This text is a transcript of a spiritualistic session in which medium Irina Podzorova and host Igor Lebedev communicate with the spirit of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. The session took place at the Bryusov Hall on December 29, 2024, in honor of the 165th anniversary of the writer's birth. During the conversation, Chekhov's spirit answers questions about his earthly life, creative work, personal relationships, the spiritual world, and his tasks as an angel-guide.
Main topics covered in the text:
Spiritual Level and Past Incarnations:
Chekhov's spirit explains that he incarnated on Earth from the 18th level of spiritual development, which corresponds to the level of guardian angels. He also mentions his past incarnations on other planets, including the planet Desaru, where he studied the science of imagery, exploring the influence of art on human consciousness.
Relationships with Family and Father:
Chekhov analyzes his complex relationship with his father, who was strict and often used physical punishment. He explains how he eventually forgave his father, realizing that he acted out of love, albeit within his limited understanding.
Creative Work and Literary Activity:
Chekhov's spirit shares secrets of his creative process, talks about his early literary experiments, pseudonyms, and the influence of other writers such as Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. He also explains why some of his plays, such as The Seagull and The Cherry Orchard, were labeled as comedies.
Personal Life and Relationships with Women:
Chekhov admits that in his youth, he was prone to sexual indulgence, which negatively affected his health and led to his early death from tuberculosis. He also discusses his relationship with Olga Knipper, his future wife, and how he eventually found spiritual closeness with her.
The Spiritual World and Tasks After Death:
After death, Chekhov ascended to the 21st level of spiritual development and became an angel-guide, helping souls transition to the spiritual world. He is also a guardian of the egregor of art on Earth, assisting in the development of creativity and purifying it from negative energies.
Advice and Guidance:
Chekhov offers advice on how to develop creative abilities, the importance of forgiveness and self-love, and the necessity of caring for one's body and spiritual growth.
Death and Transition to the Spiritual World:
Chekhov's spirit describes in detail his final moments of life, how he asked for champagne to calm himself before death, and how he experienced the transition to the spiritual world, where he was met by other spirits.
The text provides a unique perspective on the life and work of Anton Chekhov through the lens of spiritualistic communication. It reveals not only the earthly aspects of his life but also his spiritual tasks and experiences after death. This material may be of interest to both fans of Chekhov's work and those interested in questions of spiritual development and life after death. automatic transcription of videos with recognition errors
Irina Podzorova. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, we all studied at school, including me. I really loved his stories, I want to say. And I read them all the time as a child. A very interesting soul, a very interesting spirit now. He is in the spiritual world. He is not embodied at the moment. And today is a very interesting topic, for which I thank Igor. A very interesting person.
So, we are ready to begin. He is already here and greets you and thanks you for your attention to his personality. Anton Palych, thank you very much for agreeing to talk to us. And with your permission, we will begin asking questions. Yes, of course. Our first block of questions is traditional.
Tell me, please, from what spiritual level did you incarnate into Anton Palych? I greet everyone. I am glad to see everyone here. I incarnated into Anton's body. They usually do not call patronymics. I incarnated into Anton's body from level 18.
Oh, this is the angelic level. I will explain it to you, if anyone does not know. He immediately speaks on the scale of spiritual levels of the World of the Star Union, since he speaks through my perception. And I know this scale. Level 18. This is the level on the scale from 1 to 24.
and the 18th level there is angelic, that is, according to this scale at the moment of incarnation he was at the level of guardian angels. Let me ask you right away, and where was your previous incarnation, which allowed you to go to this level?
the previous incarnation was incarnated as a man, but not on planet Earth. So, where? I was incarnated as a man on a planet that in the language of the contactee is called the planet Desaru. Ah, that's us, earthlings, too, isn't it? Yes, that's where Saint-Germain lives now. And what were you doing there? I'm like... He shows that he was already incarnated there as Saint-Germain, and Anton Pavlovich was incarnated there...
I was incarnated there as a man who was engaged in a science that you call art history. Well, in your opinion, the science of imagery. In the language of the contactee, it is called the science of imagery. That is, I studied various literary, mythological, artistic, architectural and other.
historical artifacts and with their help studied the impact on people's consciousness. Yes, in fact, people live on Desora, the same as you and me. Well, that is, he shows how he includes himself in the number "you and me", because the last incarnation was on Earth. And for what purpose, with what spiritual tasks did you incarnate on Earth?
My spiritual tasks were to further increase my spiritual level by developing unconditional love, harmony and peacemaking in myself. So, did you manage to solve these tasks? What level did you go to? Yes, I did. I went to level 21. Wow!
Let's congratulate Anton Pavlovich. Not everyone manages to live their life so well. It's nice. It's really nice, of course, Angel. He says that he is very happy and feels your emotions that you congratulate him and send him the light of love and joy. Honestly, it seems to me that no one doubted that you are an Angel, Anton Pavlovich. Level 21. He is now asking me to explain a little, if anyone hasn't heard.
already the level of angels-guides. That is, if a guardian angel, his task is to protect, well, when not an incarnate spirit, to protect any incarnate spirit from any mistakes and attacks of various evil spirits, evil entities, then the task of the angel-guide is to meet spirits that have left incarnation, to accompany them back to the spiritual world.
and also to see off spirits during the incarnation of the "I" and help them connect with the body. That is, this is a very responsible task. And in fact, we are all familiar with spirit guides, they helped us incarnate in our bodies. And they will also meet us after the incarnation. That is, you are busy with work there now, you are working, you are not lounging?
We are all busy there. Wait, can you go on vacation? Or do you not have such a desire? To rest, to dig into yourself? Only the body gets tired, Igor. You know that the spirit can never get tired. No, I was just joking. Thank you very much. Let us move on to the block of questions related to your family and childhood? Good.
Of course, we can't ignore the figure of the father. You wrote that I didn't have a childhood as a child, referring to the rather strict rules established in the family by your father. Nemirovich Udanchenko, you admitted that you could never forgive your father for spanking you as a child.
My question is this. When you incarnated and together with the angel determined the main circumstances of your life, you, as I understand it, also made a choice regarding your parents. In other words, you understood, well, how to say, the main qualities and properties of your father and those circumstances that will accompany you in life.
tasks had to develop in little Anton under such pressure. Perseverance.
the ability to always find your way, despite the resistance of the environment.
patience and the ability to forgive. Tell me, please, did you finally forgive your father? Yes. At that moment, when you reminded me...
now one of my many letters. I corresponded a lot with different people, I corresponded a lot. I had a whole library of letters. I hope that my, well, not descendants, my followers have created a whole library of these letters. That's right.
complete works. I doubt, of course, that they found everything, but I know that I copied a lot.
I loved communication. I loved communication, both oral and written. I loved receiving letters, reading them and writing them myself. I loved them. And I was quite frank in my letters.
I did this not to show off, but to better understand myself.
And that letter that you quoted, you reminded me of my state that I was in at the time regarding my resentment towards my father. I want to say that, indeed, at the moment when I wrote it, I felt bewilderment, resentment, rejection.
And I had a lot of questions for my father about my childhood. Not only about his treatment of me, but also about his treatment of my mother and my...
brothers and sister.
But nevertheless, at that moment I still did not fully understand and did not accept my father, his role in my life. And therefore I could not fully accept and activate my male part, the part that came to me, that entered me together with the genes, together with the blood of my father.
But later, after this letter, when I myself had lived through a lot and experienced many feelings, naturally, I forgave him, because I understood why I forgave him. Because I understood that when he punished me, when he forced me to work, as I then considered, in his life, I didn’t even call it ours.
mine. And I forgot that I also lived at the expense of this lafika.
At that moment in time when I was offended.
And then, when I had the experience of my own life, of providing for myself, I understood him. And I was so grateful to him that he behaved exactly like that. I understood that he did all this out of love. Well, in the understanding that he had. He could not have had any other understanding.
he couldn't have been at that moment why couldn't it be because he was ready prepared himself with all his incarnations including the current one for this very state of the heart therefore there was no need to run you say that you understood and forgave him but at what moment did this happen
Or was it such a gradual process that it is impossible to isolate?
It was a gradual process, but at the moment of exiting the incarnation I had already asked for it. I understood. Thank you very much. Do I understand correctly that with the spirits who incarnated in your brothers, you also had a preliminary agreement in the spiritual world that we...
Come out, come out, are embodied in one family. Well, we, you could say, knew about each other. Knew about each other. What common tasks did you have to go through? Common tasks related only to the tasks of the family. And how can they be defined? What were the tasks of the family? He shows art like this.
creating creative energy in our family, so that the next generations of our family would receive a great charge of art, because it shows that not only he was engaged in literature, but also other children, his brothers were also engaged in art. Yes, yes, both artists and writers. And have you met them already there in the Spiritual World?
Only with Nikolai. That... Who was an artist, right? Yes. Do I understand correctly that you had the closest relationship with Nikolai? Right. At that time, we had a fairly close relationship. It was precisely with his spirit that we had met before in several incarnations. Yes, okay. I...
He lived through 336 incarnations in total.
This is such an average number, I will tell you, it can be less, it can be more, well, that's how many there are. Well, in this Manvantali, yes, in this era. As I already said, the previous one was on Disaru. But before Disaru I was incarnated on Earth. But I was not incarnated in famous people, I will name countries, I was incarnated on the territory of Thailand, in one of the tribes shows the 11th century.
and he was incarnated on the territory of Thailand, there was one of the tribes. I was also incarnated there as a man who was engaged in treatment, healing people through herbs, through spells, something like a shaman shows me now. Earlier I was incarnated on the territory of Ancient Egypt, that is, it shows how it was before the birth of Christ,
Before the birth of Christ, he was incarnated in the territory of ancient Egypt as a woman.
who was a priestess of the Moon Goddesses.
when they show it to me now in the temple. And in these incarnations in Egypt, and in the incarnation that was after, it was on a planet, not in the Milky Way galaxy, you don’t know, the contactee doesn’t know, but it was a physical planet. In these two incarnations I met with the Soul, with the Spirit of Nicholas.
and we interacted closely there.
