Cassiopeia project - Connection with the financial egregor - affirmation -
rus-eng parallel text-mp3 podcast.mp3
Connection with the financial egregor - affirmation from Cassiopeia-
I (Name) thank the heavenly Father, the God of the universe, absolute perfection, absolute intelligence and absolute love for the flow of love and prosperity that is in my life. I thank God for the finances that I have now.
Greetings to you, financial egregor! Thank you for connecting to me, I send you the light of my love!
I love and accept money in my world, love for money is safe for me. With love and pleasure I direct my money flows to increase vibrations, develop soul and body and help other people to develop mercy and love. I am a pure divine financial channel.
I am a rich, wealthy person, I correctly distribute finances, I love and know how to earn and spend money, this is a divine science for the development of many spiritual qualities, I love and accept myself as a rich, successful, happy person. I merge with my money phantom, I am a golden man.
With the power of my spirit I activate the energies of the second chakra Svadhisthana for love and enjoyment of material pleasures and benefits. I understand that without love for pleasures I will be cut off from financial flows. I love to enjoy food, water, clothes, all the gifts that God gives me through the material world and I thank God for these gifts.
I part with all the attitudes that limit my financial development, I am a free, successful, rich person. Being a rich person is safe. I direct all the power of money to spiritual and physical goals in this world and help others in this.
With the power of my spirit I activate the third chakra Manipura to turn on the will in work, the desire for a career, the desire to earn money, for interest in this process. I enjoy the material world, all its manifestations. The financial flow flows through me like a river.
I activate all my connections with the financial egregor, by the power of my divine will I expand my financial flow, I wish to always feel myself in this flow and exchange energies with the financial egregor. I know that the universe is rich and abundant, I am part of a rich and abundant universe. All the money in the world is at my disposal as the son of God. I ask my heavenly Father to set up my financial flow in the most harmonious way for me.
I send a request to the financial egregor of planet Earth for a monthly income in the amount of - I name my amount in the currency of my country. I promise to direct these funds to my physical development, well-being, to fulfilling my spiritual tasks of incarnation and to help my brothers and sisters, all people in the material world who are the same children of God as I am.
I thank and accept, I love and bless!
I enjoy my cash flow. Cash flow is the flow of love of the Creator of all worlds. With love and gratitude I share my cash flow with the world around me, I manage my money for my own benefit and the benefit of others. I am the beloved son of God and I am the heir of all divine wealth around me.
I thank the entire universe for the part of divine energy that I have in my hands. I send the light of love to the financial egregor, to all patrons of the financial egregor, to all patrons of the Earth and the universe, I love you!
With the power of my spirit I fill my aura with financial energy, my brain is aimed at solving financial problems, I direct my will to fulfilling goals that lead me to financial well-being. I ask the financial egregor to put ideas into my mind for the financial prosperity of me and my family.
I brought a financial flow into my home, I ask the spirit of the house to fix the energy of the financial egregor in the etheric space, I ask the spirit of the house to protect my financial well-being from my mistakes and the mistakes of all my household members. I ask the spirit of the house to build financial protection around my space, I send the spirit of the house the light of my love.
With love and gratitude I fill my home with financial well-being, happiness, health and love. I am a successful, lucky person. All the bright forces of the universe help me. My hands are the hands of God, who creates divine reality through me.
I thank the Creator of all worlds for giving me the opportunity to enjoy the material world. I thank my Higher Self for this meditation and the bright monetary space. With love and gratitude I accept the changes that have happened to me and transmit them to the material world.
I send the light of my heart into this material object-banknote and activate in it the energies of wealth, prosperity and success!