that everyone would remember what they did, that they did not choose to save Him, although they could have done so. And I had to fulfill the will of the people - such is the law. And I ordered that they write above the cross in three languages ​​- Greek, Hebrew and Latin: "Jesus Christ, King of the Jews."

Then the priests came to me again and said: “Why did you order the soldiers to write like that?” I said: “So what?” And they said: “They should have written not that he was a king, but that he called himself a king.” I answered them: “I wrote it the way I thought was right.”

And after that they came again, informed me that He had died on the cross, and asked me to assign them soldiers. I asked, "For what?" They answered, "To guard the tomb in which the disciples buried Him." I said, "For what purpose should it be guarded?" "Because this deceiver..." That is what they said.

By the way, they confirmed it to me when they released Varavva... Then, by the way, there were problems with him too. At first he stole, but no longer killed (shows how he steals something from some shops to feed himself). As I was told, he was caught for these minor offenses, and then he joined the ranks of Christians, as far as I heard rumors.

And one morning, about two or three days had passed since then, I heard a commotion in the yard and went out. Everyone was shouting that Yeshua had disappeared from the tomb. Soon the high priest came to me with his assistants. I asked them: "What happened?" And they said that Yeshua's disciples had managed to drag his body away after all, rolling away the stone from the tomb when the soldiers fell asleep.

Then I called my soldiers who were there and began to question them. They told me the following: “It happened at night. We were not sleeping. In the sky above the mountain where the cave was, we saw a star. Then it began to grow and turned into a huge ball. This ball landed on the clearing and suddenly went out. Several tall people in white clothes approached from the clearing. They had white faces. One of them shone some kind of tube on the stone, from which light came, and it simply flew off to the side.”

I asked: "Why didn't you do anything? Who were these people?" The soldiers said: "We couldn't move because when they passed by, we felt like we were chained to the ground. We couldn't even move a finger. But at the same time, we felt everything and understood everything."

I asked, "What happened next?" They answered that these people rolled away the stone, went into the cave where Yeshua's body lay, and after a few minutes appeared from there, carrying his body. More precisely, they did not carry it in their arms, but also shone some kind of beam on it, and the body seemed to float next to them in the air.

"They then went towards the clearing from which they had come, and there the white ball lit up again. It began to rise upward," the soldiers continued, "and a gust of warm wind came from it, and it smelled like the smell after a thunderstorm."

I asked them, "Did you tell this to the priests?" They replied, "Yes. But they claimed that we dreamed it all, that we had lost the disciples of Yeshua." I asked them what they intended to do next. The soldiers said, "The priests paid us not to tell anyone about this, but to say that we were asleep when the body was stolen. But to you, as our superior, we told everything as it really was."

At that time I was constantly thinking about it. I was thinking about the gods taking Him to heaven. But again, I had questions... Why did they send some people? After all, the gods themselves, without any people, could have simply destroyed this mountain and taken Jesus' body, without sending anyone. And I had another question: why then did they let Him be killed? They could have taken Him earlier. I had such questions and doubts. I could not figure myself out.

And then I was distracted by other matters. I heard that a sect of Christians was gathering who believed that He was Christ. There were rumors that He had risen from the dead and had flown to heaven, but I no longer paid attention to that. There were cases when Christians were stoned by the Jews themselves (as I already said, this was a common practice), but such people were no longer brought to me.

Gradually I forgot about what happened in Judea.

But later I began to have frequent dreams in which I returned to this trial. I woke up and thought all the time about what else I could have done to let Jesus go. Had I done everything, had I said everything? Maybe I should have somehow replaced Him or hidden Him? In other words, I began to blame myself for what happened. Because I felt sorry for Him – He had been treated unfairly.

And when I was 56, I drank more wine than I needed once again and went swimming in a lake. I swam in the cool water and the wine made me dizzy. I felt like I was falling asleep, I wanted to swim to the shore, but I fell asleep on the way and choked. I passed out (shows how his head is down), inhaled water and didn't even understand what was happening.

And when I woke up, I felt like I was sitting at the bottom of a huge vessel, like a pot. I decided that I was in some kind of pit. Then I saw a light above and thought: "I need to go to the light." At that moment, I felt like I was flying up. There, figures in shining clothes met me and took me to my level. There I connected with my Spirit and saw all my lives.

After that I incarnated on Earth once more. It happened on the territory of Romania somewhere in the 11th century. I was a woman in a Catholic monastery. And in this incarnation I rose from the 8th level to the 18th.

He came to me when I was still in the Spiritual World after leaving the incarnation in Pilate. He came as a phantom and spoke to me, consoled me, said that he forgave me, that he would never...

Because I asked Him, “Have you forgiven me?” He said, “I never even blamed you for anything. I knew what path lay ahead of me. And if I hadn’t wanted to go through it, no one would have been able to crucify me. Because I could have just flown up, and no one would have gotten me. Or I could have hypnotized everyone, temporarily blinded them, and everyone would have simply stopped seeing.” That is, He made me understand that He had such opportunities, but He did not use them.