Relatives recalled that the day before his death you woke up in a cold sweat and told a dream in which Nikolai came to your bed, kissed you on the head and said, you sleep, and I have to go, we will not see each other again. And on that day the news came that he had died. It was not a dream, it was contact with his.
Spirit with what you now call the Higher Self. With its non-embodied part of the Spirit. At that moment you did not think in such categories? He understood now. Not now, but right after leaving... The thing is that after leaving the incarnation, after 40 days, the Personality is united,
with the spirit, with the disembodied part of the spirit. This gives a huge expansion.
own experience and this gives a revision of all your beliefs a revision of all your memory an analysis of your whole life and after that the spirit becomes whole again by itself it becomes what it was
to feel the way you felt before the separation of the soul for incarnation. And this Personality, it fades into the background, because the Spirit gains the memory of all its incarnations. And the Personality of the Spirit is something completely different for you.
for your personalities. It is much larger, it is much bigger, much richer.
And therefore, of course, I can now give answers to all questions only in the context of my own personal experience, gained after disembodiment. Well, we value this. This is our main goal. To find out your opinion. Yes, that is, of course, at the time when he had the dream, he, naturally, did not perceive it that way, because he did not know.
He didn't express himself in categories, naturally. They came to him after the payment had already been made, that's natural.
Well, in general, relatives say that you literally prophesied in your sleep. That is, you muttered something like a hiss. At first they laughed, then wrote it down. And it turned out over time that these strange, sometimes unrelated words, in fact, turned out to be literally prophetic. Well, here are examples of how you told in your sleep. You told about an upcoming meeting with Maxim Gorky, which took place only several years later.
a bride you didn't know at that moment. Or, for example, there was this line "the child, the child will be dead." As we know, later there was a miscarriage in 1902. He shows that he also felt his death, his death of the physical body, the exit from the incarnation.
when, how it will be, that is, and many other things I felt, events of my life, including those connected with books, with readers' reactions, with meetings with friends, that is, and there were many there. But in fact I don't see it. If you want to ask a question, for what reason did this happen? Yes, what mechanism did it work? I understood the question.
Dear friends, there is absolutely nothing surprising in this. Each of you, I think, has seen everything honestly. Something felt, what you call intuition, each of you has. It’s just that for me, due to contact with my Spirit, with the higher Self, which I developed from childhood with the help of my curators, mentors, who worked with me in my sleep and in reality,
I had a heightened sense of intuition, what is now called the gift of a medium. I had it since childhood. Since childhood, I could perceive information from the subtle planes. Yes, when I was a child, and when I was a teenager, I felt it more acutely. When I became an adult, at times a wave of skepticism would take hold of me.
and carried away the feeling from this. But then some thing and a dream, some sign, some...
A sign of fate, some meeting, book, conversation would again return me to the field of spiritual service.
Thank you. And there is nothing surprising in this, since each of you can feel exactly the same and even more accurately. Why, you ask? Yes, a very simple answer. Each of you is not only a body. Remember this.
the gross material part of yours
But besides the body, you also have a spiritual part. This spiritual part is an integral part of the source of the entire Universe, which has Omniscience, which has...
Omnipotence, which has omnipresence, which has all love.
It is in each of you. No matter how deeply you bury the light of the Creator of the Universe, it is impossible to destroy it. Just as it is impossible to extinguish the Sun by closing the curtains in the window.
Thank you, a wonderful answer. APPLAUSE Anton Pavlovich, you have unearthed a funny episode.
Now it seems funny, curious, maybe from your childhood, which then, perhaps, was not so funny. In a word, there is information that your father ordered an exorcism for you in the church. I seriously believe that a demon entered you. Do you remember this episode? Well, yes, that happened. He was very religious.
Orthodox believer. In fact, as I later realized, he also wanted only good for me, because he was really scared for me, since an incident happened that he could not explain, specifically with me, an incident happened that he could not from the point of view of his knowledge and ideas about the world, he could not explain it in any other way.
These were his beliefs. Before I tell you this story, I urge you to never judge another for his beliefs, even if they seem wrong to you. By judging another, you immediately get on his level. On his level of awareness.
And you don't help him or yourself with this. Therefore... Yes, he said this from the Angel's point of view, already level 21. But then, of course, I didn't think so. Of course, I was overwhelmed by emotions. I want to say that in the body, when you are, emotions are felt differently.
They are brighter, they are more powerful, they are able to drown out the mind. They are able to drown out the voice of the spirit, intuition. To drown out means to fill the entire soul, and nothing will remain for a person except emotions at that moment. Because you have a body that reacts to your emotions by releasing bodily juices, which are now called hormones.
And from this comes an influence through the brain, through the brain on the soul, on that spiritual part that is connected to the body through your ethereal structures.
And because of this, it is very difficult for you, not only for you specifically, but in general for any incarnate beings, namely physical bodies, it is very difficult to go to spiritual development, because it is easy to get lost. But this is what is valuable about this incarnation, that by overcoming these difficulties, you still, despite the obstacles, these emotions,
and hormones, anyway, if you try to go towards the light, then the body helps you with this even more.
So that's why he wanted to do an exorcism? The thing is, he owned...
he showed it as a little shop. Well, he was the owner of a small shop where they sold tea, coffee, sugar, sweets. They called it a lavka. In essence, it was a small shop. He was its owner. He was very proud of it. Why was he proud of it? Well, because he came from serf peasants. Naturally, if it was owned by...
it just so happened that she was bought out of slavery, because serfs were equal to slaves, they could not go anywhere themselves. They could be used as labor force, just horses. Accordingly, to get out of this state and gain the opportunity
to have some property of his own, he valued it very much. Well, you can probably understand him. It is very human that if I did not have it, and now I have it, I am afraid to lose it. And so he had this fear. It was a very strong fear.
Unfortunately, because of him, he went to the sixth level.
I also went down to him after I had paid and talked to him.
There was a very big fear, which already gave rise to anger. And because of this fear he could not even at night and shows...
Often he couldn't leave the closed shop even for the night without someone guarding it. He always thought that someone would rob him. He had fears. And who could guard him? He could only send us, your sons.
And with these fears he somehow really attracted this case to himself.
show yourself as a teenager. I was about 15. That is, a teenager. There were no older brothers. Well, yes, there were no older or younger ones. I was alone in this shop. And suddenly he burst in, shows how...
With such a push he opens the door. Now I see a robber coming in. That is, he attracted this crime with his fear.
Why did it attract? There is a law in the Universe. What you fear, you go to. What you fear, you order. So the Universe reads your emotions. And your fears are read as desires. Do you understand? Well, who didn't understand?
So think about your fears.
And so it happened that I was left alone, a homeless boy, with an adult man who was quite tall, of a solid build, and also with a knife in his hands.
What would you have done in my place? Run away, but I could not run away. I knew that if I left the bench I would be severely flogged, so that I would not be able to sit on my natural seat for a week.
They beat me with rods and soaked them in salt water.
Then they made us kneel in front of the icons on coarse salt. It was very painful.
And they said that my mother supported my father in this and said that it would help me.
appreciate what they do and serve them.
I knew perfectly well that I couldn’t run away, it was better not to go home, it was better to let them kill me.
And I...
I want to say right away that at that moment I very often turned to God, turned to the Angel, I prayed, I sang in church, I knew the prayers.
And I prayed Christ, protect yourself in my mind. And I had this thought, gather all your strength.
and it shows, yes, well, the images just now show how it all happened there.
MAKSANIE, an inner voice, told me. Gather all your strength, firmly grab the hand holding the knife. Don't let go and kick him below the knee. Hit him with all your might. Boy, just don't let go of the hand.
An idea came to me. I did so. He roared like a wounded ox, and it hurt so much that he stumbled and fell. I took the knife from him, because it fell out when he fell. I sat on top of him, and quickly tied his hands with a rope that lay on the bottom of the boxes.
She couldn't do anything. And after that I ran.
Well, I ran out into the street and shouted to people.
People came running, grabbed him, took him to the police station. Father, I told him, people confirmed.
I thought they would praise me now.
What will he say? Well done, you defended our property. Here's your spinner.
Yes, I was cruelly mistaken then.
in his thirst.
It was very painful, but he did not appreciate my feat, the risk I put my life at.
He said, you couldn't do it yourself. Who helped you? Admit it. I said that I prayed to Christ, and he heard an inner voice. I told him everything. That's how it was. He got scared and said...
This voice did not belong to Christ, because we are not worthy of Christ speaking to us. Even if Christ had told you, he would never have told you to beat a person.
So it was the one who pretended to be him.
He's like... Now he's showing a picture of him like this... He's standing in front of his father, with his head down like this, and he's scolding him for this. So, he could be... The one who pretended to be him, and who could pretend to be Christ and lie by naming His name? He'll introduce himself as him. Well, you yourself might think that who is the father of lies, right?
We knew it very well, we knew many chapters there by heart.
Father of lies, the devil.
And he took me to the priest and explained everything to the priest.
The priest talked to me, showed me so kindly, talked, asked what it was, and how I felt, how this voice was, whether I was afraid or not, asked many questions. Well, I told him everything.
And he hugged me, stroked my head and said, "The Holy Spirit helped you, Christ Himself helped you." He was the angel of protection.
Forgive my father. That is, he does not know what he is doing. He is ignorant. I cried. He hugged me and said...
Christ is always with you, and you will go far. Into the future.
Then he talked to his father. I was in the next room.
his home, and this admiration when only fragments of words reached me
that he said that there was no abyss in him, and be kinder to him, as he scolded him. But he listened to the candle-bearer, afraid to anger him, so as not to sin.
And he treated me a little better for a short time after that. Thank you very much. Tell me, please, later, as far as I understand, you avoided at least such external religiosity, you did not go to church, in general, your relationship with...
with the church, how did it go? And did you believe, did you keep this faith in God? You see, Igor, I was simply overfed with religion a little. Very harshly and sometimes rudely, and they really forced me to go to church. They really insisted on observing all the rules, including fasts.
We had to walk along the line during Lent, never laugh, read numerous prayers, many hours to the children. It is very difficult. And I began to perceive that the word "God" is connected with the church, which has been with me since childhood...
these are the rules that she was pressuring me with. I didn't understand then that it was my parents who were going a little too far. Not even a little. He smiles. But in God as the source of the Universe, so in that... in that... in that... in the one who created. That's it?
I always believe inside myself. Yes, I had periods, naturally, you will now say that you wrote to someone, there is no God, and so on. I do not cut myself off from these letters. But inside myself I always believe. Sometimes there were doubts. But you will agree, dear friends, even a strong believer can have doubts at one or another period of his life. Thank you.
In the passport issued to you in 1879, in the section "Special features" it was written "a scar on the forehead under the hair." The question is, what kind of scar, where did it come from?
But he shows that... Yes, good. He shows that it was his father who hit him. Well, in childhood. When he hit him. He could also... Well, yes, he says what specific moment... Because there were many such episodes. He could hit and throw things, well, when he was angry.
and they show that it was since childhood. I understand. Thank you. It is known that you stayed in the gymnasium twice for the second year, in the third and fifth grades. What was the reason? Working in this shop took more time than studying, because father demanded that we trade, clean. Even get up early in the morning before school.
and stand by the door and call out to customers. If there were none, he could punish in the way I described. I understand. Well, sometimes it was very difficult to combine, because a child, he cannot always get his bearings and understand how to act correctly.
more when there is pressure from above.
adults. So I ask you, if you have children, please give them freedom. Freedom of expression, despite their responsibilities, be sure to give them freedom of creativity. Freedom to express their opinion, even if it does not agree with yours. This is very important for the development of their personality and for their future adult life, independent life.
Thank you very much, we try to listen.
Let's move on to questions related to literary activity. In a letter to your sister Maria Pavlovna, you wrote how good it is that no one knows how I started writing. This, as I understand it, is about the period from 16 to 18 years old, when you practically lived alone in Taganrog, without a family, right?
Well, I started earlier, when my father was still around, he shows how he wrote some small stories, stories, just like in a personal diary, now he shows it to me. What do you mean, it was difficult for me.
Yes, I understand. Do you see what the matter is? When a person...
any person starts a new business, it cannot be difficult for him. It was difficult for me to express my thought, it was difficult for me to continue the story, but why did I strive for this?
because my spirit, my higher self, my intuition, always sent me thoughts about expressing my experience, my impressions on paper for other people. That is, this has been shown since childhood.
Perhaps you had such a desire to create. To create, well, I can say, with a pen, now probably with a pen or even a computer mouse. But, nevertheless, the essence is the same. To create something with words. It's like an artist painting a picture with a brush.
If there is an artist among you, he or she knows exactly what I am talking about. Remember how you painted your first picture? Or your second. And then your twentieth. If you...
you are doing this thematically, but if you haven't, that's good. Remember a more mundane activity. It also requires skill and ability. Here are the girls here, the girls are here now. Remember yourself as a little girl and remember your first potato that you peeled.
Was it easy for you?
and then, in 5 years, in 10, or now.
It is also clear that writing is a slightly different skill.
But you need to get used to it and inscribe this habit into your brain in exactly the same way.
even Irina Contacter.
I'm reading her information now.
I have always contacted various individuals, as it is done now. She also had her own difficulties that she went through. She transmitted information more slowly, translated less accurately. She had this too. All contactees go through this. And this is a natural stage in the formation of a specialist in some matter. Until you know how, it will be difficult for you, and you will make mistakes.
Therefore, we must approach this with the understanding that it cannot be any other way. Thank you. Well, even during your lifetime, you were occupied with precisely these questions about your first publication. And you, yes, you have always been the one who has been obfuscating this issue. But nevertheless, your researchers, they are, of course, now trying to get a bigger picture, reconstruct and assemble.
some of these first little poems or some scenes, seascapes, which you...
published in the first years of his literary activity. As I understand, you do not welcome this research fervor. They say that, at least, we have lost a whole volume of such early works of yours. I remember what you are asking about. The thing is that my first some sketches, they were not published anywhere at all. They show how easy it is for…
Do you understand the word "family newspaper"? Yes. I mean, we had a lot of children like that, and we kept certain... Well, like they show a newspaper wall at school. I mean, it wasn't hanging on the wall, but there was one like we made up there every week, showing something for our parents. And there someone would draw something, someone would write some kind of poem, someone would write some kind of note.
And I wrote short stories there about our family, about our family life, some even like jokes, funny ones. And he also says that I really loved humor. Well, we know that. Many people perceive me as sad, melancholic, but in fact, no. I was quite a cheerful, lively person. I'll show you.
It is officially considered that your first publication is this letter to a learned neighbor in the Petersburg dragonfly in March 1880. He says that before that there was, well, I don’t know, it survived or not, something like that, yes, he shows some kind of drawing, so. A short story called “The Bell.”
Is this a story or a journal? No, it's a story. It was about a bell ringer in a bell tower. How he got up there, rang, what he felt. That's the story. And was it published under a pseudonym? Yes, something like Ch. Just Ch? Well, yes, because I was initially embarrassed about how to sign my name. That is, I didn't want...
widely known, so to speak. And in which magazine "Kolokol" was it published? In some small newspaper now. What was it called?
something local, some Tagangroz news. Ah, in Tagangroz. Yes, some local newspapers there. It had a very small circulation. And have you already received a fee for this publication?
Well, not me, but my parents. My parents. Yes, my parents. They sent it. I didn't even send it. By the way, I read my works to my mom and dad. My dad often treated it as a pampering. But my mom supported me a lot, and she sent it, showed it.
Listen, this story of yours with pseudonyms, of which researchers counted a total of 50 or even more. And what was your attempt at Moskvikology connected with? Actually, I think more. And how many pseudonyms did you have?
He shows me about 100. Well, at least I see that number now, there are 100. Now he's going through it all. Like a list. Some other...
He could simply sign with a letter. Or he could sign with a hard sign. Then some name, like Alier, some allegory. Some doctor without patients. Well, yes, we know, a man without a spleen. His brother's brother. Well, he had some very funny ones there.
Well, that is, he also signed his name humorously. Why didn't you choose one pseudonym, if you didn't want to, say, make your own public? Because I wanted people to laugh, to have fun when they saw who wrote it. That is, to have fun. And why didn't you sign your own name for a long time? Well, first of all, I didn't want those who read me, that is, show me, like students, to know that it was me, because I hid it like I did at first.
I wrote something, and among, namely friends knew, namely among the wide purchase. And secondly, it was my social life, and I left the personal name as for my personal life, that is, I divided. There is a version that you planned to write scientific works on medicine under this name.
Well, I didn't think then that I would write "Works on Medicine" under this name, so I don't sign my name there, I wasn't embarrassed by my work there. I just had a certain understanding that it was...
social pseudonym this is my personal name I understood and in the end if I understand correctly for the first time you signed your own name under the story memorial service in the new time and it was an insistent wish of the editors they sent you a telegram with a request I also signed under several as
and I signed up for that too. Well, there are just dates now. It's...
everything is already in the past for me, so I can say in general that I signed under... not because I insisted, well, yes, they persuaded me, but in fact I decided so myself. There is a legend that Suvorin promised to give you one and a half times more per line if you signed your own name. It did not affect in any way, it was just one of the opinions.
He is now showing me that I decided so because I decided that it was time to come out, as to the general public. I decided it myself. And so that they would know me specifically, that I am writing these things. That is, how to take, so to speak, I took responsibility, as an individual, for their content.
Am I right in understanding that these publications made up a significant part of your income? The royalties from these publications? Well, a significant part, but not exactly the main part, because despite my literary activity, my activity as a doctor, I still entered. That is, I studied to be a doctor, it turns out, after I graduated from the educational institution.
It can be assumed that if you had material wealth, you would not have developed your literary abilities so intensively.
He laughs and says, well, you won't be able to write just for the money. And you don't have a burning soul for it and you don't want to convey your joy, your light, your experience to people. It won't work. You'll just succeed, no matter how ridiculous it is. I wrote for the soul, for pleasure. Well, yes, there was money, of course, I didn't refuse it. I loved it, it's natural for a person. But you can't say that...
I just did it for the money and that if I had some wealth, I wouldn’t write well yes, if I had more wealth, I wouldn’t write that is, he doesn’t agree and says that
If I had spent as much time on medicine and on studying it as I did on writing these stories, fiesta and so on, and not only physical energy, but also mental, which is important, then my material earnings in the field of medical art would have been much higher, because at that time doctors were highly valued, there were a lot of patients.
They were appointed like the emperor, as he appointed high salaries. If I had directed all my energy there, he believes that I would have earned even more. Can we assume that you would have reached such heights in medicine if you had directed all your energy there?
Yes. That is, I would have become a brilliant doctor. I would have treated patients first, then I would have managed the hospital. I would have become the manager, if I had gone up the career ladder, I could have done it. I was generally a leader by nature, by my character. I could have gone further up the career ladder, and managed there.
a whole area, to be like a doctor who manages these medical centers on the ground. Then I could go into scientific work, I had such a dream of teaching, to be at the institute and teach other doctors. And it all paid very well. Well, do you think you were a good doctor?
Well, I didn't fall into my own hands. But my colleagues say that you were a brilliant diagnostician. And very attentive, and very kind to patients. And very attentive, which was unusual at the time. You paid a lot of attention to the psychological state of patients. For me, this was normal. For them, it was unusual. Naturally, I questioned the person, and he...
emotional upheavals, about his problems, because I already believed then that any feeling affects some function of a physical organ.
I had a great interest in mental illness. I even had an idea to go into psychiatry, to become a psychiatrist, to help people who are considered crazy to return to our earthly world.
I studied this topic. And while you? Well, and part of it resulted in a work called "Ward No. 6" Well, not only. In each of my works I tried to put knowledge, including with medicine and about medicine, and about psychology.