And I asked Him: “Why do you need this then? Is this some kind of game? Have you not experienced pain?” He answered: “I have. This is not a game, this is a way of cleansing and saving your Souls. Energy passed through my pain. When I felt it, I forgave those who did this, and through this forgiveness, energy passed in all directions from me and cleansed the atmosphere of the Earth.”

Moreover, He confirmed that He really did return to His body. I asked Him: "Were you really taken?" He said that He was, and that He was now on a celestial body near another star. I was surprised: "How is that?" Then He showed me the planet Burkhad. And it was after that that I wanted to incarnate there. But my Angel-Consultants convinced me that for this I first had to go through the lessons on Earth that I had not gone through, and only then choose the planet Burkhad for the next incarnation. Which is what I did.

7 встреч с фантомом Иисуса Христа 7 Encounters with the Phantom of Jesus Christ 7 renkontoj kun la fantomo de Jesuo Kristo Бөтен өркениеттердегі біздің шынайы тарихымыз Информация от внеземных цивилизаций настрой Наша настоящая история Наша настоящая история от инопланетных цивилизаций Наша справжня історія від інопланетних цивілізацій подкасты русско-английский подкаст транскрипты Харь гарагийн соёл иргэншлийн бидний бодит түүх Яхве Ár scéal fíor ó shibhialtachtaí eachtrannach AR-DE-EN-EO-ES-FR-HI-IT-PT-RU-ZH Beatitudes Cassiopeia - Official site in English - epub ebook - EN-DE-FR-EO Cassiopeia- What is HIGHER SELF ? - EN - FR - DE- EO- RU - epub - mp3 Câu chuyện có thật của chúng ta từ các nền văn minh ngoài hành tinh Chekhov Description of the Spiritual World from 1 to 24 Level financial egregor Hadithi yetu halisi kutoka kwa ustaarabu wa kigeni Historia jonë e vërtetë nga qytetërimet e huaja Information from extraterrestrial civilizations Jesus Christ Kisah nyata kami dari peradaban alien Kisah nyata saka peradaban asing La nostra vera storia dalle civiltà aliene Meie tõeline lugu tulnukate tsivilisatsioonidest Mūsu patiesais stāsts no citplanētiešu civilizācijām Náš skutečný příběh z mimozemských civilizací Nasza prawdziwa historia z obcych cywilizacji Nia reala historio de eksterteraj civilizacioj Nossa história real de civilizações alienígenas Notre véritable histoire de civilisations extraterrestres Nuestra verdadera historia de civilizaciones extraterrestres Ons echte verhaal over buitenaardse beschavingen Our real history from alien civilizations Pilate Povestea noastră reală din civilizațiile extraterestre Raunveruleg saga okkar frá framandi siðmenningum realis narratio nostra de civilizationibus peregrinis russian-english podcast Tikra mūsų istorija iš svetimų civilizacijų Todellinen tarinamme muukalaiskulttuureista Tunings Unsere wahre Geschichte aus außerirdischen Zivilisationen Uzaylı uygarlıklardan gerçek hikayemiz Valódi történetünk idegen civilizációkból Vår verkliga historia från främmande civilisationer - Vår virkelige historie fra fremmede sivilisasjoner Vores virkelige historie fra fremmede civilisationer Yadplanetli sivilizasiyalardan bizim əsl hekayəmiz Η πραγματική μας ιστορία από εξωγήινους πολιτισμούς ჩვენი რეალური ისტორია უცხო ცივილიზაციებიდან Մեր իրական պատմությունը օտար քաղաքակրթություններից אירינה פודז'רובה - הסיפור האמיתי שלנו מתרבויות חייזרים ارینا پوڈزورووا - اجنبی تہذیبوں سے ہماری حقیقی کہانی داستان واقعی ما از تمدن های بیگانه كاسيوبيا - إيرينا بودزوروفا - قصتنا الحقيقية من الحضارات الفضائية कैसिओपिया - इरीना पोडज़ोरोवा - विदेशी सभ्यताओं से हमारी वास्तविक कहानी ক্যাসিওপিয়া - ইরিনা পোডজোরোভা - এলিয়েন সভ্যতা থেকে আমাদের আসল গল্প ਕੈਸੀਓਪੀਆ - ਇਰੀਨਾ ਪੋਡਜ਼ੋਰੋਵਾ - ਪਰਦੇਸੀ ਸਭਿਅਤਾਵਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਸਾਡੀ ਅਸਲ ਕਹਾਣੀ அன்னிய நாகரிகங்களிலிருந்து எங்கள் உண்மையான கதை เรื่องจริงของเราจากอารยธรรมต่างดาว 외계 문명에 관한 우리의 실제 이야기 伊琳娜波德佐羅娃 - 我們來自外星文明的真實故事 異星文明から見た私たちの本当の物語