Can you name, for example, three books that had the most significant influence on you in shaping your literary taste? This is exactly what I showed when I described the steppe. It was my experience, a natural description. Then the writing, again, of the seagull.
That is, it is shown as a major play, which needed to be developed there, as the main characters and characters, how they interact with each other, and so on. Well, and such stories, like socially significant ones, for example, like Kashtanka. There are stories about...
poor people who found themselves in different circumstances. Then there was also a very big influence, as it seemed, the book shows that you wrote about the island of Sakhalinsal. That is, the description of this island, the description of what happened there, the description...
people who lived there, including those who worked in penal servitude, a description of their social status, and also shows that he described it from a medical point of view, that is, what illnesses they had, what state of medicine they had, that is, it made a very big impression on me.
Each one, even a small piece, in any case it was...
described and taken from the depths of my heart. Of course, I have a lot of works, more than 500 shows, this is a big number.
Each of them I described certain states and people that I observed myself. That is, some observations from life, but already as rethought. By my own experience. For example, I saw something.
and wrote some story, such a small one. I could give him any title at all. For example, I heard some story there about... If we are talking about the topic of this evening, and today our topic is the summoning of spirits, so-called spiritualism, it was fashionable in my time.
I had heard of it, of course, and even attended several sessions. My friends invited me. I want to say right away that I didn’t really delve into it then and didn’t really believe in it because of my natural skepticism and critical mind. But nevertheless, I studied this phenomenon with interest, what you now call esotericism. Back then it was simply called secret knowledge, various occultism, for example.
Spiritualism. I have a story about that too. For example, "A Terrible Night". It's about the consequences of a spiritualistic session. Perhaps you've read it?
you can read, they have very good consequences, so to speak. But in the end you end up laughing.
Can you name your favorite writers? Well, for example, three favorite writers.
Bostoevsky shows Pushkin. Pushkin. Did you meet Tolstoy? Yes. Well, we met a lot of people there. In fact, I met a lot of writers and poets there, and artists. That is, I had such a circle of friends. Well, I would like to clarify about Tolstoy, who did not rate Shakespeare highly as a playwright.
Did you scold me for writing even weaker than Shakespeare? He rated some of my stories quite highly, for example, the same Kashtanka.
He was talking about those that seemed too short and meaningless to him, because Tolstoy, he loved to describe everything in more detail and to increase the plot of his work so that it would be more vivid and could be studied from different angles. And I had such short things that seemed to him as if unfinished.
I understand. He said that from this story, for example, it was possible to write a whole novel. And you finished it at the very beginning. At one time you told your friends, wrote in letters that you wanted to write a big novel, but somehow it didn’t happen in your life. Why? I tried, but I just couldn’t find a title for it. There I wrote a few chapters, then...
I realized that each of these chapters could be a separate story, and I couldn't get it to work into a large work. Because it needed to be given a title that would reflect all of its features. But I didn't have that kind of experience of thinking, of synthesis, in which I could collect a single idea in different chapters. And because of that, I didn't write it.
I understand. Let's move on to your theatrical activities. A few questions on this topic.
How did it come to you, you want to understand, to make, if you like, a revolution in dramaturgy? Because you yourself wrote to Suvorin, when you were working on The Seagull, that you were lying terribly against the conditions of the stage.
But it really was just some kind of revolution. It seems to me that no one has done anything like this before you. I mean those theatrical, dramatic principles that you introduced. Well, I mean, let's say, such outwardly meaningless dialogues, despite the fact that passions are seething inside the characters. Or your, apparently, such a conscious exception
you put them behind the scenes. Also Kostik's suicide, for example. Well, and many others. That is, it would seem that any playwright would rush to bring all these spectacular scenes to the stage. Well, and some others. I'm getting to the point, how did this come to your mind? How did it form? A vision of a new theater. And how do you... Is he smiling now?
You asked a question that is interesting now, before I answer it, I need to understand it. You understand that every artist creates in his own way? I understand. So you say, how did this come to my mind? Good question. How or where from? Okay, where from.
Because these are two different questions. One is how, and the other is where from.
Where from? I already said that...
In my previous life, I was a representative of the planet Desaru, who was just studying the peculiarities of the formation of images for the creation of beliefs and the development of feelings in children and adults.
Therefore, I used my experience on Desaru, although not consciously, to create my own especially dramatic works, you mean plays now. Yes. That is, works that can be performed on stage in a certain play.
And all these thoughts came to me from my own, how to construct this play, what acts there should be, what characters there should be, even what they should be dressed in, what phrases they should say, right down to these, as you called them, interjections.
all the actions on stage and behind the scenes, right down to what is shown on the table. That is, the setting.
It all came in the process of creative inspiration.
How? Where did this come from? From the higher self, which had information from my past life. Well, plus my Curators also prompted me. My Curator was Saint-Germain. My Curator was Jesus Christ. And my Curator was Archangel Raphael.
wonderful curators. That is, they are like spiritual, all from the spiritual, Archangel Raphael from the spiritual world, Jesus Christ we know, lives on Burkhad, but with his Christ, consciousness, that is, with the spiritual part. Sir Germain he lived, and at that time also on Desaru, because he has been living there for many years. At that time he was also incarnated there, when he lived.
when I lived on earth. And they also told me a lot of things, and I felt it simply as a stream of thoughts without determining the addressee, that is, without determining who said it. Here came a thought, I thought, what a cool idea. I need to develop it. And I already started it myself with my imagination.
Every person has his own education, fantasy. I started to twist and develop this thought forever. What if it's like this, what if it's like this?
I can't say that I wrote it entirely under the dictation of the curators. There was my creativity there too. But they suggested a lot to me, and I developed their hints, their ideas, and embodied them in my own language, my own convictions, and so on. That is, it was some kind of joint creative process. To feel it, it is easier for me to answer how I did it, where I took these images from.
And why did I build it like no one else before me? Because I am unique.
I am unique!
But when I say “I am unique,” first of all, I am telling the truth.
And secondly, I remind you that you are also unique.
Each of you can achieve, if you want, I wanted to develop it, and as I already explained my difficulties at the beginning, we were on this path of creativity. And each of you can also develop in this direction. But to answer Igor's question, the host "how", you need to try it yourself. Start small, as I started in childhood.
Start by simply writing notes in your personal diary.
An idea will simply come to you what to write. It's simply about what you see, about what you feel. No need to invent some incredible worlds. About yourself. About a cup of coffee you drank. About the last leaf you saw, which fell to the ground and evoked in you memories of the whole world being transient.
from the simplest things.
Do this every day, even if you write just a few lines.
Well, every day. And then after a month, reread what you wrote.
And you will already know how you used your imagination, how you used your creative inspiration.
Many people, all people have talents in something. But many people have them dormant because they simply don't believe in themselves.
If you believe in yourself, and love yourself, and believe in yourself, and go towards your goal, no matter what the obstacles, you will achieve more than you dream of.
Thank you very much. We continue the theatrical theme. Can you determine whose merits are greater in the formation of the new aesthetics of the Moscow Art Theatre, Stanislavsky or Nemirovich? I do not weigh on the scales. This is my task. In general, I want to say now that I am one of the patrons.
egregore of art on Earth.
There is also Gregor, that is, a collection of energy, art, and not only in Russia, but on the whole Earth. I am one of its guardians. In addition to my work as the Angel of the Guide, I also do work in Gregor. And there it is not determined whose contribution is greater and whose contribution is less. Each contribution is unique, each contribution helps other souls to follow the same path.
Every lepto in Davice has a priceless...
has priceless energy.
It is impossible to evaluate it more or less. It is an immaterial commodity, it is an immaterial object that we can weigh on scales. But Stanislavsky or whoever put it there...
in theatrical art, there is one kilogram of gold, and his colleague put two kilograms there. No. It is impossible to weigh it. Everyone put in as much as they could, as much as they knew how, as much as God allowed them, as much as their higher self allowed. And I look at this process not from the point of view of competition, but from the point of view of love. And I thank everyone who did this.
Thank you. Do you have contacts on Earth? Yes. Like an Angel. My spiritual name is different, though. Not Yanton. Can you reveal a secret? What is it?
Angstrom. Well, that is, if someone has... Angstrom. The desire to contact you arises. I understand that Angstrom. Angstrom. Tell me how to contact you. Well, that's my spiritual name. Well, naturally...
through my incarnations, including through the last incarnation, through the last personality of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, although I no longer consider myself to be him, but still there is a part there, there is a part of my energy in him, which is called the soul. It was, was again for you, is for me, because it is outside of time.
You can not only address Angstrom, but also simply wish to contact me. You can do this simply mentally, by imagining my image. You can look at a picture, for example, at such a beautiful picture as here. Please, look now into the eyes of this person. Before you contact me,
The easiest way to do it is through the eyes. The eyes reflect the spirit that looks through them. But first you need to turn on your heart. Open it, trust it. Trust yourself, otherwise you will not feel anything. So, let's look at the eyes. Igor, let's look at the eyes. Now I will show you on Igor how to make contact with me.
So, imagine that there is no one around, just you and this portrait. And you imagine it too.
Look into the eyes and tell me what feelings this person's gaze evokes in your heart.
a feeling of love, severity and kindness. Excellent. You felt the energy. Then you can feel something of your own, everyone feels everything in their own way. The main thing is to tune in to the flow of energy that comes from the eyes.
It's very simple, just stop analyzing and start feeling.
Excellent! I see that you are already turning on, and I feel that I am establishing contact with you too.
And now...
Answer yourself the question, do you like my energy, do you find it pleasant? Igor, do you like it? It is energy. Yes, very much so. Excellent. For the next stage, you need to distract yourself from the material world, it is best to distract yourself from visual images and close your eyes. And remember your eyes.
remember the face, remember the eyes. If you can't remember, look again. Remember and imagine.
And say Anton, well, better call me as this person, I greet you, say it mentally. I thank you for your incarnation in this body and send you the light of my love. What is light? It is your energy. You definitely send light to establish contact.
And you need to imagine how a ray goes from you to me, to my image. Through this image I will communicate with you. So, what do you feel?
Do you feel like oncoming rivers, streams? Yes, you feel the setting of contact with yourself now. I am starting to set up contact with your mental field. Your consciousness may change a little, your eyes may spin a little, this is normal. This is how the body reacts. Do not be afraid of anything. You are completely safe. Communicating with spirits is absolutely safe.
I'll add more now, especially if it's a level 21 spirit. So, come on, who felt the oncoming flow?
Well, yes, I see, that's enough, good. And then you need to ask a question. Well, ask it mentally.
Ask him a question, any question. And the answer will come to you. I'll just send it, show you how, and the answer will come.
Well, I think I got it. Yeah. Well, yeah, okay. Now. He's just tuning in to everyone now. Now I'll wait a little bit too. Well, how do you like this... Now, bye. So, how do you like this experiment?
A wonderful experiment. We couldn't believe it, that we entered the field, made contact with Anton Palych. Well, as you can see, it's easier than it seems. Thank you very much, dear. This is my answer to your question, how to make contact with me. Now I'll just explain. If you didn't succeed, it's terrible, many need solitude for this.
A little longer setup. Everyone has their own fields and their own sensitivity level. Remember how I told you about the potatoes?
Therefore, if you did not manage to feel anything, no response, no energy, there is nothing wrong with that. It is absolutely normal. You can repeat this by opening my portrait or take my photo when you are alone, after the session. But only if you have the desire, of course. And there is a mood, trust in yourself, trust in me.
If there is no complete trust, the field will be closed. I will not be able to. I will send you energies, but you will not perceive them. For contact at the energy level, for contact at the level of thoughts, as with Irina, as with Igor, and as with those of you who felt my presence, my answers and my energies.
Openness is very important!
Of course, I want to emphasize right away, I sent you an answer, you perceived it, processed it through your brain. This is normal.
You received the answer in the language that is most understandable to you. Personally for yourself.
How do you like their experiment? I am shocked. Thank you very much, Anton Pavlovich. Yes, thank you. Let's get him. Tell me, please, do you follow the circumstances that are happening at the Moscow Art Theatre?
only through the egregor and not by circumstances, but, so to speak, by energies. By energies. How do you assess the state of energy in our main theater of the country? Very agitated. Shows how much fuss there is. Well, again, compared to my time, there is a lot of fuss and various creative ideas. But many of them are never brought to completion.
That is, it shows how they want to stage something, then they cancel it, they want to stage some things, then they change the program. And there are also such grievances among themselves within the team. Do you want to advise your colleagues or artists? Yes, of course. Please do this. Specifically, which you Khati.
And do you know that these are now two Moscow Art Theatres? Well, this... he just shows how simple it is... It's not that there are two buildings, he is in charge of the egregor of art, for him it's just a department, an energy department. I want... well again, I... It makes no difference to me where my, so to speak, colleague works, in which theatre, I...
In general, colleagues, and all writers, and doctors, and playwrights, and just good kind people. I have a wish specifically for actors.
I have this wish, just do it as you feel, listen to your heart, well, the same wish can be given to everyone. It's just that every profession, yes, that's right, it leaves a certain imprint on a person's character. And...
Professional responsibilities, professional knowledge, of course, you know, and here they are, you learned this.
But I want to encourage you to pay attention to the fact that the main thing is not the roles you play.
and the content, the content of your spiritual heart, which will be important for you after leaving this body, this incarnation, no matter who you work as, where you live, no matter what your social material level is. This is all, my dear brothers and sisters, this is all toys.
with which you play for the sake of knowing God, knowing His love and developing in yourself the likeness of God, revealing precisely those talents that I spoke of. If you remember this all your life, then you will consider the material world a game,
You will not get attached to him and his toys, then your spiritual development will go much faster and without any fears. Thank you very much. By the way, I wanted to ask, are there theaters on Desaru? Yes, there are. There are small and large theater groups that perform certain literary works.
Some myths, songs, some smaller works are shown. Even short stories. That is, they can make a performance, for example, based on some short story, not necessarily on a large play, create the entourage of this story. Well, this also exists on Earth, in fact, there is a group.
Especially in childhood. I wanted to say that in childhood it wasn't only me and my brothers who were friends and played. We had other friends in our childhood. And there we also showed how we read different books, well, like school programs. And there we could also play, gather in such a circle. This is not at school, but they show how it is summer in the yard. This is when we had a game.
Here one reads for one hero, one reads for another hero and performs certain actions. That is, it is like a theatrical production.
Thank you. And did you meet Stanislavsky's spirit there in "The Spiritual World"? No. I don't hear a positive answer. Tell me, Bausta, can you single out one of your plays that is most relevant now for staging here on Earth? I don't think that some are relevant and some are not.
Excellent intelligibility.
Well, here's the question that everyone who's picked up your plays, particularly The Seagull, has been struggling with for 130 years. Why? It's a comedy. And The Cherry Orchard, too.
Why is it a comedy? Why did I call it that? Well, yes, why did you define the genre as comedy? What's funny about it? Well, actually... Well, Three Sisters is a drama, and that's understandable. But why The Seagull? After all, when is it funny?
Why are The Seagull and The Cherry Orchard comedies? And The Cherry Orchard comedies? Because the people, the characters in them, they played up their feelings too much, and it looked funny. That is, it shows how this is humor. He wrote it that way on purpose, their different words, which he found humorous. That is, it's like this...
Well, not satire, but rather irony. That their words and actions lead to certain consequences. Some of your fans have taken up a special calculation of the area of the Cherry Orchard.
Can you tell me how big this garden was when you wrote it? Well, there are no such details. Well, I'll tell you. You have Lopakhin, he says there that if... That for 10, well, in a year you can get 25 thousand. That is, we are talking about a thousand and ten, which, translated into measures that we understand...
is approximately one and a half thousand hectares. It is some kind of unimaginable, gigantic... It was just an image, they show, it was just a stage image. It was not a real garden, it was just a stage image. In order to show a certain, well, again, heroine of this Cherry Orchard, there was some, I want to say what he is telling me now, I don’t quite understand, because I specifically read this work.
Well, maybe you read it, but a long time ago. Well, accordingly, yes, you are now saying that there is a heroine who clung to this garden. Well, she clung to it, shows it as a treasure. And because of this she made many mistakes. That is, again there is her fear of losing it. She closed herself off from...
to harmonize the situation, with her debts, for example, which she got into. Accordingly, all this ended, again, with her attracting to herself what she... what she thought about and what she was afraid of. And here again an unconscious order occurred. That is, she still showed how she lost this garden, and it was very dear to her. And here there was a comedy in the fact that...
It's very... He shows it funny, when a person perceives the temporary instead of the eternal. That is, it was like a philosophical subtext. And here it wasn't specific, there, the area is important. It was just an image.
But does it matter that it is a large area? Well, what is a large area? Well, the specific figure didn't matter there. I get it, I get it, good. Well, the actors also asked me to ask. In "Three Sisters" there is a remark. Masha, thinking over a book, quietly whistles a song. Olga tells her not to whistle, Masha, how can you? Question. What song is Masha whistling?
Well, to show... Yes, it's like some Russian folk song, like a cheerful one, like one that plays at a wedding. Thank you. Okay, we'll pass it on. But we've smoothly approached a block of questions related to your personal life. Can we talk about this topic with you? Of course. These are answers to questions.
which will help many people to understand themselves. Thank you very much. Well, let's start with your own confession that you first visited Bordy, or, I suppose, your first sexual experience took place at the age of 13. As I understand it, this is exactly when you were left alone in Taganrog, when your family left.
Well, yes, as psychologists say, the first sexual experience largely programs a person's future sexual behavior. Here you are, all your life, using the services of available women and avoiding full-fledged family relationships. My visits to this brothel from the age of 20, it also had reasons. It could not have been without reasons, and these reasons were in my earlier childhood.
These reasons were connected with parents, these reasons were connected with the relationship with mom, dad, with their relationships. Okay, yes, I understand. And then the subsequent unwillingness to start a family was connected precisely with grievances. At that time, in my youth, which I had, as I already explained, there were hidden grievances against my father and mother for not protecting me.
for not protecting other children. And I subconsciously, I had attitudes that family leads to violence, that family leads to suppression of children. I show you, for example, they were unconscious. That is, consciously I, on the contrary, wanted to create a family, well, already in the judicial years.
But the attitudes that I had during those years, at that time, by the way, at that time I corresponded to the 13th level, exactly at that time, 13th, 14th, that is, I even lowered my level from 18th. It’s just that at the time of incarnation I raised it, and during my youth I had the 13th level there, even for some time it was the 12th.
There was even an 11th, that is, when I found the meaning of life in pleasures, there was such a period. And, of course, I do not hide it, it cannot be hidden, but it is necessary to talk about it, because each of you is subject to the so-called temptation of the flesh.
These are certain emotions, feelings, which, as I have already said, about emotions, can lead you away from your spiritual path, from your spiritual purpose. And in reality, with my passion for various women and sexual contacts with them, I consoled myself with these feelings and various novels,
and the attention of women, consoled my grief from the fact that I did not have a loved one nearby. But you understood me.
And I simply replaced one with another, this genuine spiritual love. I replaced the attention of many women. That is, if there is not one, then let there be many. But, which...
admire. I even read to them, I show them my works there.
who show their love, who wait for my attention.
and which can be replaced as easily as turning the pages of a book. The more women there are, the more knowledge there is.
The more women, the more love. The more love, the more significant I am.
And with this I replaced this genuine family love, which is more spiritual. Of course, there is a physical plane, yes, family. Naturally, there is physical attraction, sexual attraction, if we say so. This is quite normal, it should manifest itself there. This is a family, two halves of one whole.
But when there is a substitution, then when the physical comes to the fore, these are beautiful bodies, beautiful clothes, pleasant smells, seduction, coquetry. Here it is spiritual, it quickly fades into the background, especially in a young man who is full of strength, who is still, so to speak, famous in society.
And all this can lead quite far.
Indeed, all these connections had a negative impact not only on the creation, on the desire to create a family at all, because they called it unwillingness. Well, I had it before, the very unwillingness to create a family, and it took the form of this, I would call it, fornication at that time. The very unwillingness to create a family because of bad relationships.
with my parents in childhood, and between them too, not everything was smooth. I saw a lot that remained behind the closed doors of our family home. For example, my father beating my mother. Yes, my father beating my mother.
and scandals, I saw her tears. And I had a fear that Gena and my father would wake up, and I would behave the same way with my wife, with my children. Well, like a subconscious one.
that if I'm with one woman, I'll get so tired of her that I'll hate her.
And I will be ashamed to get rid of her and get divorced, at the same time I will not be able to be near her. I will simply beat her. I will hate children. All these subconscious beliefs were based on me, formed on the basis of my family history, in which I was born.
At that point in time, I was 13 years old, I had my first one.
sexual experience with a fallen woman, with a slut, as they would call her, well, with a harlot. She was an adult, she was over 30 years old.
And yes, my friends took me there, they showed me how they were older, they paid for me.
Especially since I was a minor. They charged extra for the risk.
And yes, she showed me everything.
which was still too early for a 13-year-old boy to know.
I think every adult understands that it would be inappropriate to go into detail here.
I want to say that this experience affected me in such a way that...
I understand.
this, at the same time, this inexpressible sweetness of harmonious relations.
and at the same time to relieve yourself of responsibility for the woman, as your wife and the mother of your children. And all this together with the fear that I described, which was subconscious in me.
which was branded in childhood, unconsciously. All this led to the fact that I did not strive to develop serious relationships.
And he easily moved from one woman to another. Although he himself was, by the way, jealous, they show that he was jealous.
But later I realized that...
It is necessary to forgive, as I have already said, father, mother. And when I started working on this, that is, forgiving them, justifying them first there in my eyes, there forgiving and praying to God for them, gradually I realized that it is necessary to build a family. Well, as has already been said here, it happened there in three years.
until my exit from the payment. By the way, I may be ahead of the next question, but it is necessary to say this. I have planned for myself 66 years of earthly life.
lived significantly less yes why is this the reason bad negative but bad disharmonious attitude to your body refreshing the immune system and destroying the body bacteria metubruclesis because my immunity my body was not enough to
suppress this bacterium so that it simply remains dormant. Many people have it in a dormant form. When it enters the body, it remains there, but the immune system overcomes it. But my body did not have enough resources. At that point in time, I...
When I started, it is clear that the tuberculosis bacillus, from which my body subsequently died from its destructive work, simply destroyed the lungs there. First, it began there, bleeding from the destroyed lung tissue many times.
And secondly, now I will tell you more simply, any infection, any microbe, any bacteria of life in the body releases toxins into the blood. And the toxins that this bacillus released caused my blood to thicken.
which also caused thrombosis of the cerebral vessels.
Well, an additional reason, that is, at the beginning, well, there were bleedings, there was a temperature, destruction of the lungs, lack of oxygen. And plus this thrombosis, which was an indecent reason. The cause of death. Exactly at this age, there, not, for example, not a year later, not five years later, but exactly at forty-four. This is...
because I had already undermined my health, and despite the fact that I had reached level 21, my spiritual level was high enough, but my body was already undermined, its health was destroyed so much that there weren’t enough resources, and it couldn’t cope.
Therefore, I want to address you now, if you have appointed yourself an exit from incarnation.
at a fairly old and senile age, your spirit is designated as a pre-incarnation, then this term can be fulfilled only under the condition of a correct harmonious loving attitude towards your own body.
Only under this condition will your body physically live to the term you have set for yourself. If you break some organ, you will have to live broken.
Earth medicine at the moment can't fix everything
If you break your body so that the soul cannot stay in it, you will leave the incarnation before its time. And if you try to tell the angel or God why I did not live to the end of my term, there will be a clear answer. It was your choice.
The point is that an unconscious choice is also a choice.
what exactly undermined my immunity. And that's exactly it, including not only tuberculosis and not only the trip to Sakhalin, as they already told here, in the film.
Well, of course, it was a certain strain on my body. But you know very well that we have many people traveling to Akhalin. They even live there, in these conditions. And they lived. And they lived in much worse conditions. But longer than me.
And, of course, you will ask, what does it depend on then? If not on the weather, then on what, right?
But it was precisely through these contacts with different women from my youth that I undermined my immunity, my health, I took into my body a very large microbial load from various women who...
passed many men through themselves.
And they shared all of this, everything that they took from them, they shared with me.
I had an organism at 13 years old. I already told you, the first time I had contact without any means of protection, naturally. You don't think about this in the moment of passion. In the moment of passion, there is no time for the health of the body.
and this is according to the laws of God and love for one's body. This is the appeal.
And it turned out that my body, it was still very young, it was not fully formed, the immunity was not yet, not like an adult. And she gave me such pathogens, such microbes that many men had. And gradually, I did not feel it yet, it is a gradual work, gradually from the inside my body began to be destroyed.
And that is why the tuberculosis bacillus in the lungs, which was there before, became active, it was just dormant. It got there from my parents. From the fact that they communicated with each other, held me in their arms, fed me, and so on. Only it got there in a dormant form.
Because my immunity was distracted by what was happening below the genitals, to suppress the infection, and I was distracted from it. And it began to develop. And I couldn't work on two fronts at once, I didn't have enough resources. That was the reason for leaving the incarnation. Well, of course. Let me clarify. Did I understand correctly that...
This disease that you suffered from for many years, which eventually became the reason for your early departure from life, was it not originally planned by you in the plan, so to speak, of life before incarnation? No. It was already acquired as a result of the process. Is it the result of your actions, your choices during life? Yes. And meaning, if tuberculosis, it just happened... It is not specifically planned, but it is just...
Happened to many, including my brothers. Yes, indeed, one of my brothers died. Also from tuberculosis. As I already said, I met with his spirit. For Nikolai.
But we communicated with the rest of them. And Nikolai communicated with them. And naturally, during communication, during conversation, everything settled on objects. And passed on to other children. Their immunity coped, and they lived a long life, that is, it did not break. But I specifically...
I already explained, and he, well, he had his reasons there, and so let him tell. And I am telling about my reasons, and they were precisely physical. But these physical reasons were caused by my spiritual state. That is, it is clear that you can say, why did you go there, why did you acquire all this there, why did you change women, why did you catch yourself there.
And because of this you undermined your health. And why did I go? It was already due to spiritual reasons.
Tell me, please, was there Lika Mizinova in your life, with whom you maintained a relationship for a long time, and how... Well, it's hard to judge, but apparently, both she loved you and you loved her. But in the end, you never proposed to her, as I understand, for the reason you just explained. Yes, we have shown many of them. Many fell in love and then dated. With some, there were even Poltonic relationships.
And there was no continuation. There was no continuation. There was another episode in your biography that could be called the "Triple Alliance". Well, at least that's what they say. Well, that is, I mean Shchepkina Kupernik, she is a poetess, translator, and actress Egorskaya.
who had love affairs and who lured you into your triangle, for some time, in a hotel room, you all indulged in pleasures together. Why did you need this experience?
Because passion, the feeling of passion, that's what's so prodigal, it knows no bounds in fact. You quickly get bored, it's all this, you quickly get bored, you start looking for something new.
If you do this often, and at a young age, then this often comes. This can often lead to such consequences. And even I saw, they show how their friends, I will not name them without permission, but I will simply say, I saw even more interesting features of sexual behavior in friends. And accordingly I heard about them.
People get to the point where they turn on children, on animals, on each other, on men on men, that is, there.
Everyday passion takes hold of young people very quickly. It knows no bounds, whether a person is with his mind, spiritually. He will not say to himself – enough, I want to live a spiritual life, I want to use sexual energy for its intended purpose, which God gave. And this is love, true love, this is the creation of a family. This is natural.
embodiment of other spirits, this is creativity and much more. And not wasting yourself in temporary connections for the sake of a short-term spasm, which is called orgasm. It is simply not worth it.
Tell me, please, did you really love Olga Knepper and did she love you? Yes. Well, they say about Olga now that this is how this feeling woke up. Not as a female, who can simply be used as a body, but specifically as a woman, as a person. I saw a shower in her.
And she is not yours either. Evil tongues say that your attraction to Olga was the result of a cunning plan by Stanislavsky and Nemirovich, who wanted to tie you more securely to the theater in this way so that you would continue to write plays for the Moscow Art Theater.
What does she have to do with my plays? She would act in your plays, she would tell you, write a new play for me. And you would write. I could pass it on to any theater. Did I pass it on to you, hut? And how did that depend on my relationship with her? I could say, you can also move to another theater. If I didn't like something. No, these are completely different reasons.
Olga shows such a soul, which we also met, by the way, on Desaru. But on Desaru, yes, I understood, she was just not embodied. That's when we met. And how did you meet then? And there she was one of my curators.
And what level did she go to from the payment?
She left the incarnation on the 15th level. And did you go down to her? Yes. I went down on the 21st.
And let's say you cheated on each other when you were already bound by the bonds of the enemy? No. Well, it shows how there were temptations, but there was nothing physical. Evil tongues claim that...
Olga continued her relationship with Nemirovich Danchenko, that they were allegedly lovers. And that the second miscarriage was the result of a pregnancy in which you did not take part.
Yes, I understand what you are talking about.
The thing is, you just asked me about me, I didn't cheat, about another spirit. I can't tell her secrets and what she hid from me without permission. I understand. I need to call her. I can say about myself, I didn't cheat, although I had temptations. Well, such that when I was alone with certain women, they themselves offered to have sex with them.
Now they show how he didn't cheat, well there was never any physical cheating. She will even answer this question, how can I answer without her?
Did you have children? Yes, but I didn't accept them, I didn't know that they even existed. And I wasn't interested? And I didn't know? I didn't know. These were temporary connections. And when did I find out? After the payment. Six souls were incarnated through me. Wow, quite a few. Well, from different women.
And from which women can you tell us?
I didn't even remember their names, it was just a temporary connection, it just shows how they met, and contact happened, and she... Well, someone got rid of them with the help of lechers, and someone gave birth. Well, these were...
4 girls and 2 boys. They show me how his angel consultants are, they show these souls and show them as gender. And as for women, well, they just show me their images, well, it is clear that these are certain souls, they already have other names there and it is clear that all this is visible by energy. Thank you.
We are gradually approaching the final, the final block of questions. Tell me, Pausta, are you planning a new incarnation? There are no such plans yet. It may be too late, precisely in my subjective time. But there are no such plans yet.
Thank you. Yes, I remembered in the letters, you call this process of intimate closeness Tararakhnut, Tararakhnut, what kind of word is that, where did you get it from? Well, it's just a modification of a popular Russian word Well, that is, it's not your invention? No, well, just as a modification Modification, I get it
Yes, one more question. You've been collecting stamps all your life and left behind some gigantic volumes. What kind of hobby is that? Why did you need stamps? Not only did I collect them, they also show some, like cigars, or something. Cigars? Well, like tobacco. He had different varieties there. That is, this hobby came from what I wanted.
to collect a collection in order to show it, how to look through and enjoy what is there. It's just, again, because of the science of imagery, because there were pictures on these stamps. This is again because the science of imagery was a priority in the previous incarnation. That's why he was drawn to these various pictures, they show how he still had books. That is, things like these.
Usually, at the end, we give the audience the opportunity to ask questions that were not included in the main body of our discussion. Can we now? Yes. Dear friends, we have a unique opportunity.
Good evening. Thank you for this opportunity. Here's a question. I have a feeling that at the end of the 20th century and the 21st century, art has degraded. What is your opinion on this? And one more question. As a curator, what exactly do you do? An art curator. And what exactly do you do? What do you do as a curator? Oh, what do you do. So, the first question. Has art degraded, yes? Yes.
There is an inevitable process of changing art depending on the social transformations of society and scientific knowledge and the spiritual level in general. Therefore, you change, the generation of people changes within themselves, art inevitably changes. I do not see here, if you look at it in general...
I don't see degradation here, it's just development. But where it will turn next, of course, depends only on you. There are separate forms, I agree with you here. There are separate forms of art that look very...
negatively and really evoke thoughts of degradation. But I think that one cannot say this about all art in general. This is only about individual directions, but in my time, when I was embodied, there were also directions of art where death and violence were glorified in certain poems and songs. But now, with the development of information technology,
as you already call it, the Internet, video. These types of art can spread, including negative ones. With negative connotations, which carry evil, aggression, destruction, they can spread much faster and to a larger number of people than in my time. There were no such technical means.
We just live in different times, and there is pure, high art, and there is low art, which speaks of unchanging needs, of all sorts of sinful inclinations, and not just speaks, but praises them. And in my time it was. It just wasn't so widespread because it was impossible to spread it due to the lack of technology.
it was the same too.
As for the second question, what I do, I observe the development of the Egregor of Art, I help cleanse it of negative energies by... Inspiration. By contacting people and calling them...
to the release of high energies into this egregor. That is, it is like contacting, but it is like on... already at the level of the egregor. I put my thoughts into this egregor, pure and bright, about how art should serve the development of the human spirit and its happiness and love.
first of all. And my role here is to prompt people who have entered the egregor of art, to mentally prompt them how to get there. Thank you very much. I wanted to clarify, you are not the only curator of this egregor of art? No, there are also many. And can you name anyone else from those who are known to us from their earthly life, who is now curating the egregor of art with you?
It's like 50 52, well yeah, the main ones
So, I, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Pushkin, since he is embodied, then his non-embodied part. Above I. So, who is this?
He shows me faces now in my memory. The thing is, when he tells me a name, but I don't understand who it is, he starts showing me an image now. A kind of tik-tok.
I understand. That is, these are people like actors, writers.
sculptors, composers, artists, who were like all over the world. Well, some of them. I see. Yes. Okay, thank you very much. Dear friends, well, over there at the table, then we'll come back to you. Thank you. Good evening. Sending the light of my love to Irina and the spirit of Anton. Thank you for their presence tonight. The question is this. Anton.
And what incarnations were offered to you, of which did you choose to transform into Chekhov?
Yes, I was offered three incarnations this time, which I chose one on Earth, but the other two were not on planet Earth. One was in a subtle-material civilization on the planet Mercury. Subtle-material is a flat-bottomed civilization, there is the 11th level of density. The second civilization was in a civilization also on another planet.
it is on a planet that is not part of the Interstellar Union that you know, it is quite far from Earth and from the capital of the Interstellar Union, and on it lives a race that you call the reptilian race.
That is, there was a certain body, physical, which I was offered to pay off. There was this 11th level of Mercury density and there was this earthly one, which I paid off in the end. Thank you for choosing us.
Tell me, please, what was the lowest level in this manvantri for you? How did you get there, how long did it take you to get out, in what ways? This is the first question. And the second question. Did you ever become despondent after the death of a loved one? And how did you get out, since you clearly got out at level 21?
Thank you.
it is also not in the galaxy attracted path, but nevertheless it was, as I went out. After that I incarnated several times and I managed to go out from the third level, to show how I incarnated into the subtle worlds to cleanse myself, then reached the tenth level, then in a higher vibrational one.
in a possible world I reached level 12, that is, there was such a series of incarnations.
And only then, after reaching level 12, I returned to humanoid civilizations. Because it was very painful and very unpleasant to go again to the subtle body with those feelings, emotions that I had at level 3. Because there was just a tangle of contradictions, a tangle of grievances, fears, anger, hatred, all these negative emotions and feelings. And the corresponding attitudes.
As for despondency.
Yes, of course, in my last incarnation I felt despondency at a certain period of time after my brother's death, as I already said. I missed him very much and was very despondent because he was young in age. He was a little over thirty years old there. He left the incarnation.
I didn’t live life, I didn’t see, that is, for a long time I couldn’t understand, I resigned myself, I even robbed God, this shook my faith in God, my trust in God.
And at that time I had already begun to show skepticism towards the spiritual world, towards believers, towards the church. And I even said to God to myself, well, I asked Him to save you, I prayed, I went to church, I wrote notes. If you didn't do it, you don't care about my feelings.
And that was the question.
Or maybe you don't exist at all? Maybe you're just an evil invention of people who manipulate people?
This was such a level of knowledge.
How did I get out of this?
only by going through your own path, your own experience.
bit by bit, restoring trust in God.
I have already told you how I continued to dream, see things, and fall into various signs. If someone at that moment had started to dissuade me and say that...
that it's all normal and there's no need to be sad, I just... wouldn't understand, I would even get angry.
most likely because it did not correspond to my vibrations, my feelings at that moment. After all, you know from your own experience that you easily accept what you want to hear.
And I was the same as you. And you yourself were...
in the same body.
And gradually I...
I realized it with the help, of course, of my Higher Self and my Angels, Guardians and my Curators, whom I listed.
I gradually began to understand that this...
everything is temporary, that I will also die, and since I will also die...
There is no need to be sad about someone who has already died, because death is natural. I had thoughts that yes, death is natural for the body, but thoughts about it...
disgusting for a human being.
But then I...
I started thinking about this question and I realized that...
the body is so athletic, it's like a life program.
realized that despite the resistance, it will still die. Yes, your bodies will die too, you need to accept it. That's right, it's normal, it's natural. But before I understood and accepted it, I had to go a long way first. Because at first I turned away from this thought, again with my fears.
inside them, before this state.
and you, if you are honest with yourself and above all with yourself.
You honestly say that yes, your body will die. And this law was created by God.
What if he created the law of death?
And he is Love, which means this law is created from the position of love. It would seem that Feosiya is screaming at your insides, no, death is not Love.
But in fact, if you look from the point of view of the Spirit, death is a release from one position and the introduction of another.
But before I realized this, I had a long way to go.
And how this goes for you depends only on you.
Thank you very much.
I have a question. Still about the original plan to live to 66. It turns out that then you would have caught Russia during such critical periods as the First World War and the October Revolution. What, actually, was your mission at that time? How could you have influenced...
actually, on society and could you be able to change anything at all and one more question, that is, about the disease, that is, was there a chance, at what point did the critical moment come, when it was already impossible to turn back, that is, would it have been possible at some point to change, well, save the body? Yes, I understand. Yes, indeed, in my plan of incarnation, it was envisaged to go through this difficult
a life lesson, for the country where I lived, for its Hegregor, like revolution, war, the First World War, revolution, civil war, these are very difficult lessons. This is a manifestation of national karma, in which I was inscribed as a spirit that takes on a part of it. For the reasons described earlier, I did not go through this. If I had gone through,
I had plans to change. There were certain plans that did not come true. The plans were like this. I would with my art...
I would still contribute with my art, writing, and writing talents.
emergence in people, understanding of what is happening, with the help of stories, epises, I would describe the reality in which I lived at that moment in time. And this would help people to go through their experience more consciously and make fewer mistakes. Because when you yourself make mistakes, you cannot help but see them.
And when you read about them in a book, this other person's experience becomes your own. You start avoiding them. I would write about the most pressing problems of society. Both the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. I think I saw in the timeline an option that I would find contact with any authority.
I would have been useful to them, but I would have continued to write about the problems of the common man, no matter what he was called, communist, capitalist, white, red, it made no difference to me.
And as for whether it could be changed?
Yes, there was such an opportunity, but for this I needed to actively take care of my health instead of going to Sakhalin. Raising my immunity. It shows that going to a sanatorium, a medical institution, to work as a doctor, I understood all this, I understood what was happening anyway.
Naturally, accept and love yourself, your body. Forgive completely.
Mom, Dad, all the women who were in my life, deceived me in some way and naturally ask them for forgiveness, forgive myself for it. That is, there had to be inner peace.
And plus, externally, treatment was needed with the means that were available at that time. There were already certain medicines, drugs. They could be used, but they show more, they use herbs, herbs of treatment. And such peace, peace, walks, such a warm climate, so that there were no additional loads.
Tell me, please, now, looking from the spiritual world, was this trip to Sakhalin worth this sacrifice? We know that as a result of the book you wrote, significant changes really did occur there, which radically changed the situation of the Qataris, medicines appeared, conditions of detention became easier. Yes, I believe that...
it was worth it, because even I interrupted, even in the incarnation 44 years were interrupted, and I did not live there until the end of 22 years. These 22 years in the material world cost the lives and health of many people on Sakhalin itself, because I not only went there, wrote a book about it, I began to write to various authorities.
to make requests to change relations there, to open certain medical institutions there. Moreover, I paid attention to the poor and sick people both in Moscow itself and in the Moscow region, and in Crimea, where I lived. And I began to more actively create various charitable foundations.
take the money I had from them. I even...
The money I received.
from the sale of my books to a certain patron. I began to direct most of this money to the construction of various houses, shelters for the homeless, for children, orphanages, and various hospitals.
When I saw how people live, I was so horrified, but this horror was useful for me, it shook me up, so to speak. It brought me out of this hydonicism.
I'll tell you how he speaks. Guido's attitude to reality. What? Guido Wait, well, you mean to say that before Sakhalin you were characterized by this Guido. Well, he helped too, but this shook me up. I get it. Such a stomas.
a shake-up, because there I saw the suffering of people who have no way to get out of the conditions they found themselves in, this is how the shock caused this, this is the desire to change all this. Okay, thank you, let's wrap it up there, yes, Nikita, the woman has been reaching for the notebook for a long time now.
Fans came to meet you with your plays. A meeting.
Beloved Anton Pavlovich, I have a question. After all, your sister Maria Pavlovna played a big role in your creative work. She was your favorite sister and left a very large legacy after your death. She was engaged in your letters, plays, organizing productions, houses, museums, dachas, in Gagra, in Crimea, in Miskhor.
And it is a well-known fact that Levitan courted her. And you were very friendly with Levitan, as an artist and as a friend. He was always at your dachas. In Babkino, and in Melikhovo, and in Sochi. He spent a lot of time there, painting his landscapes. And he proposed to your sister Maria Pavlovna. He wrote her a letter asking her to respond to the proposal of "Hand and Heart". She showed you this letter.
But after that conversation with Levetan, you remained friends, but he no longer made any attempts to ask for your hand and heart. And all the men who courted you were at your home, apparently painters, playwrights and poets, well, some also courted you, they all were given the resignation. Everyone. And she, in general, lived until she was 93 after you, passing on the legacy, and never got married.
and without building her own woman's happiness, she devoted everything only to your legacy. What can you connect it with? You did not see a worthy match for her, although you loved her very much, like a sister? Yes, of course, I loved her, I protected her, as it turns out, like an older brother. Therefore, with any of her admirers, I spoke as an older brother, and said that I would protect her.
and found out how to show the seriousness of the intention, because she was a very fragile soul, very thin, which could be easily offended, hurt. And I asked there many questions about material, shows security, about moral attitude, about even the past, like dust, or something like that, past relationships with women, because I...
In fact, he didn’t want her, as he protected her from fate.
Poverty. Abandoned women with children or even not abandoned, which is even worse from the fate of their mother, as I already told. She had a difficult relationship with her father, with my husband, with her husband, with my father.
Yes, it’s just that in the photo he speaks very quickly, and sometimes the words are physically delayed.
That's why I was extra cautious and asked him to make up his mind about his feelings before...
take responsibility for this soul, because I considered myself, as a man, responsible for it.
think very seriously, pray to God. And only if you are completely sure, then, as you say, propose.
And even when such a proposal was made, it shows that at first he proposed dating, to date without physical, sexual, or medical relations. Just to date, to get to know each other. And only then, when she herself wants and is ready for a relationship, to enter into it. But that is why I warned that... No, I did not forbid them.
I warned you that I would always be there. And if anything happens...
My friendly relations with this man will not prevent me from defending my sister and her honor. I forgot to ask, have you ever fought in your life? Well, I exclude that incident you told me about.
There is no such positive answer. There were just conflicts, but there was no such answer. Okay. Well, dear friends, I think we have found out everything that... Something...
Oh yeah, we didn't ask that. We also asked about the champagne. What is this mysterious glass of champagne? Because some say you asked for champagne, some say the doctor told you to bring it, supposedly there was a ritual between doctors, when one doctor understood that the other was about to die, he thus, by giving him a glass of champagne, let him know that... No, it's simpler. I felt...
Yes, I got it. Shows heartbeat very strong and such as shortness of breath. Cough and with coughing thrusts blood clots fly out on his clothes. I see this, shows as the last few minutes. Because when you ask about exo-embodiment, he starts to go to me...
transmits memories and emotions. This is inevitable during contact.
here it is like images like this, what he saw himself and what he felt.
I'll try to translate it now, because he has slightly different emotions than I do. Yes, I understand. That is, such fear from not having enough air. Cough. Trying to cough. Pain in the chest. And he shows how he sees blood on his clothes. And he understands that yes, I understand.
that they will not survive this next attack. That is, the understanding that death is right here next to me. Like a living creature that looks at you, and it has a look that makes even the leaves on the tree wither.
She looked at you and your body lost its strength. It felt like that.
I already said that I reached level 21, but I had emotions in my body, and this program "Live". Instinct. I felt fear, but at the same time I felt that it was no longer my fear, but my body. That is, as I said, separation, change of consciousness. I looked at this blood, running around.
shows, well, like a woman, like Olga. And next to him there is some young man, I can see him now. Through his eyes.
I looked at them simply as if from the outside, but at the same time I felt that I was still in the body, but at the same time there was such a detachment.
And I realized that I needed to remove the fear so that I could leave peacefully, without suffering. I realized that it was inevitable, I realized that death was near. I realized that in order to remove the fear, I needed to drink champagne. Because I always loved wine, I loved champagne in companies, and it always removed my fears.
That's exactly a small amount, a glass of Sanban, I felt relaxed, um, calmed down. That is, like a sedative, so to speak.
In general, I was, so to speak, a connoisseur of expensive wines.
Well, in a certain company, over dinner. By the way, he knew a lot about many types of wine. He could even tell by taste where it was grown and what year it was.
And so I resorted to the usual method and asked to give me a glass, that he would simply calm down. I realized that this was a heartbeat, panic, it would not let me calm down, pray to God and accept my inevitable end, my mortal body. And they brought me chances. I asked myself. I am showing now that the hand is giving him a glass, and he does not even see whose it is.
because I only look at the glass, I see my hand, which is shaking, reaching out for the champagne, I understand that I am afraid of missing the glass, but then I still squeeze it so tightly, it seems like I’m about to crush it.
I take a few sips and don't even feel the taste.
I just feel a chill in my throat and stomach from the cold champagne.
And after that I... I show how to sit on the bed. And lie down on your side like this. And someone takes their hands. This glass. And strokes me. I open my eyes and see Olya.
And then I feel a wave of warmth coming from my stomach all over my body. And I start to calm down.
And at the same time I feel that...
My breath, it doesn't give me a lock. I feel like I'm suffocating. But I don't care anymore.
I close my eyes and say, well, I said goodbye to everyone who was in the room. And then someone else came in, they show there, like panic.
I whispered that I was dying, that I loved everyone, well, that's how it was...
thanked, that is, as if whispering, I thank everyone, I love everyone, I leave you, he did not say the body dies, but this is how I die, after that he closed his eyes and thanked God, yes, this life.
asked him, well that is, it shows that this is already like faith, there was already faith that he would meet me, asked him to accept me. After that I began to lose the feeling of the body.
It was a very strange feeling, like you were dissolving.
it's like you're losing your boundaries.
again the fear came back for a while, and I thought, that's it, now I will never be, now I will not be, as if I never existed. Well, I removed this fear by an effort of will, I said, trust God.
And after that I saw a bright flash of light right in front of me, like an explosion, like fireworks. And the next moment I was next to the bed and already looking at my body.
And I looked at myself, I was taller, showing even than my physical body. I was up to the ceiling in height, and I had wings.
And I realized that I can fly. I realized that I can move freely wherever I want.
I looked at my body again and asked myself, did it look like this, does it show blood like this.
blood is flowing from the corner of her lips and on her clothes and shows that this is how the wife cries, that is, she puts her hands down and cries. I looked at my body and asked myself, well, do you want to come back here?
And I feel such disgust and rejection, as if... Now he will ask you, do you want a closed closet? There is an iron lock. You are free. And here they tell you, do you want to live there?
Of course, he said, no, I'll get it, right, Har'? And I immediately feel, like, regret? How else?
Olya, what about mom? She was alive at that moment. What about your sister, those brothers who were like family?
And I have the next one right here, I felt a thought. They will come here too, they are sad about them. I turned around and saw two shining silhouettes that were pulling my hands and saying, "Hello, brother, we are glad to meet you in our eternal home. Come with us, we will show you everything." After that I went with them and found myself on the 21st level, where they lived, because they came for me
dear friends I think this is the best ending of our meeting today Anton Palych let me thank you we send you the light of our love thank you thank you for incarnating with us on earth thank you for everything you did thank you for what you are doing now please don't abandon us well dear friends thank you Ira for the phenomenal
Thank you very much, thank you to the KSIAP project for giving us such a unique opportunity. Thank you for coming. Thank you, dear friends, thank you Igor, thank you to the spirit of Anton Chekhov. It was very interesting for me to convey this information. In my opinion, there were very interesting answers, sometimes unexpected, but they were. I thank the spirit of Anton.
I thank my Higher Self for helping me with this contact, my Curators who called Him, and all of you, every soul who came, honored this spirit with your attention, sent him light. I feel it very much too. I wish you all an increase in your spiritual level and, of course, a happy New Year!